' Jewish Loyalty Oath ' threatens America

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by moon, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Another country?

    It seems that the USA has become a province of Israel.

  2. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    What do you mean?

    Jehovah punished every country that did not close an eye on the crimes of the "chosen"?
  3. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm not going to deny support to the Nation of Israel--The ONLY civilized people in that location in the world. They want peace, they've given up land or offered to give up land to get that and it was refused by their enemies. They endure the irrational hatred of people all over the world.. Satan is hard at work in his goal to destroy the Jews.
  4. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Here is the letter it is a unity pledge not a loyalty pledge:


  5. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Are there still people in the American government who are not Israel Firsters?

    Israeli Prime Minister got 29 standing ovations in the American congress!

    Only Brezhnev got more standing ovations in a Communist Party meeting!

  6. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Would Jews accept a "unity pledge" to Christian values in the USA?
    Do Jews in the USA accept that America is a Christian state and that America must preserve its Christian Character?


    But you and your Zionists buddies openly deny the Nakba!

    What to Khazars - why are some Jews so ashamed of their Khazar ancestry?

    Why are most Zionists on the one hand "wanna be Semites", and on the other hand hate real Semites, speak Palestinians?

    How can you explain this psychological phenomenon?
  7. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Predictably your interpretation of the letter and its intent has absolutely nothing to do with reality and anyone willing to open the original Haaretz article or read the letter can clearly see that. The only objective the letter pursued was to avoid turning Israel into a partisan/wedge election issue. The letter was written to protect the Democrats and Obama against accusations that their support of Israel is weak. That's exactly why conservative/pro-republican jewish organizations rejected the letter, they know full well they can hammer the Democrats big time with this issue during this election cycle.
  8. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    :mrgreen: Shoosh, you're not supposed to notice.

    Have a look around folks. ' The Doctor ' is already blurting ' antisemitism ! ' and Borat wants you to think that banning criticism of Israel in America is good for the Republican party .
  9. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    I care. A lot. Your response demonstrates that you too, care. Besides are there any 'Islamo-fascists' or 'Jew baiters' resident on this forum? I don't know of one. Perhaps you might enlighten me so I can add them to 'ignore'. Thanks.
  10. The Judge

    The Judge New Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2008
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    The republican party seems to feel that banning criticism of Israel is good for Israel. Never mind America.
  11. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I wouldn't go that far, but it's definitely not very practical.
  12. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Judaism is an ethnicity not just a religion, is Germany not a German state?

    A refugee crisis versus a systematic genocide.

    Because it's a lie perpetrated by neo-Nazi swine and Islamo-fascist scum in order to delegitimize the Jewish blood ties to the land of Caanan.

    It's easily explainable in that it is a bold faced lie that modern Jews are descended from Khazars and you have been shown this numerous occasions through the several genetic studies conducted on the subject and yet your persist because it is abundantly clear that you are an anti-semite and quite sure at the very least a white nationalist if not an outright member of the Nazi party.
  13. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Moon, Abu, and Art to name but three.
  14. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    rather be buddies with Israel than any of the other countries in that region. Israel and the USA are allies, get over it. im sure you wouldnt be screaming this nonsense if we pledged our allegiance to Palestine now would you? hell no of course you wouldnt.
  15. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    we wouldnt have had a 911 or the stupid airport security crap and maybe gas would be .66 a gallon.

    either way, i would trust a muslim with a gun over a zionist with a pen, any day of the week
  16. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    not gonna happen

    it is at its worst right now.

    and I personally see israel's pursuits of the mount as the one of the greatest detriments to mankind across the board

    the use of hypocracy, theology driving oppression, violence and the divide of mankind over a belief, is what will cause ww3.

    Bottom line; just as the old works render, the lands will be returned to thickets............... and it is the bigots that created the environment to do it
  17. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    lol now 9/11 is the jews fault also? i sure as hell dont remember any jews piloting those planes.

    just because jews dont see things your way doesnt make them more dangerous than muslims. hell look what muslims do to their own people just to create a shock factor, i dont see jews blowing themselves up in crowded areas to kill their own.

    more like if muslims werent psycho we wouldnt have had 9/11 and no wars would be in their regions.
  18. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    An american jew should be loyal to america.

    And the jews that are honest enough to discount the pursuits of israel by using the eyes of compassion; I love you!

    The reason; they must be honest with themselves with the eyes of compassion, over the quest of being accept by the people of their sect.

    pigs use guilt to pressure people.

    I like it when people make the quality choice over believing they are chosen
  19. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    the divide of islamic wingnuts and the west is fueled by the oppression of america supporting the sissies in palestine.

    the whole world sees the concentration camp (gaza)
    they are by far more dangerous

    ie.... they can lie and create false pretenses that dont exist. For example; it was israelis intelligence that created the idea that Iraq (saddam) had weapons of mass destruction.

    it is them bigots that have people believing, that islam is trying to take over the world

    wow........... just because they dont have the yahoos of such self sacrafice, dont mean them pigs are not terrorist.

    What they did in the 20's, 30's and 40's alone to the brittish for not allowing the mass migration of zionist into palestine, shares unequivocally that they are the original terrorist of the middle east divide.

    And like i said, it is the pen, that created the idea that they no only had a right, but people have no idea that it was that zionist pursuit that is the cause and creation of israel. They blew up cruise liners full of jews on the beaches of gaza to make sure no one could turn them back. They even blew up the king david hotel not to mention, the first use of the very term terrorism was for the zionist.

    now you are proof of how dangerous that pen is; you have been made ignorant of the other side of the argument.

    if i told you the very reason they want jeruselem (israel) is because per their religion, they must rebuild the temple of solomon, rebuild the alter and then sacrafice lambs for their messiah to come, would it just (*)(*)(*)(*) you off?

    I am tellling you facts.

    zionism is that very pursuit of zion (the mount and house of..... )

    these are what is real
  20. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    of course it is, Islamic nutballs are pissed we arent on their side to eradicate the jews and make them muslim slaves. Jews and Islam have been at each others throat since Muhammed decided to create a new religion.

    go cry about it, we got Israels back and rightfully so. the last thing this country wants is psycho pals like Hezbollah or Hamas. we deal with enough BS from being friends with the Saudi's crazy asses and their Islamic BS as well. we dont need anymore friends in extremely low places.

    lol concentration camp? you are actually gonna act like they have had it anywhere near as bad as the Jews did in the real concentration camps? please dude the only people that make Gaza the way it is is those psycho muslims who would rather spend money to make martyrs, buy bombs and shoot them from within their own crowd to make Israel retaliate. even if the Jews disappeared tomorrow the psycho muslims of that region would just blow themselves up for another reason and make their people suffer some more.

    it seems to be the nature of muslim ran countries.

    uh huh, and it was an Iraqi man who made up the lie that had us go over to Iraq after 9/11. it wasnt a Jew who did that, it was an Iraqi informant. stop blaming the jews for someone elses screw up.

    yeah and the constant waring the muslims cause and very much seem to love, the constant death we see coming from them and all those lovely awesome preacher type dudes spreading the message of islam taking over the world. i guess you dont pay attention to france or other stories about how muslim populate an area and demand their bull(*)(*)(*)(*) sharia law eh?

    Israel is nothing compared to what muslims do on a daily basis. the only mistake jews or anyone made was putting them in a muslim ran region. muslims hate anyone but their own religion having any pull in their areas.

    thats all this is about. if jews converted to islam tomorrow and still bombed hamas and hezbollah they wouldnt be hated as much.

    why dont you look in the mirror when you call someone a terrorist. for christ sakes muslims love killing their own people for nothing but a shock factor and to somehow blame it on the jews. get over it.

    dude Islam has been terrorizing since its inception, they been dividing everyone since they came about.

    the Jews didnt write ahything in, the UN did to let them back to their home that was their first long before Islam was created.

    and yeah the jews have done some bad things, but its nothing in comparison still to Islam. Islam, where no baby is safe from some psycho suicide bomber.

    no i just dont agree with your point of view that muslims are the most peaceful thing in the world and Jews are the most evil. sorry, no wait im not sorry, that i dont have an ounce of support for Islam until they decide to grow the hell up and atleast fight like men and not the bunch of cowards they truly are.

    you know, if muslims actually took the fight to the people that can fight back and stop blowing up women and babies on purpose in the name of their jacked up religion then i might think differently. but as for right now, i just see muslims in that region as a bunch of looney bins who have no true regard for life. if they all fell off the face of the earth tomorrow i wouldnt be real sad about it.

    lol id rather see them sacrifice an animal than have a bunch of psycho muslims killing people for even daring to deny their god and child loving muhammed.

    seriously dude, as bad as animal sacrifice can be as i see it as a disgusting act and wont support the action for anyone..... its still safer than a psycho muslim these days.

    just ask yourself, animals being sacrificed by jews or babies and women being sacrificed by muslims just to make the body count larger????

    who are you calling the animals again?
  21. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    quite the opposite. Muslims have saved more jews from death, than christian ever have (with an exception perhaps over the last 100 yrs)

    today is today. Just because a crazy religious wingnut, hated jews in ww2 dont mean, jews deserve to fence in muslims and take their homes and lands

    shut up.... gaza exists because bigots took their property based on a religious pursuit and them refugees are not as weak as the ignorant to just roll over and accept it. Have you ever watched the movie "Red Dawn'? I would be a wolverine too!
    you apparently didnt watch the bush representation about how israel intelligence is what offered the US its information (and i aint going to dig it up)

    I watched it with my own 2 eyes

    muslims require personal responsibility. For example; you misleading and of false witness, would perhaps get your head cut off.

    i kind of like the idea of absolution to the irresponsible!
    bull............ converting aint their aim. Again, it is personal responsibility is the requirement of muslims and you can have any belief you want, and of any religious ideology you want; just dont break the rules of being responsible.

    Sure they are nuts toward covering women as they believe women has a control over man's weakness to procreate. Which is true on many fronts; the west has a huge 'rape' problem. They dont have criminals walking who can commit the crimes that many other cultures allow.
    truth is a terror to idiots, be certain of that

    the catholic missionaries were and have always been the rudest terrorist on this earth

    islam aint about converting. I liken the islamic wars like the Alexander the Great, style; you can be as you were but will follow the basics of personal responsibility and rules of authority, or be wiped out.

    Alex was cool that way and it is perhaps why he was considered the greatest conquer ever. He allowed people to have their beliefs, just as muslims do, but the rule of law is based on each being responsible for their actions.

    here in the west, money can buy a person freedom and in israel, it is your religious view that is the foundation of who is right and who is wrong

    now you a living another lie. You are directly suggesting that the biggots have rights to that property simply because of a religious belief. That is like the north american indians get america back, if they have enough force to impose their rights.

    any idiot that follows beliefs over having the empathy for human beings

    ie.... if you believe the pigs of israel have a right to take and oppress palestinians because their religion tells them it is so

    remember, it was hitler that murdered the jews of ww2, it was not palestinians, so the idea that because they were oppressed in ww2 does not mean they have a right to palestine

    and if you think the religious quest gives them their right, and are willing to see people murdered based on it, then you are no better.

    i hate liars and idiots; dont be one of them simply because your pride is hurt.

    i will step on your pride like a grape
  22. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Loyalty oaths worked for Hitler and Grover Norquist. They are a time-honored tradition. Why shouldn't they be used by the Israelis?
  23. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Then let the jews that are americans move to israel rather than be americans and loyal to israel over america.

    AIPAC is that EXACT atrocity to the american congress
  24. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    The loyalty oath is to create a legal loophole whereby the Israelis can expel more Palestinians.
  25. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I've been in favor of that ever since Irving Kristol started the neocon movement. Or was it Lev Bernstein? I forget.

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