Kazikli Bey
Last Activity:
Aug 25, 2013
Jun 30, 2008
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Jun 20, 1990 (Age: 34)
Rick's Cafe
Putting up with people

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Kazikli Bey

New Member, 34, from Rick's Cafe

Kazikli Bey was last seen:
Aug 25, 2013
    1. Kazikli Bey
    2. Locke9-05
      Very cool.
    3. Locke9-05
      Who's that lovely person in your avatar?
    4. Locke9-05
      Yeah, I finally decided to make the jump. It's a hard one, man. I still can't believe PFUSandWorld was shut down. I don't know how active I'll be on here. But hey, who knows?
    5. FRYandBENDER
      Yeah, things are going pretty well. I started the new job and so far I like it a lot. Good luck on your exams.
    6. FRYandBENDER
      Whats up man? I haven't spoken to you in a while. Just wondering what was up. I hope you're doing well.
    7. Shiva_TD
      I oppose deficit spending except in the case of extreme national emergency such as WW II. We have not had such an emergency since WW II so I can find no justification for any deficit budgets in the last 60 years.

      As for Afghanistan, we should never have invaded as there was no justification. The relationship of Osama bin Ladin to the attacks of 9/11 has never been established (i.e. there isn't even a criminal indictment against bin Ladin for the attacks of 9/11) and is based upon allegation and not facts. Terrorist attacks are a criminal matter and should be addressed as such. We also know that the attacks of 9/11 were not planned in Afghanistan but in Kuwait and were overwhelmingly carried out by Saudi Arabians and not by Afghani citizens and we know that the Taliban, the legal government of Afghanistan at the time, was not involved in any way in the attacks. So you tell me what justification we had for invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the legal government of that country.
    8. Shiva_TD
      Obviously I didn't vote for Obama (or McCain) but I do consider him the "lessor of two evils" in this election. My concern is that he won't realize that the national debt is the elephant in the living room. His agenda promises an increase in the national debt by over $3 trillion. I do support his plans to get out of Iraq but we should also get out of Afghanistan and other foreign nations including Germany and S Korea. His willingness to talk with "our enemies" is promising. Sort of my opinion in a nutshell.
    9. Lex Talionias
      Lex Talionias
      think my old handle was "Sirhc"
    10. Lex Talionias
      Lex Talionias
      hey man, do you know what happend to worldpoliticalforum? the place just closed down & i have no idear why.

      (im assuming ur the Kazikli Bey who was a member of worldpoliticalforum)
    11. tresha
    12. Joe Castro
      Joe Castro
      yeh man, i was in a debate with WEB were he claimed Bush didnt steal the election in florida. I said he was either stupid or a liar and it went on a downwards spiral from there
    13. Joe Castro
      Joe Castro
      I have no idea wot happened, i was banned that long ago lol But its easy to believe. The entire net seems to be overrun by them these days
    14. Joe Castro
      Joe Castro
      Aloha comrade. How you doing?

      Joep182 from the old place :)
    15. frodly
      Ya, it isn't your mistake. It is the mistake of whoever made the cards originally. Julius Caeser was made dictator for life, which gave him a great deal of power. But not emperor the way we think about it.
    16. italian_ice
      I've been pretty good man, how about you? I've gotten used to life as a plebeian again. :mrgreen:
    17. Leesha
      I dont even remember all of the dwarfs! Its been YEARSSSSSSSSSSSS since ive seen snow white. I should go rent it with my daughter, lol, that way people will think shes the one watching it ;)

      I would probably have to say Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, or maybe Belle
    18. Leesha
      Hmm. that is a tough one. It is hard for me to pick favorites.
    19. Leesha
      I guess when you lived by it your whole life you get kinda sick of it after a while, but i do still love all the old characters.
    20. Leesha
      Oh, and, my dad is fine now :)
    21. Leesha
      HAHA, i LOVE NY, Disney is played out. I was born in Orlando.
    22. Leesha
      My dad had a heart attack.

      I was born and raised in florida. My fiance was born and raised in Cantenbury, Australia. I live in NY, im about 5 hours or so away from Boston though.
    23. Leesha
      I would if I could. She lives in boston and I am in FL until Jan. So by the time I get there this whole thing will be way played out.
    24. Leesha
      I still can. I might try get her to join my website then poke some more fun at her :twisted:
    25. Leesha
      Eh, I already (*)(*)(*)(*)ed with her for a couple of days now. I am getting kind of bored with her :bored:
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  • About

    Jun 20, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Rick's Cafe
    Putting up with people
    Marital Status:
    Too awesome for other people
    Real Name:
    Le Comte de Saint-Germain
    I once owned a tarantula, but had to get rid of it when people found it friendlier than me.
    The difference between boredom and hunger is how full your fridge is.
    Country flag:
    State/region flag:
    au south australia
    I hate you all. Go die in a hole.

    Sleeping, gaming, going out with friends, women


    (In case you don't realise, this is sarcasm)I make too much money to be eligible for government handouts. I feel I'll be taxed into poverty. (In case you didn't realise, this is sarcasm)