The Rise of the Far Right In Europe

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by upside-down cake, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    But why should we stop people from getting here? It doesn't really cost anything, if anything it's slightly beneficial for the economy. No social problems are created by immigration as such, but rather by poverty etc.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    What is wrong with nationalism?

    Some of the greatest composers worked at a time when nationalism was sweeping through Europe.

    Surely you can't argue with Wagner's epicness, or Chopin's powerful symbolism -- so powerful, in fact, that a century later the Nazis outlawed his music!

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    Are you kidding?

    One of the reasons why racism has such an historical presence the US is because of diversity. When you take a bunch of strangers from different countries and shove them into the same little area, there is going to be friction. It's human nature!

    I can bet that most people who have an idealized view of race relations grew up and live in an area with minimal diversity.

    Wake up!

    You can't change human nature anymore than you can convince a hungry lion to forsake meat for veggies. (Maybe that's the difference between a liberal and a cpnservative -- the former tries to change human nature, whereas the latter accepts it.)
  4. TopCat

    TopCat New Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    The animals went in two by two, but the Marxists can't accept that. Of course the Real, cynical Marxist knows full well that men are not created equal and exploits the ideology of envy, hate and bitterness in order to seize power. Race is a part of that. Mass immigration is a pure divide and conquer strategy. They WANT friction and division. It's essential for the Marxist to break down the various structures that unite people (race being one of them). But it will never work. There's always been homogeneity, with or without the nation state. A couple of hundred years of hate filled pseudo intellectual scribbling by rabble-rousers is not going to change human nature.

    Bohemian bourgeois middle-class whites. Look at Nick Clegg. What on earth is somebody like this doing "representing" the working class and ethnic minorities. Likewise, do you think that the people at the BBC and Guardian would ever live in Peckham or East St. Louis? Easily duped useful idiots to the very last.
  5. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    You don't think the slavery and separation laws could have had some kind of effect?

    It's the opposite in my experience. Those who support these anti-immigration policies are mostly from isolated villages, small towns or areas with few immigrants in general.

    That's why we all still live in kingdoms, spending our time farming crops for our local lord, worshipping the almighty magical God, and looking out for forest goblins and hill giants. And that parents are deciding who you should marry is obviously the best (and only) way of doing things. It's just what's natural.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    1.) Slavery has been around since the beginning of civilization, and probably even before. (This actually proves my point.)

    2.) You have experience living in isolated villages and small towns? Or did you mean to say that you have experience reading articles written by leftists meant to stereotype and caricaturize people in small towns?

    Why does New York City have a Chinatown, or a Little Italy?

    Like I said, people are territorial creatures. It's been to our species' evolutionary advantage to be wary of outsiders, perceived or otherwise.

    3.) Which is more ironic -- you being an atheist who denies evolution and the human animal, or me being a theist and acknowledging it?
  7. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    1. Not necessarily based on race, though. When it has, it's just been a way to secure the power of the slave masters further. Places that have had things like slavery, apartheid or foreign occupation recently have higher racism (a bad economical situation can also contribute).
    2. I base this on conversations I've had on the internet, interviews on TV and things I've heard from friends, as well as statistics of where the support for our main anti- immigration party is biggest (they show that there is no correlation between their support and the number of immigrants in the area (so I have to take back my previous statement there, I was wrong), but that their support is much bigger in lightly populated areas (10-30%) and next to none in bigger cities (2-5%)).
    3. Totally off topic.

    There was a huge racism towards jews in Europe in the 1930-40s, which can be traced far back in the medieval ages (when it was probably created on religious grounds). That disappeared after WW2, and is now non- existent. This shows that hostility between ethnic groups of people, even when dating far back, can disappear. If you have any historical example or scientific study that suggests otherwise you can post it.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    We're not talking (only) about racism here. We're talking about the fact that people with differences generally dislike and disrust each other, which is why immigrants in any country are generally met with hatred.

    And, unlike you, I have lived -- and still live -- in small towns in the US. I also spent time living in NY and St. Louis. I can assure you that city folk are far nastier about immigration and race.
  9. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Then why is the hostility directed so specifically towards muslims, and not, for instance, asians?

    It is quite possible that Sweden and the US are different at that point.
  10. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I'm not sure what you mean. I don't think nationalism is wrong, but I don't like Extremism cloaked as Nationalism.

    I also don't think Nationalism has anything to do with good music.
  11. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Nationalism is wrong. Nationalism is stupid. Nationalism is like having pride of being beautiful. Nonsense. Having pride of being born in a place.

    Nationalism has no sense. Only divides people.
  12. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    It depends on what you see as the nation. I see what you mean and agree. I think some people have an eccentric love of their state, but to me nationalism, like patriotism, is about love and pride of your people. I think there's a distinct divide between people and their governments.
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    If your country really stinks, then yes, I would agree.
  14. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    At least the British National Party is declining precipitously and it will field only 90 candidates in local elections across England next month, compared to 450 four years ago, and the traditional far right is no longer a threat to democracy. But the Tories are vulnerable to the challenge of Ukip and they could lose 600 shire seats by the anticipated voter revolt in "true blue" Tory shires as Ukip support has continued to grow and 17 per cent of voters now support the Eurosceptic party.

  15. Munqi

    Munqi New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
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    I knew that there are people like you in Sweden but now that i actually see what you're saying its very hard to believe that this isnt some kind of a joke.. How can anyone be as clueless as you? How old are you? ;o

    It is simply beyond my capacity to understand how someone can take so lightly the massive social changes that are happening in your country, although the fact that you used expressen as a source certainly explains something. But hey, keep putting your head in the sand. If this goes on for another 10 years then at that point even people like you will have to face reality.

    So long as you remember that no one considers Sweden a model country anymore. Mostly people see sweden as a wierd north korea of political correctness. Personally, i hope that it takes atleast 10 years for the sweden democrats to win an election. If they win the next time then people like you might not have to take responsibility for what you've done.
  16. Sixteen String Jack

    Sixteen String Jack New Member

    Apr 17, 2013
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    Since when is UKIP a Far Right party?
  17. TopCat

    TopCat New Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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  18. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Even expressen looks pretty good next to a random blog.

    I have already explained why immigration isn't a problem economically. Also, as I've already said, if you have any at least somewhat reliable source (not blogs or avpixlat that is) backing up your claim that the evil muslims are somehow destroying the country (which I for some reason suspect you believe) or creating social problems of a different type than the ones any religion typically causes you can feel more than free to post it (I am yet to be presented such source). I would also like you to answer the unanswered questions I've asked. Then we can talk.
  19. Munqi

    Munqi New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
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    And as far as the economic side of the issue is concerned: Its not a "problem" in the sense that businesses do like cheap labour very much. But it might be a problem to middle class people who have to work half of their lives slave labor for the government so that muhammed doesnt have to pay for his own services.

    Some day its going to be a relative of yours that gets raped by an immigrant. I hope you're willing to accept that.
  20. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    I did some research. It's difficult to compare statistics like this between different countries, due to that the definition of, for instance, a rape, can vary a lot. Here do for instance a group rape count once per "participant", while it counts just once in many other countries, and things that would count as a molestation elsewhere is defined as a rape here. Other countries do apparently sometimes not even count all rapes a person have committed in their statistics, but only the most recent one. Taking that into consideration, Sweden is at around EU average, or just slightly above. And, as said, the percentage is not higher amongst immigrants if social situation is taken into consideration.

    Here's some info, if you can read Swedish or have access to someone who can (or don't mind using google translate):

    This link says nothing about who is committing these crimes. It could just as well be neo-nazis judging from this link, but lets assume it's anti-israelic muslims that are behind most of it. Hatred on religious or political grounds happens. Islam is no different from other religions in this aspect. If lots of american christians came here we would get attacks on homosexuals and abortion clinics instead. This is very unfortunate, but what can you do other that having better security?

    Around 15% of all immigrants are unemployed, yes. But taking into consideration that, for instance, one in every three doctors are immigrants I don't really think that the total tax money received from immigrants could be much lower than the total cost for their health care and so on. Even if it's an over all cost, that cost is most likely lower than the cost of, for instance, old people. And, as I've said, we will have a shortage of young people in the near future, when more people get retired. Immigrants are also more likely to start up business, as I have already said. It's by the way more expensive to have a child born, educated and fed here before he or she can start working than having a person ready to work moved here.

    A majority of rapes are committed by a person the victim are familiar with in the home of one of them. I should be more concerned about my relatives making new acquaintances.
  21. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Unless your policies come from the Marxist handbook you're far right these days. They just love using these terms so unknowing people wont take a look at them, labels to silence the weapon of the cultural marxist.
  22. Munqi

    Munqi New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
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    No Swedish rape statistics are not EU average. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe. And no, jews dont have to be afraid to walk the streets everywhere. Only in malmö (there must be alot of neo nazis there). Try to understand this now: your media is lying to you. Its using dumb people like you to get its twisted goals.

    Some day you're going to wake up to reality, but i suspect that it'll be too late by then. The good thing i guess is that i'll never have to listen to another lesson on how sweden is the greatest place on earth. No one is saying that now and never will again.
  23. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Not if you take into consideration that different countries create these statistics in different ways. As I've said. Are you even reading? I suggest that you drop that ball unless you can post a serious, unbiased source saying otherwise.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything. Not at all! But you cannot blame every single one belonging to a certain religion collectively for something most of them aren't even related to. The police should work against and prevent the creation of criminal racist individuals and organizations, not punishing groups of people for something someone else has done.

    Maybe, instead, you should stop listening to conspiracy theories on random blogs.

    As usual...

    Well, the Scandinavian countries are much better to live in than most other countries. Look, we're topping the list of the most democratic countries in the world:
    And our standard of living is very high as well:
    And we're also amongst the happiest:
    Or is The Economist part of the conspiracy as well?
  24. Munqi

    Munqi New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
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    The idea that sweden is the most democratic society on earth is hilarious -,-

    Im not gonna bother with the rest. I'll just say that im glad that you're doing this. Really, i mean that. For the last 50 years sweden has been the symbol of the success of progressivism. And for the next 50 years it'll be the symbol of the failure of progressivism. You're dismantling that belief system more efficiently than anyone else could and i cant even begin to tell you how gratefull i am for that. So like i said, i hope you keep the sweden democrats at bay for another 10 years. After that it'll be too late to repair the damage.
  25. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The media has a purpose (propagandizing the masses, spreading misleading information, spreading the fight igniting news for politics) By warning masses of people that read the news that the system is spreading via the mass media for the rise of the 'far right', an opposite force starts to rise, because people are aware of German history (that opposite group can be labeled as 'far left', doesn't matter which label you give that opposite group, they think they do the right thing, fighting the 'far right')
    Here you see the growed in two groups of people/voters that think they are both right (emotions can run high one day and violence can occur)
    What people (that haven't picked a side, lesser of two evils) should try to do it warning these two groups, that they are brought into a fight (compartimentalisation, split), and eventually a revolution can occur (can be either on the 'far left' side or on the 'far right' side of the 'political spectrum') The problem in this mediatized and politicised world is deception (all the terms and labels, and the propaganda by the media)

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