The Rise of the Far Right In Europe

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by upside-down cake, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I don't think the guy in Times Square was a representative of the immigrant community. Maybe fanatics from the home state that came over with the immigrant community, that seems more likely. I suppose you are right though since America is actually one of those hostile immigrant groups as well.

    I really don't like where it's heading though, either way. I would say the sensible thing, if possible, would be to take them back to theirc country, but that mass exodus would forever alienate the west from the whole region. Maybe they would join Russia or China...Seems like bad times coming. Things seem to be getting worse, fast.
  2. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The west is already alienated from the region. They hate Russia even more.
  3. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Media is plural (for those of you who are Diploma Dumboes, that means it is used when referring to more than one medium). You get your own backward grammar from listening to the media, so you are just as much under their spell.
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    They're not going back. They've already been given the keys to Europe. It's their's now. They are just waiting for the old tenants to die off.

    It's possible that the transition will be a peaceful one, but I still think the odds are in favor of civil war in a couple of decades.
  5. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I guess it is a little self-effacing of me in a way, but I always view these things with humor, especially from a historical point of view. It's like watching the wave that carried Europeans and their descendants to prosperity wash back to carry them out into chaos.

    But, I largely feel that immigration's political support has some economic background to it and that, just like in America, either they will bring them in, or they will continue to ship the jobs out, and both will lead to increasing social stability. In a sense, the resource that determines the wealth of the modern world- labor- is being shifted from us to them and it seems the two may be switching places in the global economy on the lower-class scale. So I don't expect an improvement and generally predict a persistent effort to instill these sorts of things in one form or another. Otherwise, I can't see why the political government would willingly support mass immigration, especially against direct populist opinion.
  6. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Government supports immigration for two reasons

    i) it keeps the price of labour down which is obviously against the interest of existing citizens who are not employers (ie most of them)

    ii) Social democrat parties (like the UK's Labour party)have encouraged massive immigration as a way of influencing voting patterns in their favour

    They have effectively controlled the TV based media, especially the BBC, to paint as rosy a picture as possible about immigration.

    However labour have admitted that they 'got it wrong' and there has been a huge backlash.
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It's no coincidence that leftward parties throughout the Western world have been opening the floodgates to immigration over the past few decades. Even supported by political parties that allegedly are supported by working class people, who are the ones most impacted by the labor competition. The problem for left parties is that prosperity tends to make the middle class populace more conservative. So you need to elect a new people to provide voters for leftward parties.

    Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser

    It's no coincidence that in the US the major push for immigrants isn't for ones that are educated, are entrepreneurs, or have useful skills. Since the US is still the number one hoped for immigrant destination, we could be picking the best and the brightest from the entire world to come here. Instead the current immigration debate is about legalizing as many manual labors as possible while doing nothing on the border so illegal aliens will continue to come here. Who does that benefit? Not low wage, low skilled US workers, that's for sure.
  8. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You are covering up the fact that the Conservative-Liberal Axis is a united ruling class. The Right attacks us from the top down, while their Limousine Liberal classmates attack us from the bottom up.

    Your second treason supporting the class that occupies our country illegitimately is by repeating their lie about skilled and educated immigrants. Offer highly paid training to American nationals and you will fill the gap in trained workers. As it is now, training and education only mean buying a job, which not only excludes those who can't afford it but promotes inferior people who can.
  9. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Funny you should mention that. I remember someone bringing up something about Bill Gates- how he has started up a school for techs in China, and has been lobbying the government to revise the work-visa laws so he can bring them here and they can live and work on that visa almost virtually forever. Coming from China, even the skilled workers don't really ask for that much. American's have a strong sense of entitlement, especially the more skilled the job.

    If what Gates is doing is also being done by other companies, then immigration is occurring on the lower and middle class levels. Our engineers and scientists have usually been at least 30% foreign in origin, so I suppose the current trends show a mark-up of that as well. When I look at it like that, it seems that it's business that is seeking foreign educated and foreign uneducated, and the government is simply facilitating the process for them, like a lawyer or something.

    But with all this aside, my anger would still rest with both the government and the companies, not the immigrants. Of course the immigrants will move for a job just like many American's would. If we simply attack the immigration policy, government and corporate groups will simply find another way to undercut American's. The more I think on this subject, the more depressed I get, and on a Saturday too... 100 years tops, and this country may become a sweatshop simply to keep food on the table.
  10. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm not covering up anything. I acknowledge that on this issue, there is virtually no distance between the elites from both political parties. They both want unlimited amnesty and continued unlimited illegal immigration. At least the Democrats are getting a real political benefit from it. I don't know what the Republicans think they are getting.

    But Americans have plenty of opportunity to get training, they are just not taking advantage of it. Very few are majoring in the STEM fields. So I'm not sure what "lie" you think I'm supporting.
  11. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    How dare you ask a man to work without pay! Class-biased indentured-servitude education is the reason we have shortages. If you want something, you have to pay for it. Business and society would also benefit from a system that would get the most talented people and get them to study: highly paid training. College students, unless they are richkids living off an allowance, live like little boys afraid to grow up. They steal their jobs from people who have too much self-respect to live like that. And you have the nerve to call us losers for not sacrificing years of our lives to benefit you! That causes permanent destruction of one's personality and personality. It wouldn't even be worth it if it did only benefit the graduates, such as if colleges had a major in gambling. (See the movie "21," and imagine if the nerd had to spend years working without pay, which is all college means to normal people, before he could learn how to make money at the casino.

    No wonder Americans are such wimps these days. The "successful" ones get their positions by sucking their thumbs in college, so they never grow up.
  12. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Sorry, but I think you went absolutely off the rails from the subject we were talking about and are now on a rant that appears very personal. Well, I do hope you get the help you need.

    Best wishes.
  13. TopCat

    TopCat New Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Sorry for not replying sooner. I agree that life and society is in a constant state of flux and that nations are an amalgamation of different ideas (as long as they are relatively harmonious and within a certain frame work) and influences. Nobody can argue against this. But even if I were coming from the other side of the argument I would have to reluctantly admit that the numbers and variety of races and cultures who are (or so it seems) being crammed into our countries are in amounts never seen before. For what reason? There is obviously going to be a logic behind this somewhere down the line. When you look at the rapid progress and un-democratic nature of the European Union you can only surmise that mass immigration is part of the agenda to eliminate nation states and cultures and centralize every aspect of man’s life / create a Homo Sovieticus. As extreme as it sounds I can come to no other conclusion, since most of the mainstream arguments that promote mass immigration and “diversity” border on the farcical and the adherents come across in a similar way to cult members. Just look at your reaction, which is basically accusing me of racial hatred with no foundation whatsoever. It's creepy and dishonest, but I guess it's better than having to admit that what is happening to Western nations at the moment has no historical parallel and has been forced on as from the top down.
  14. SAUER

    SAUER New Member

    May 16, 2012
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    The interesting video about multiculturalism, racism, colonialism and some other "isms" . Of course this is a parody, though… :roll::cool:
  15. TopCat

    TopCat New Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    It's subjugation, or part of that process. People still need to have the seal of righteousness, even when they kill and enslave. What this "parody" does is show that. It's another reason why I've always had infinite more admiration for the likes of the Triads / Camorra and other serious organized crime groups than I do for our current (deeply confused) political ideologues. Their end goals (first and foremost global government) are unrealistic and too utopian for the current mankind and their methods are underhand and often borderline criminal. No good idea has ever had to be pushed through by rule of law, brainwash, propaganda and threat of punishment as multiculturalism / global brotherhood of man has.
  16. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Things are not going that well in general here in Europe, with unemployment and such. People are looking for someone to blame, and the evil muslims are close at hand. It's easy to spread lies and disorted facts over the internet, which grows and thrives on anonymous forums and takes root in some peoples' minds. Mainstream politicians don't want to touch the question as they would then risk to lose support, and the claims of the populists thus remain mostly unchallenged, which is not really helping. The result is conspiracy theories about media and wierd beliefs, and a light feeling of panic in some people causing the support of the anti- immigrant parties to rise all the time. Sweden, where I live, has a yearly immigration of 100k people (which is high by comparation, it's higher than the yearly birth rates for instance). This makes a lot of people picture people from 3d world countries coming here in overwhelming numbers to live of welfare (unless they work, in which case they "took our jobs"), committing crimes and forcing their culture upon us. The fact that most immigrants are european, that we have a yearly emigration of 50k people, that muslims only make up little over 1% of our population or that we will have a shortage on young people when all the old people get retired is not something getting discussed. That immigrants for some reason are more likely to start up small business (could be because someone moving to a new country is more enterprising than the average person) and thus create jobs isn't very highlighted either. What I've read about multiculture creating conflicts and fragmentation of the society is absolutely ridiculous. There is no friction until someone creates one, which is mostly the people who are against "multiculture" in this case. Even in a country that has "monoculture" there will always be different subcultures. Some will like one football team, some another. Some will vote for one party, some for another. Some will like some music, some other. This is no problem until some guys create hatred against people belonging to another loosely defined sub- group. That makes people see small differences as larger ones and so on. It's the same thing with heritage. That some people eat other food and celebrate other holidays becomes a problem first when someone makes it a problem.
  17. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    If Muslims are only 1% of the population then how come such a large proportion of rape is committed by muslims?
  18. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    I wouldn't use that as a source. Here they claim that immigrants are not more prone to rape than natives when income and social situation is taken into consideration, and this is at least a newspaper:
    I'm not even sure if they actually have statistics over the religions of the perpetrators.
  19. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Whats the problem with Swedes wanting Sweden for Swedes? sounds like they've been pretty bloody generous so far. Keeping a large majority is true diversity, in hundreds on years you still be able to go to Sweden and see real Swedes, with their own culture and traditions in their own country - radical idea i know. Then go over to France and watch the French eat snails, over to the UK for a pint of warm beer ect. Pretty boring all countries people being a mix of every other people, all the same. Remember the world needs diversity, diversity is a strength.
  20. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    So they just claim it? No figures just a claim. I know only too well that the Swedish government covers up the statistics and that most newspapers go along with the cover up.

    Muslims are a tiny proportion of the population and yet they commit the most rapes of any group including Swedes. It is impossible that they are 'in proportion'

    The question is why won;t the government actually publish the details if they have nothing to hide,

    Why would poor people commit more rape? Sell drugs or commit theft maybe but rape?
  21. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    The national identity of a country changes all the time. That's just natural. Trying to force people into certain customs is just stupid. If people feel more like eating sushi than falukorv, they will eat sushi. I don't feel that I have very much in common with the farmers who lived here 350 years ago anyway. Besides, it's not like foreigners will become a majority either. The internet if anything is what could potentially create a global culture, not immigration.
  22. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Both this paper and "Affe's statistics blog" which you linked claim to base their claims on numbers from Brottsförebyggande rådet (Council for Prevention of Crime). The article in the paper also have a short interview with an investigator from Brottsförebyggande rådet. I trust her interpretation of the numbers more. But if you have another source that's welcome.

    That rape is more common in poor than rich areas could be explained by drugs, alcohol, gangs (not that we have gangs in Sweden but still) and so on.
  23. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    So things are bad because people dont all think like you, im sure they're not keeping you against your will. You're free to be a person of the world if you chose, perhaps China, Japan, Africa, India would more like your ideas?
  24. Lord Joar

    Lord Joar New Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    I don't understand, what is bad?
  25. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    You were saying this are bad with the rise of anti- immigrant parties in Europe. Id suggest Europe/ the west has been very generous more generous than other countries on accepting various other races. Just because they feel enough is enough doesnt imo take away from that generosity already shown. It doesnt mean they hate other races, they already accepted many. But for some reason certain people think if you accept some you must accept all........ forever.

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