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May 14, 2024 at 5:51 PM
Feb 14, 2010
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Well-Known Member, Male

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B.Larset was last seen:
May 14, 2024 at 5:51 PM
    1. AshenLady
      approximately two weeks to go and then I will be having my cast removed. things are going fairly fine and dandy but for that cast, that break, etc.

    2. CKW
      Oh....I don't see as well as I used to . I thought you said have you "been" changed.

      No--I haven't heard from her.
    3. CKW
      Huh??????? Are you talking about the pow wow? I just like it. Don't have a spec of Indian in me.
    4. AshenLady
      Hi, howyadoing? My leg is way better. I have a high tech walking cast. Back to the orthopaedics doctors 2 april and I will be about done. It was a nasty break, I tell u. I will have a plate and screws probably for the rest of my days.
    5. AshenLady
      Hello Larset, this is ashenlady. send me a password when u get a chance. I get locked out of the amiable host since my dog is on my hip and my left ankle is but busted good.

      Thx AL
    6. AshenLady
      I used to have that SINGLE. I was single then, ha ha. Whattaplayonwords. Wanna see you kiss him...goodbye....
    7. AshenLady
      Hey Hey...remember that song, Kiss him goodbye by Steam? na na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye....
    8. catalinacat
      You created the video? Man, thanks, I love hearing that song.
    9. catalinacat
      Not sure I remember that one, i does sound familiar though.
    10. catalinacat
      Wow - see your latest writing - beautiful and sensuous as always. You are so romantic.
    11. catalinacat
      I always loved the White Album. Thank you sweetie!
    12. B.Larset
      Comforted in her dreams. Made needed by all her things. Now lights glow brings her to my soul helping it sing. Shadows cast lofty in this room where before me purpose looms. Soon dark figures will dance while out of me she draws romance.

      The quiet fire strikes the eve as her inhibitions leave. Holding soft! Breathing fast! Not new, but felt unlike any past. Her hair smells to my cheek causing it to caress a peek. Its feel brushing me with thoughts of two, becoming true.

      Knowing what to want and needing here to, be. Each pulled tight in sight this night filled with right. Drifting whispers float rising to the shadowy canopy over our love. Crackling embers sparkle teasing the air leaving touches to be heard and watched as they disappear above.

      Eyes hold moments fixed as darting glances shared with this place. The rooms mood, passions fuel. Consumed by tastes of touch in our dance to singular trust. Moving me to you then back again through intimate waves carrying us further out to see. Visions everywhere rolling in then abating slowly as; we.

      My heart tells me I can catch the rain as the drops fall numbering them all, because your image calls. Through me this gives a desperation for exacting reparations. Failed and spent instead of being lent for a time never satisfied, ending deluded while the beauty I've captured remains eluded.

      Stairs of steps that lead up to a down inside me, where free I need and dreams plead. Here words are things of flighted birds. Storms are expressions of passion the sky reins blue as my fingers find something new. Yet for my hearts part or whole depending on where memories go it can beat fleet or break, being lonely as of late.

      Seasons even end as reason to place forever next to never again. Love fell to now an apparition took a stroll fixed upon that moments grace. Its an whys, angels and the winds crys blew to me and I wrote they stopped after I devoted a morning to a night part of me hasn't forgot. Still moved by all of it too.

      Familiar yearnings leave a place for something true, after illusions colored with you give way to the next new. Emotions run flowing over the edge of, not now. Covered in us, hurt pours down drenching my desire making wrong seem right.

      Promises whispered, give hope light, through renewed mentions to depths of loves journey graced by chance. Intimately gazed with praise for dreams to come of things that are left as marks on our souls. So as the poet breathes he needs; yet remains no more freed from the haunted creed of the mortal teasing, than of the longing he breeds. Still, in me calls.
      (Doing this)
    13. catalinacat
      That is so cool Larset, thanks. I like your picture above too.
    14. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I love old pics. I will visit your page when I get a chance. Promise! Did you get my rep?
    15. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I repped you but it didnt give me a chance to put in a comment. Who's in the pic above? Miss ya:)
    16. catalinacat
      lol - deleted post - did not know you were a copy cat - ;-) - like your moving picture
    17. Shangrila
      Might be subject to change for the season.
    18. Shangrila
      Thanks, been busy. How are you?
    19. Mia
    20. catalinacat
      Oops - my inbox is full - have to delete some emails - then u can
    21. catalinacat
      I'm good - that's right - you love the fall.
    22. catalinacat
      My friend, where art thou?
    23. Indymom
    24. B.Larset
      Fell a Season to Now
      This image straying from us into the glass, faint with your reflection captured between the panes an placed like a portrait fading to the haunted autumn scene past the glaze, embedded in the fall beyond it. Glad bursts of change and gold’s bold with comfort, reds warming mood, browns mellow sentiment. Then on to the sorrowful yellow depth of us now as they mix our souls to blend with the splashes of seasoned emotions set against the colors in us. This fall is like any other. First the vibrant feelings of amber and crimson then pale shades of green give way to light pastel shifts from thoughts for each other in these moving moments that tend us through toward the willingness of fate. Shapes of edges are outlined with light flowing around them and scented with wonder then collected from visions of us through leaves hardened, becoming fragile to touch while they grow dying beyond what we acknowledge. Drafted before us in this season to now as when we had loved. That too, is delicate and waiting to fall to the landscape of our lives. Bringing us this hurt past the gaze of our hearts. Swift brisk tensions lead this blustery day, mimicking the breeze flowing over the felled remnants of time, as it moves undaunted brightly clad with changes that whisper to our eyes. The trees drop colors to litter the ground leaving their branches bare in places, in this season that has followed what was before it and will soon end, to be felt by what comes after it.

    25. Indymom
      You're officially my favorite PF buddy!!! LOL!!!
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    Personal choices from inner voices spoken with whispered lips, fund sorrows deeply known where I reason the right of our wrongs. Understanding when and why they were grown lends passion to actions lost through moments of us as, kind. Each to the other and further along with unanswered tries that turn to goodbye. From love's heeding, this loss moves fleeting lessening togethers needing. Giving us the beginning of an ends who's days portray this as nothings mends. Where times trouble causes pauses for passions melody endured quietly and shared rightly.