Read your post about Batman and thought it was really well thought out and put together. It is just too (*)(*)(*)(*) dissappointing that threads like this that actually require people to think about and understand a topic often end up ignored and tossed aside in favor of threads that require little more than a one line insult to the opposing party. Here's to hoping this one doesnt end up like that! :)
Hat. happy new year..TRON legacy has to be the best film since revenge of the sith...yes it's better than all the batman films and marvel films in my opinion. I waited a long time for this film and it paid off. I've seen it two times on Imax 3D...well worth it...Now if you aren't tron fan like me, you won't get it. I'd say about 80% of the audience probably never seen the first one because they didnt react to the old jokes or lines. Its an instant scifi classic!!
Hi Hat! I like your view on family life. Do you have any tips on homeschooling? Is there a certain type of plan you and your wife stick to? Thanks. :)
Hello. Help me out with your questions about trolling. I want to get a better understanding of how you see it. Thanks Hat:) Mauri
Dear Hat ! Please help and post your support for Mauri Juiju-Freedom as a new mod for Religion Sub-Forum!
lol. that's a good take on it man. well, I have a different take on it, so I'll let you know when I post my review..I didn't think it was anything about that. But yes it won, because the academy loves Cameron and they love to kiss ass.
cool. well, avatar got best director and best drama film at the golden globes..I cannot believe it man. first time ever a scifi film gets best drama film..things are changin..
Hey Hat..sorry about ur wife and kid again...Well, I couldn't find the CW on Blue Ray anywhere..season 1. I had to order it and it's not here yet..And the new episode Landing at point rain was absolutely the best ever! Ki adi mundi is amazing..How about you?