Since when is asking for evidence considered an excuse? What? Hate it when people actually think for themselves?
And in his last speech he threw all those at the protest under a bus by now saying that he is condemning the violence carried out by the protesters. I guess he no longer loves them .
Meh, I do not see much difference in folks who break the law. It doesn't matter the cause. I do see a difference in how the media covers such events.
I agree. Too bad trump didn’t want a photo op and maybe he would have not blocked the NG from being called in while our government was interrupted and our capital breached. Rioting occurs around the nation and the world — this doesn’t. Him and his cult will forever be in the history books. “Democracy under siege” has been appropriately used.
Except of course the chants of "fight for trump" and the flags and hats and tshirts and the social media posts and the positive ids of lowlife neo nazis and white nationalist scumbags. Reality can only be denied for so long. The arrests and trials will tell the tale.
I found it very difficult to believe our Trump supporters would bust windows of the Capitol and create mayhem. The media persists in telling that lie. We report it was Antifa who did it to make it look like they were Trump supporters. When has any republican rally become a riot? Trump speaks all over America. When has any of his rallies become riots? NEVER I found some video that will elaborate more.
The same criminal right wing Dirty Donald supporters attacked Lindsay Graham in the D.C. airport, chasing after him screaming Liar and Traitor at him.
And here comes the conspiracy theorists. "I heard from so and so this that and the other thing", which of course makes it all true...amiright???
Right wing extremists who have been committing several acts of terrorism in the us, who have been violent for decades, who were mobilized when a black man took the oath of office, have now done what we have been warming for years now. Trump supporters did this. No question about it.
I'm guessing you also find it difficult to believe that Trump is a demented pathological liar, narcissist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe and has many other serious negative personality disorders and that the election was not a massive fraud.
You posted this in the WRONG Section. It belongs in the Conspiracy Section. "not Trump supporters"? Yeah, right.
Tired of the bull crap excuses of some of the trump supporters. Like their leader, they take no responsibility for anything. Ever. Trump supporters killed a cop.
So are these cop killers now hero's of the BLM and Antifa groups? I'm pretty sure they are, right? Bigger question is, will they riot to have them freed
No. You can’t always answer every crime with a pathetic what-aboutism is asinine. Both Antifa and Trump supporters who rioted are ass hats. One does not excuse the other.