Disinformation and shills

Discussion in '9/11' started by RtWngaFraud, Jun 26, 2011.

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  1. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    And the mods, if you'll read what she wrote.
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    If Alex Jones was a real activist he'd NEVER get on Fox or TV for that matter.
    Real activists don't make up false news stories like FEMA camps, forced sterilization, and O'Bummer taking your guns. You forget one thing. This is the age of Big Brother, govmnt fronts posing as dissidents. Set up an NGO, or some news channel/ web site and lead the parallel organization down a dead end.

    And the way they do it is by creating false news stories and enemies. One story few people would have heard is that J. Edgar Hoover created the Black Panthers so the civil rights and anti-war people would not unite. (Oooh! Black militants scares whitey!) Bohemian Grove is example of Alex diluting/ perverting issues. How can protests/ activists ever know whats happening when Alex has them always looking at the wrong thing?

    (FEMA camps, Mexicans, Bohemian Grove people worshipping a cow, and now he says EVERYTHING is "false flag" including Katrina levee breaks were bombed and the Norway shooter. The Norway shooter! Come on, dude!)
  3. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Same team. Same concept.
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Makedde is a truther, if I recall correctly. At least she was at one time.
  5. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    if you have stopped listenting to him then you are playing their game they want you to play because they have accomplished their goal.dont think FEMA camps are real? better think again.dont know anything about the norway shooter.nuff said,I can see I am not going to get anywhere with you on this,that they got you convinced.
  6. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    FEMA camps .... there you have it, another Jones disciple. Where are these camps and who gets to attend?
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Think about this. How many of Alex Jones shows guests are NeoCons and Establishment Republicans? That should be a RED FLAG right there.

    How many are from the John Birch Society or the asscoiates of Lyndon LaRouche?

    Read the article at wikipedia regarding Lyndon LaRouche and then look at Webster Tarpley in a different light.
  8. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Yeah..some folks fight for truth....others only for the agenda. Alex conveys more truth in 5 minutes than any shill could ever conceive of.
  9. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Alex Jones got his "One World Govmnt" paranoia straight out of the John Birch Society handbook which he grew up reading, and got from his Dad.

    If you recall the politics of the 80's and 90's, John Birch Society meetings on CSPAN warned of the UN taking over the new world order. They were/ are a big collection of nutballs, racists and extremists, also pro-war.

    Other writers claim John Birchers is a CIA front, and other industrialists. This is where Alex Jones took his IMF/immigrant/UN/ Fed paranoia crap from.
  10. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Well the idea of FEMA camps is real.. At least there's legislation there allowing FEMA to run internment camps, which can be used for natural disaster emergencies, a massive influx of refugees or whatever.

    This doesn't mean they have plans to round up innocent Americans and creamate them.
  11. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  12. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  13. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I don't know if you've ever watched Russia Today America news network, but Alex and his lemming followers show up on there. On "Adam versus the Man" and others, they referred to this story as "concentration camps". Again, like the "Obama confiscating guns" story, real journalists don't report on stories until they have ACTUALLY HAPPENNED. Until then, its speculation, or a disaster emergency contingency plan. On Russia Today, Alex Jones still claims as he did on Art Bell so many years ago, that he predicted 9-11, so therefore he is a visionary.That is a lie. Alex stole it from Bill Cooper who was shot by police after he predicted it on his radio show.

    In my opinion, Prison Planet making up news "facts" (like Fox News) is further proof he is an a govmnt agent/ establishment front. Only government agencies make and disseminate propaganda and disinformation programs. Alex's network of lemming "activists" merely provide links to the name nonsense from where it originates Infowars/Propganda Matrix/Veterans Today, etc. Like the Scaife websites World Nut Daily and NewsMax are Republican Party establishment fronts that are fake news and information, designed to elect and reinforce Party dogma, (e.g. - Saddam has nukes, war on terror lies, christian coalition dogma, fears of Islam and Mexicans) in other words, stories that indoctrinate you to be behind the pre-determined Republican Party platform, leading you to water and making you drink, so to speak.

    Also the IMF and FED banking regulators stories that are constantly mentioned by Prison Planet are always over emphasized and misreported. Like they are some mysterious evil entities lurking in the shadows or are some nefarious organization in and of themselves. Each govmnt dept. only represents the interests of those in power. Like the CIA, these departments take orders and direction are accountable to elected officials responsible for the policy and oversight.

    A real activist site would focus on elected officials in charge of such issues whether its drone strikes, banking scams, and focus more on real "stop the war" slogans/signs/t-shirts/ flyers/demonstrations/ etc. instead of selling spooky DVD's about Bohemian Grove, and rehashing the same old "9-11 is and Inside Job" jargon.

    Why does Alex Jones not say "stop the war" on his shirts /websites/DVD's when the Iraq War was obviously a more serious war crime with 1.5 million casualties?

    The answer is: because Alex is a fake, and a front.
  15. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    What evidence do you have of this? Please cite your poll or other scientific evidence that support your claim.
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    What more evidence can you ask for but the Prison Planet/Infowars website itself?

    You can go there and read the archives about all the BIRTHER CRAPPOLA(was he or wasn't he born in America):rolleyes:That is unless they haven't purged the archives into the memory hole like Google and Yahoo delete their stories as soon as the next day, so they can't get called on their streaming piles of lies! Go to CBS/FOX/CNN and read the same birther garbage. Don't you see how all the corporate media has betrayed us? Alex is the same as them. The Detroit city paper betrays the teachers during a layoff, after they get screwed, by not speaking up for them, the same way Alex Jones ignores them. Maybe Alex Jones scapegoated the teachers like Glenn Beck, I don't recall. After MSNBC had Donald Trump on all day for two weeks straight in April, the TV media had lost all credibility. By May 1, everyone thought the Bin Laden killing photos were bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Why is the photo with his back to you? Because its fake! MSNBC has Al Sharpton now, what quality. Rachel Madcows novelty has worn off anyway now that she is a pro-war shill for Afghanistan. So Alex Jones does nothing original you see unless you need to fear on a daily basis moreso than the lamestream media offers. Can't get enough fear of Mexicans, Islam, George Soros, Obama from Fox News? Go to Prison Planet for more fake news stories.
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I've heard many lectures broadcast on Pacifica Radio. Try listening to Michael Ruppert lectures on You Tube. Zwicker himself is a very thorough and humble journalist and bears no grudge. He too seems to be a lefty. But is Chomsky?

    Again from Barrie Zwicker:

    "A surprisingly large number of Left/ radical / alternative / non-establishment media outlets - most of them, in fact - have adopted the same stance on 9/11 as Chomsky: refuse to investigate 9/11, and discourage and ridicule those who do. Most wind up using the familiar "wacky conspiracy theorists" putdown to describe others on the Left who want to discuss the evidence of an inside job on 9/11. The almost total uniformity within the media (of all political alleged political persuasions) in sync with the White House is more puzzling. In other cases, the Left media pursue questions of malfeasance on the part of the power elites, including some conspiracies such as Iran-Contra."

    "Individuals and media outlets that have exhibited this stay-away-from 9/11 stance, entirely or in large part, for more than four years now include David Corn and The Nation; Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!; Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political Research Associates in Somerville, Massachusetts; David Barsamian of Alternative Radio; Michael Albert of Z Magazine; Alexander Cockburn , Norman Solomon, The Progressive, Mother Jones, Alternet.org; Global Exchange; PBS; South End Press; Public Research Associates' FAIR / Extra; Counterspin; Columbia Journalism Review; Deep Dish TV working Assets; Molly Ivins; Ms Magazine; Inter Press Service; MoveOn.org; Greg Palast; David Zupan; Northwest Media Project ...."

    "POSTSCRIPT: In preparing this book, I contacted Chomsky well in advance and asked him if he would respond to a few questions. No response was received."

  18. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    "Crappola"...dive right into ridicule, why don't you? Glad you can be objective, and have no obvious agenda.
  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    How many hours and hours of TV/radio airtime was devoted to this non-story over the course of the last three years? How much space was wasted on news websites on a non-story like the birther issue simply because Republican Party and government operatives wanted to disparage the man in the WH or at least as a way for the media to distract away from more serious reporting on wars, casulaties, health care, economy, and all forms of government waste/ abuse stories like Patriot Act spying/scapegoating and entrapment?

    And the censorship comes on both sides of the media, I always admit it, and I am non-partisan. I was one of the first people to speak up when Jesse Ventura's 9-11 story was censored from the Huffington Post.

    If anyone has an agenda, its the Republican Party operatives like Alex Jones who waste so much space on the birther issue when his true motivation is to sell DVD's, get subscriptions, and get you to register/ vote Republican.

    Alex Jones is always going down the laundry list of GOP race-baiting tactics
    (i.e. - Mexicans, Arabs and Blacks) should be dedicating himself to serious investigative journalism, gathering facts, practicing responsible reporting or retracting bad stories, and cite sources. He should report rather than spin, if he wants to be treated with same respect as so called "objective" people. Instead, he parrots the same old lines on Prison Planet about the WTC Mosque, the Kenyan in the WH, and immigration fears.

    He uses the same buzzwords "IMF," "the Fed," and "One World Govmnt" over and over again to instill fear and push the emotional buttons of his readership. Alex should be examining this issues further or putting some new reporting into it, investigating these issues instead of just "making the dog salivate" (you). For these reasons, Alex is not a real beacon for "Truth" as he always claims to be.
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "The Alex Jones radio show seems to be an electronic vacuum cleaner that publishes virtually any claim regardless of whether there is real evidence or not. Some of the hoaxes pushed by this show include his claim that Gary Webb was stalked by government agents on his balcony before he was supposedly murdered (in reality: there wasn't a balcony on his house and his family is convinced he really did commit suicide). "

    Other great Jones hoaxes include

    •support for key elements of the "planesite" film, his efforts to give them credibility

    •promotion of the Stanley Hilton lawsuit (the only named plaintiff bases his legal strategy to sue the Bush administration on his being fired from Nieman Marcus department store for passing out anti-war literature). Mr. Hilton used to be an assistant to Senator Bob Dole.

    "Infowars was pushing this long after a lot of people proved 1000% this was a hoax. In early May 2004, the 9/11 Truth Alliance list had a photo posted to it by a member that clearly showed the "pod" was a myth, a bad joke - a photo that wound up on the cover of "In Plane Site" (a "coincidence" that the movie's makers not attempted to discuss in their pathetic refutations of the extensive reviews by the 9/11 truth movement -- there is no innocent explanation for that).

    "Infowars is many things, but "balanced" is not one of them. Perhaps they are merely gullible, incompetent and a patsy for cointelpro disinformation (if they are sincere). People making a couple of mistakes that are corrected is one thing -- but systematically promoting hoaxes and lending credibility to people making up nonsense that is used to discredit us is not acceptable, even if they have nice rhetoric.

    "It is a common tactic for the government media spin machine to misdirect people's attention by getting them excited about one aspect of an issue, then later bring out evidence to debunk that aspect and thus tarnish the credibility of the entire subject.

  21. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    No...your local news is much more revealing. Lots of good information comes from Alex and his crew. You should try listening sometime, rather than sweeping generalizations about things you know not anything about.
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Alex Jones is a lame disinfo agent. But you can't tell the difference cause you're a sheeple.
  23. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    "officially", or unofficially?
  24. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Another example of Alex Jones being a disinfo agent is the tactics he used to attack Wikileaks and Julian Assange by saying continually at websites that Julian was some kind of government agent in order to smear him.

    It is just incredible that Alex Jones would try to discredit Wikileaks just as revelations by Assange hit newstands.

    "It is now obvious Wikileaks is an intelligence operation and its frontman Julian Assange is a useful idiot. The latest round of documents are like the worst sort of neocon propaganda in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003"

  25. 10aces

    10aces New Member

    Apr 20, 2011
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    Pretty much everyone on talk radio is in it for the money.

    IMO, the ones who earn the most, are the ones putting out the propaganda.

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