One of the Capitol terrorists was a man dressed in fur pelts and wearing a police bullet proof vest carrying a long walking stick. He is Aaron Mostofsky, son of Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Shiomo Mosftofsky, an avid Dirty Donald supporter he was there in the capitol with all the other terrorists.
It is all over the news what he said !!!! Prosecutors likely have enough evidence to criminally charge President Donald Trump with inciting violence after his speech Wednesday urging his supporters to march to the Capitol in an anti-democratic bid to reverse the 2020 election results, legal experts said.
LOL - it is proven as many Republicans and Trump staff have scurried away from him faster than the rats from the Titanic Trump created the mob mentality - those of us who live in the real world know that
I agree emphatically. Those who breached the Capitol should be charged with rioting and jailed if convicted.
Good to see the typical Trumper's of this forum getting laughed at by everyone. What a horrible thread.
That investigation need go no farther than parler and the usual far right wing whackjob websites where the plot thickened. Seems they had a major hard on for the "The Storm". the woman who was shot was there to get in on the start. Everyone should be familiar with this radical racist fascist fringer/QAnon/Trumpist wet dream at the heart of hard core trump support.
If BLM/Antifa really wanted to make Trump supporters look bad, why didn't they just dress up in MAGA gear during the Portland riots?
Vaguely. But I've read about a lot of coup attempts wherein some failed and some succeeded. Seldom does any single participant (or only a few) have an understanding of the entire plan, but only a particular part (their part). We'll get more details. The fact that bombs were found is an indication that while some of those who broke into the Capitol did not have lethal intent, some did.
Hey, if they weren't Trump supporters, why did Trump tell them that he loved them? Stop the cowardly deflection and take ownership. Or is that too much to ask? Just like your hero? Take no responsibility at all, ever? Always blame the Dems for everything? The RW news media truly has trained you well.
LOL A couple of people knocking on a door is equivalent to smashing down doors and windows, leaving pipe bombs and 5 deaths and many other injuries. Some Trump supporters are desperate!
Are you saying that the husband is lying? Anyway, here is some more:
'Anti'Fa was undoubtedly there and undoubtedly provacateuring. But it was more than a busload of people taking protest too far. Any Trump supporters led astray by 'Anti'Fa are still responsible for their own actions.