I grew up in an ex-communist country. Parts of it were in the USSR. I know what humans are capable of. I really do. Americans or anybody else can't be any different. There's too many things that don't make sense, not just this report.
Get your info up to date. We rank 7th in the number of MEPs representing us in the EU Parliament. 7th out of 28 EU member states (after Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Poland). That means we have more representatives than countries like Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria etc who are bigger economically: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/map.html
Since the E.U. representative system has very little power it really means nothing. They can give you 100 representatives but if they have no power what is the point? AboveAlpha
The current president of the Commission comes from Portugal, one of the poorest countries in the EU and one of the discriminated ones.
We Americans are no different as we are all human. Do you know why I don't believe that the government spying on its people is a conspiracy theory? Because of Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden. These three people blew the lid off of the governments spying on its own populace with empirical and irrefutable proof. As soon as the truthers do the same will be the day I believe them over the government story. Fair enough, but IMO an amalgam of "too many things that don't make sense" is not proof of anything.
Already answered,but as usual,another bigoted jew rant....And since when has Dov Zakheim been a rabbi?
What is it then that makes you doubt the words of Susan Lindauer, Lt Col Anthony Schaffer , and the hundreds of other witnesses whose testimonies make the evidence of FOREKNOWLEDGE, OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS clear enough? Could you show us the "irrefutable proof" given by the people you mentioned? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/25/pentagon-destroys-copies-controversial-memoir-written-army-officer/ Do you really believe that Lt Col Shaffer could possibly say anything that could be more damaging to "national security" than the Jewish spies have already done? I suppose it could if by "national security" one made it known that factions withing the US government knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks, because the INESCAPABLE conclusion would be that they not only ALLOWED the mission to go through, but that they also interfered with everyone in the intelligence community who was trying to make it known, Lindauer and Shaffer being the most notable two. For some reason you see no suspicious implication in these events. Perhaps you have some explanation as to why these people would subject themselves to imprisonment and having their careers ruined in order to tell a big whopper on certain people, like Zelikow for example. Tell us why they would do that? And how is it that BOTH their stories were in agreement? Did they know one another well enough prior to those events that they should have gotten together in order to make up some far fetched story designed to embarrass the US government and which could cause themselves nothing but personal grief? If there stories were not "coincidental" then they certainly had to be CONSPIRATORIAL. And what motive would they have had for concocting this plan? Were they "anti-Semitic" bigots who just wanted to make Zeilikow and his henchmen look bad? If that was so, than how can you reconcile that fact with the government charge that Lindauer was acting as an Iraqi agent? Iraqi's are Semites. That's in contrast to the imposters in the US who make identify themselves as Jews because they want to cash in on the privileged status of being one of "G-d's chosen".
So what makes you want to waste yours tracking them down to harass them? You people say that no one in their right mind would ever suspect FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. Yet you all have devoted a great deal of time and energy attack this "loony" and insignificant minority. What is your problem? Why should you bother so much trying to "debunk" something that no one could possibly believe anyway? After all if the Kosher NIST story is so obvious to everyone, why do you people ever have to open your big mouths about it? Why can't you just keep your BIG mouths shut?
That's what YOU PEOPLE SAY. I DON'T say that. I don't see how anyone who ponders the evidence long enough can believe anything else other than FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. I can understand the Talmudic Jews and Zionist Terrorists denying these things. But it's hard for me to accept that members of the US armed forces would acquiesce to such crimes in the name of expediency. It's as if they did not believe the verse that says> Proverbs 14: When I was growing up I remember being taught that the ends did not justify the means and that the edifice of the US stood on moral principles which could be gleaned from Biblical teachings. Even the ZOGbots are constantly reminded by their Jewish "friends" of our JUDEO-christian VALUES. I guess the principles contained in Proverbs is not part of the Jewish Talmud and therefore are not part of those JUDEO values. The JUDEO values which gentiles are supposed to embrace are the NOACHIDE laws. Correct? That is to be POLITICALLY CORRECT. The Machiavellian Talmudic principle would be to accept any methods which the Jewish Oligarchy choose to employ as being "righteous". It's somehow "anti-Semitic" of all those who choose to put Christ before the will of the Zionist community. Of course it is!
Oh I hear you loud and clear. I just want others who may be viewing this thread to know how vacuous your allegations and accusations are. It wouldn't make any difference if I was even half the "bigot" you try to nail me as. That has nothing to do with the facts surrounding the events of 9/11, ALL of WHICH point directly towards FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and the use of CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS on the WTC towers 1, 2, and 7. Besides, there is no law against hating someone else even if I do, at least NOT YET. There WILL BE if someone doesn't put the quietus on the ADL! At any rate, what I "hate" are people who would commit cold blooded murder with no disturbance of conscience ( if they have one at all), and people who cheat, lie, steal, and extort their way to wealth. Are you one of those? Or are you just one who would defend their practices for whatever chump change they would toss your way?
You are a pusillanimous bigot,who despite claims,has yet to provide ANY evidence of the above...You just keep impotently raging about the 'jew conspiracy' and how elements of our own government were in on the attack.....Like I said earlier,the fact that you try and feed us these road apples is insulting
And you sir, are a sneaking, skulking, flaming Zionist Hasbarat. The fact that you won't answer a simple series of questions PROVES that. On the contrary, my posts are not to no effect, otherwise you and your cohorts wouldn't consistently come crawling out of the woodwork to repeat the same "'tain't so, tain't so" DeBunker mantra every time someone posts CREDIBLE evidence. And you still have done nothing to dispel or "debunk" a single shred of it. All you do is squawk, call names, and say "t'ain't so. 'tain't so. IF you could PROVE the Kosher NIST THEORY, you would have done so a long time ago and put the matter to rest. But as of this time YOUR position is NO MORE PROVEN than mine. "WAAAUCK. 'TAIN'T SO. 'TAIN'T SO, WAAUCK" http://www.takeourworldback.com/911realitydeniers.htm No one, not the most brilliant "conspiracy theorist" in the history of mankind, could construct so many "coincidences" out of whole cloth which would all fit together to form such a perfect mosaic of so many disparate facts that all point to FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. It's simply impossible to INVENT that many factoids to all support some idea that someone just conjured out of their imagination. Anyone who could believe that would have to be detached from reality. Otherwise they would have to be lying about it to cover up what they know damned well is the truth.
I have friends in Portugal...spent almost a month there once. My buddy flew Fighter Aircraft for the Portuguese Air Force and we started in Algarve....then Lisbon, Estoril then we headed North....then I ended up in Spain for awhile. Look....I REALLY hope a United States of Europe is created and I HOPE things work out for Romania as Romania is a nation that has been deeply effected on an emotional social basis from the rule of Communism and Dictatorship. BUT....I just don't see France and Germany wanting anything else but MORE POWER. You have to understand that even to this day....Germany is basically STILL....a U.S. Military Protectorate. We have MASSIVE MILITARY BASES in Germany and Ramstein USAF Base is HEAVILY USED on a constant everyday basis. The United States European Command (EUCOM) is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States military, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Its area of focus covers 21,000,000 square miles (54,000,000 km2) and 51 countries and territories, including Europe, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, and Israel. The Commander of the United States military EUCOM simultaneously serves as the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) within NATO. Because of Stuttgart being the home of the U.S. Military's EUCOM....one of the 6 U.S. Military Combatant Commands. Along with EUCOM there is CENTCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM and PACOM. Here is a link to a MAP that separates the entire planet into 6 U.S. Military Spheres of Command. LINK....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Unified_Combatant_Commands_map.png Now the United States publicly admits it has 751 Military bases in 63 countries but if one adds the covert bases we are looking at a number of around 1126 U.S. Military Bases in 156 countries and the total PUBLICLY ADMITTED number of U.S. Personal based in Military bases in other countries is 255,065....add to this an approx. of non-public numbered personal we get almost 300,000. But one must also take into account the current 11 soon to be 14 as the USN Nimitz Nuclear Carrier Battle Group will NOT be retired as planed as it will be refit for Arctic Ocean Patrol due to the soon to be gone Arctic Ice Cap...so the U.S. will soon have 14 Nuclear Carrier Battle Groups....11 Nimitz Class Nuclear Carriers and 3 New Ford Class Stealth Carriers as CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford....CVN-79 J.F.K. and CVN-80 Enterprise will soon all be at sea and all U.S. Carriers and Ticonderoga Class Cruisers will be fitted out with the New FEL...Free Electron Laser System....which along with a Worldwide Satellite Targeting Network and powered by 2 A1B Nuclear Reactors will allow the U.S. Navy to not only be immune from any Missile Attack but as well the Free Electron Laser System will allow Protection from Nuclear Ballistic or Cruise Missile attack. My point is....since many E.U. Nations are home to many, many U.S. Military EUCOM Command bases....I think it will be some time to come before a United States of Europe is truly on their own. AboveAlpha
Dear Alpha, If the globalist banksters have their way, their won't be anybody "on their own", except maybe the Chinese. And they'll play along until they get strong enough to where they're sure they can whip the "Paper Tiger". Then they'll import THEIR version of Communism, not the Jewish one. There won't be anymore cheap products to by in Wal-Mart at that time because all the sweat shops will be here in the USA. "Bring it on home!" At least then we'll all be employed. I don't think the folks in the Chinese Politburo are going to be so eager to cede command and control to the Chosen Ones, no matter how business savvy they think they are. They're as racially conscious as anyone. Ah, pay back iza herr. Not zo impewiest wunninga dog?
The Chinese Communist Party made a HUGE MISCALCULATION AND MISTAKE. They figured...OK...we will keep providing LOANS to the United States and we will also make all the CRAP they sell at Walmart and by doing this we will OWN THEM and it will allow China to influence U.S. Foreign Policy!!! They REALLY thought this would happen and there are a few Internal Chinese Communist Party Directives I have read that detail out this plan and it was adopted before China took control of Hong Kong and they had a VERY REAL set Invasion Date of Taiwan for the year 2006-2007. Well....guess what CHINA found out? They found out they broke the FIRST RULE IN LENDING MONEY. Rule #1. NEVER....EVER....lend money to anyone that you cannot FORCE payment from!!! If China had tried to Invade Taiwan and as they knew and still know they have no possible way of defeating a U.S. Military Operation against any Chinese Troop Carrier Ships and the like.....THIS is what would happen and we have made this EXTREMELY CLEAR to China. We would IMMEDIATELY cease all Shipping Exports from China being sent to U.S. Ports and refuse them. We would stop all payments of Loans. We would immediately destroy the entire Chinese Navy both Surface and Subsurface and all Chinese Ports and Naval Yards. And they we would wait to see just how BAD they wanted to loose. China's entire economy has been developed to provide cheap goods to the U.S. Market and not a single one of these Chinese Goods has any Strategic Importance as it is all CRAP. Without knowing it the Chinese Communist Party SCREWED themselves. AboveAlpha
Something tells me that isn't the way it will work. Besides, is coppin' out on a debt really the way one should conduct their business. They say the Federal Reserve has been pickin' up where China left off. I don't know, but I doubt if the Federal Reserve is planning on eating all that counterfeit money they've printed. Between them and their enforcement arm, the IRS, I have get a queasy feeling that it is going to be the US taxpayers who wind up getting stiffed. That's the way it has worked before and I can't see that much has changed.
Oh...we ALWAYS GET SCREWED....one way or another. But as far as China is concerned....they screwed themselves. Understand....the ONLY reason that the U.S. would stop payments or refuse incoming Chinese Imports is if China were to do something Militarily against one of our allies. China is not even CLOSE to being capable of fending off a U.S. Attack as China's Military has no real ability of Force Projection and ONE U.S. Nuclear Carrier Group carries more Nuclear Weapons than the entire COUNTRY of China not that we would have need to use them. China sent a Task Force recently to intimidate Japan over those disputed islands and it was a LAUGHER as the U.S. Navy basically IGNORED the Chinese Task Force. AboveAlpha
Wow, you almost sound like one of those PNAC Neocons. By the way, what do you think of the SM-3 missile shield facility you are building right now in Romania?