Here are 10 aspects of 9/11 that debunkers can never explain, no matter how much they squeeze their intellect: 1. Building 7 So why did WTC 7 fall? To this day they don't have the answer. The small WTCs... Sliced in 2, torn, burnt at every floor by the falling debris: Many tons of steel fell on the 22 story high WTC 3: And they call WTC 7 a damaged building: 2. The BBC report that WTC 7 has collapsed before it happened. At 2:19 even the announcement board on the screen bottom says: ''The 47 sotrey Salomon Brothers Building close to the World Trade Centre has also collapsed''. [video=youtube;6mxFRigYD3s][/video] They even start going into the technical details of why it has collapsed, ages before it happened. 3. The demolition squibs Some appear 20, 30 even 40 floors ahead of the collapse: 4. The blown up lobbies Some say it was because of jet fuel coming through the elevator shafts. But take a look at the elevator layout throughout the Twins : [video=youtube;XvUIQZ7t7Ak][/video] 5. The markings on the Pentagon As explained by retired general Albert Stubblebine, former head of the US army's intelligence operations, there are no wing marks on the Pentagon (no tail either, as remarked by others) yet these are harder than the planes' main body. But plane engines are even much harder machines designed not to melt even at 2000 degrees Celsius. If anything should have gone through more than anything, it's the engines. But no engine markings, no wing markings, no tail mark at the Pentagon. How come? He also confirms that in his opinion, the Twins were destroyed by bombs not planes. He confirms that 9/11 was fake and that public opinion is being manipulated by the press: [video=youtube;daNr_TrBw6E][/video] 6. The molten iron pouring out of the South Tower [video=youtube;nbzdO0EPOGg][/video] Falling thermite explodes as it hits the facade: [video=youtube;LivXaOguXRA][/video] Notice that it happens just before the tower falls: [video=youtube;gPu9IqBfMIw][/video] 7. The exclusion of Norman Yoshio Mineta's testimony from the 9/11 Comission's Final Report As a member of the Bush cabinet and Secretary of Transportation, Mineta is a highly credible source. If debunkers are so smart, they should tell me why his testimony was excluded from the Comission's final report. Do they even know the role Mineta played as a top official among the highest officials on 9/11 in managing the crisis? No. Probably it's the first time they ever heard of him. So can debunkers explain why his testimony was excluded from the Final Report? I already know the answer: no. They can't. Or can they? Then just explain... Why was Norman Yoshio Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission excluded from the report? 8. The classified security footage from the Pentagon Only one Pentagon security footage was released to the public while footage from the following 3 cameras that offered a perfect perspective, for example, is still classified: Here is a different perspective over the middle camera you see above, and a 4th camera, clearly different from the one that provided the official footage: I have more but coming in the next posts as I exceeded the limit of pictures per post. 9. NIST's refusal to analyze the destruction of the undamaged structure below the impact zones, occurring between the moment of global collapse initiation and total destruction 10. The PENTTBOM code name Penttbom stands for Pentagon/ Twin Towers Bombing. So do this: Write an email to the FBI and ask them how so, then tell me what they told you!!
Where have YOU been?......all your so called 'questions we can never explain' have been explained,ad nauseam on this board numerous times. Get with the program
Also fairly well explained here: Do you have any reply to this evidence?
The buildings were in no way similar. Question is idioticly irrelevant. (*)(*)(*)(*) gets miscommunicated in that kind of scenario. Two people not from NYC get the message that the building has collapsed or is collapsing and made the wrong assumption. Happens a lot. Not explosive-driven. They start out as dust, propogate to puffs. Back-asswards. Squibs go form zero to full tilt, then peter out. Watch more demos. They look just like what you see in verinage. 'remember that by this point tons of crap are being shoved down between the cores and the perimeter segments that have not gotten out of the way. Yeah, the freight and express elevators end above the crash flooes. Pipelines to the lobby and basements, Schroeder saw the elevators in the lobby blow out after his unit responded. Naudet mentions burning bodies. You only get that by coating the body with a Class B accelerant like jet fuel, NOT by exposing it to a demolition charge. Learn what a "backdraft" is. Stubblebine was senile long before he was retired. He thought he could walk through walls, stare a goat to death and read over your shoulder from a couple thousand miles away if he tried hard enough. He is also an unethical SOB who tried tp screw his ex-wife out of alimony by quitting his paying job and pleading poverty. Virginia family court now uses their decision against him as a precedent in determining what you can't do. The dim bulb can't even figure out what he is measuring. Idiot. It originates from the corner where a whole lot of lead got melted and it does not light up the interior or eat through columns. Not thermite. No thermite was found in the residue. Two senile professors are playing with La Clede Red Primer paint from the floor trusses. Minneta did not provide any insight into what the conversation was about concerning whether the order to intercept still stood. It was an extraordinary order, so would cause field commanders some trepidation. The rest of this dreck has been addressed just as thoroughly elsewhere and I find it too tedious here to go on. The trouble is not that we cannot explain it, it is just that you lot believe to many criminals, lunatics and old doddards without a clue, ethics or expertise.
Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. Debunked. "The investigation was launched on September 11, 2001" Desperate list of long debunked fiction. Is this what the 9/11 "truth" movement has become? Pathetic. Try again.
Because thermite stays red even after cooling down and even after loosing its 'power'. But you can see it explode as it hits the facade. Why? Can you explain? What Mineta provided or not is not what I asked. Follow my question. Whatever he provided is not the point here. The question is, why did they exclude his testimony, regardless of what that testimony was?
Because his testimony is filled with errors and self-contradicting. All things Mineta:
All invalid, especially your links to 3,6,7,8,9,10 3 - that's an old debunker explanation. How can these selectively appear at certain floors? if pressure is strong enough dust should be pushed with equal force through all windows (remember that trapped employees broke most windows in an attempt to get as much fresh air as possible). One squib appears 40 floors ahead of the collapse. So the 40 floors above were hermetically sealed? Did tenants come to work through the windows? 6 - your youtube link does not explain why it explodes like that against the facade. can you explain that to me? no. 7 - You say: And if we are to continue that metaphor, if Mineta's testimony were a pair of tits one would be perfect and the other would hang down to the knees; they just don't line up. Mineta's testimony was never included in the 9/11 Commission Report because it could not be corroborated with anything else. Who says it should be???? It doesn't matter how wrong or right Mineta is. I thought USA is supposed to be a democracy. Everybody's opinion must be included to offer the broadest of perspectives. Whether it can be 'corroborated' with the rest of the report or not is not a factor to be considered in an investigation (a democratic one). It's about democratic transparency. All testimonies are equally suitable for the public. The report does not need to make sense. It needs to be complete, include all witnesses, all opinions. So... Who says it should be corroborated???? Do you realize what a fault in democracy you promote? In the very same manner they excluded William Rodriguez's testimony, porter of the towers for 20 years, yet another very important, 1st hand witness. 8 - your most invalid answer. So you link to an FBI agent called Maguire who says the FBI HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE, not less than 85 TAPES and that somehow is supposed to reassure me of the world's security? She says the tapes are irrelevant. If so why hide them? Just who is she that we should believe her unconditionally? She's just somebody. Could be anybody. And you consider that statement a debunked question? How do you know she's not lying? You have blind faith in people who show you an FBI badge? I have already showed you pictures of security cameras at the Pentagon, 5 of which are in compelling locations, especially the traffic camera which offers a front row seat to the incoming plane. It's impossible for all these 5 cameras not to catch something. 9 - your NIST link only confirms what I said and like you did, leaves my question unanswered. Just admits what I said at point 9, that they refuse to study the global collapse sequence from the moment of collapse initiation. Couldn't be more crystal clear: 31. Why didn’t NIST fully model the collapse initiation and propagation of the WTC towers? The first objective of the NIST WTC investigation included determining why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts of the aircraft (see NIST NCSTAR 1). Determining the sequence of events leading up to collapse initiation was critical to fulfilling this objective. Once the collapse had begun, the propagation of the collapse was readily explained without the same complexity of modeling. And offers a vague, childish justification for it: Once the collapse had begun, the propagation of the collapse was readily explained without the same complexity of modeling. Readily explained.... 10 - Again, you follow irrelevant facts. It doesn't matter WHEN the investigation code-named PENTTBOM was launched. Why should that play a role in answering my question? It's irrelevant. And you provide the same Wikipedia link that I provided myself. Nope, it is you who are the desperate ones to hide from your own conscience and sweep things under the rug. Let's move forward and you will see we come down to big big questions that you can never answer.
Have you not ever wondered why there should be so many things about 9/11 that needed debunking?? I'm not saying that you debunked any of them. I'm merely calling attention to the fact that there are just too many of these anomalies surrounding 9/11 that could not help but to raise suspicions. DeBunkers try to say that one should not even be suspicious at all or even raise such doubts openly if they are. According to you, to do so is a sure indication that one is "crazy", a "nut" or something of the sort. I'm amazed at the number of DeBunkers who are not only authorities on everything from the aerodynamics of large planes to the physics of building construction, but are qualified in psychiatry as well. Tell me. How did this circumstance happen to be; that everyone who agree with the Kosher Nist report is so well educated on so many fields while anyone who doesn't believe them is bonkers? No matter. It still seems very strange to me how so many "coincidences" could crop up about 9/11 and everyone of them all point in the same direction -> FOREKNOWLEDGE, COVER UP, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. It's as though fate itself was conspiring to give DeBunkers a hard time and create a ton of grist for the conspiracy mill itself. A dedicated sensationalist couldn't wish for more material to work with. But let's say that youskys are correct; that even though the probability of all these suspicious anomalies could be explained away with one of your UNPROVEN explanations, even though the probability of that is so miniscule as merit total disregard; that despite all of that.......that at least some of your contortions and strained explanations were true.....................what then? Why should you people be so vehement and get so nasty so quickly in an effort to convince EVERYONE else that ONLY YOU could possibly be correct, when you yourselves claim that the explanation for everything is so obvious that only an idiot could fail to see it. You use expressions like "as nauseum" yet you never seem to tire of standing on the side lines and jeering. Is it that you don't really believe yourself that the matter is settled or are you afraid that one of these sparks might ignite a forest fire? If you are convinced that no sane person could ever believe in CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS, even though building 7 was a text book example of one, according to some of the worlds foremost demolitions experts, then why do you care to bother with discussing the subject any further with people whom you believe are are certifiably insane or too stupid to know any better, especially when they belong to a vanishingly small minority,.....according to "YOU"..... the ultimate authority on everything? Couldn't you even display enough grace to admit that you can see why anyone might be struck by the fact that the collapse of building 7 looked so much like a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION, that they might venture to express their puzzlement? Why not?
query: How many "coincidences" and "suspicious anomalies" (we won't call them evidences) have the DeBunkers had to debunk already? Can any one count them? Of all that information, how much was just "made up" by "conspiracy nuts"? For example; under the question of means, motive and opportunity. how much of the following information is "made up", or false? I anxiously await a reply from any of the overly qualified 9/11 experts on this thread. I know they are eager to DeBunk as much as possible. They seem to have made it one of their top priorities if not their life's mission. Notice: I am asking whether the quoted material is true or false. A simple yes or no will suffice. Or you may simply respond with a yes or no as to whether the information supplied has been fabricated , or "made up", and has no basis in reality whatsoever. If so, I cannot help but compliment the remarkable job that the insane conspiracy theorists have done in creating a false web site for the non-existent Systems Planning Corporation and in framing the pure in heart, Honorable Rabbit Dov Zakheim with occupations that he never engaged in and titles that were never bestowed upon him.
Certainly ... initially. But when you look at it more in depth and examine the evidence, it becomes very clear that it wasn't a controlled demolition.
Your 10 points are invalid and have been debunked for years. What the title for the thread should be is "10 things which have been debunked but I'm unwilling to accept"
So do you think that it was the Grays or the Reptile People who pulled this off?? We all know that the RPs are still pissed off about that whole "dinosaur extinction" thing so they might be behind this, but I really doubt that it would be Grays, since they like tall buildings and making lots of money.