…white liberals qualify as the worst of white supremacists because “they don’t believe blacks have the ability to raise themselves up by...
Alveda King, a Trump supporter and niece Martin Luther King Jr., told a crowd of Christian political activists Saturday — the weekend of Father's...
Republican Winsome Sears is projected to be the first black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia. She spoke Tuesday night, declaring...
An irate Democratic chairman slammed his gavel during a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on voting rights Thursday after a black lieutenant...
Was doing some research and came across this and was shocked by the percentage of the US Black population who are convicted felons....
Howdy As a foreigner, when I turn on TV or watch American movies, I have the feeling "blacks" in America are at least 40%. That's the impression...
Howdy, Imagine African Americans were never slaves in America. Imagine they were never brought in America with ships. Would they have been better...
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