The Jews and their Shabbos Goy won't get screwed because they're the ones doing the screwing. I'm not interested in screwing the Chinese. I'm not interested in screwing the Jewish banksters and their mob either as far as that goes. I just don't want them screwing me. So now we are a nation of swindlers and dead beats. So I see. You are one of those folks who believe that might makes right. How machiavellian. That's hubris for you, or Chutzbah, if you prefer. Proverbs 16:16
"Because Jews" ... Yeah, we get it. I'm Curious as to why you have a known Hollywood Zionist Jew (Dylan Postl) as your avatar? Trying to let us know something, hols?
Will you please GROW UP!! I am simply posting FACTS. You are replying to me as if this is some PERSONAL is not. I post realities and let the chips fall where they may. The way you are acting is that when another member posts something you might not reply to that member as if that member is responsible for that fact. To do so will NOT change the fact it is a FACT. AboveAlpha
Your post reflects, well, nothing of substance, just paranoia. please provide evidence of any of your claims. Just so you know, there is no doubt in my mind about the events of the day. making claims like building 7 was a text book example of CD is false at face value, and when actually held to scrutiny becomes sheer stupidity upon further investigation. I really could care less what you "think" its a matter of what is possible and what the evidence shows.
You mean, the Jewish oligarchy of media moguls and their lackeys have declared it to be. Those who know better are not in a position to challenge that ESTABLISHMENT. The rest are either ignorant of the facts or are too frightened or indifferent about it to want to risk the repercussions of taking that stand. You make it sound as though no one has ever seriously doubted the Kosher version of 9/11 except a small hand full of fruit cakes who are not qualified to give a reasoned opinion, as if YOU are. You do this by either ignoring the multitude of people who don't believe the NIST snow job, not only in the US, but across the entire globe. Or else you let on as though all those who are more qualified than you, that their credentials have somehow been nullified because the DeBunkers have pronounced them certifiably insane. That's quite a stretch in itself. But considering the way you stretch every other fact, it's no feat at all. I will grant you the fact that their are too many goy who are beholden to Jewish creditors and whose welfare depends on remaining in their good graces. I will also concede that a great many more are simply reluctant to take a chance of "offending" their Zogist pals and think that the truth of the matter is hardly worth the effort. Much to your consternation and that of your Hasbarat allies there remain many stubborn pockets of resistance to your attempts to censor, manipulate, and coerce the Goy herd into a corral of your own making. I admit that I enjoy being a thorn in your side. I will remain so until the time that you can manage to get the "right" people to take the "right" action in order to spare you the effort of so much scoffing and lying.
You are right about one thing. Facts ARE FACTS. You either deny them, ignore them, or distort them. And THAT'S A FACT.
I am also a skeptic with an open mind. Anyone who has looked into the attacks and formed opinions is a conspiracy theorist, as 911 by definition was obviously a criminal conspiracy. The differences of opinion between these conspiracy theorists are mainly regarding the question of who was behind these attacks. I believe that the burden of proof lies on those who say that a team of 19 Saudi Arabian citizens pulled of these attacks with the help of a small group of Islamic fanatics. All this without any help of any foreign governments or any inside help from traitors within the US military and government. After years of research, I am convinced that what has become the official conspiracy theory our government and media has presented to us is full of holes and there are many questions that have not been truthfully answered. Cheers
I have been labeled many things....but being a person who denies reality and facts is not one of them...until YOU just did. Let me explain something....although I help run several now very large family owned companies I also have another...JOB. This...JOB....has me working with members of the U.S. Military and although I am NOT Military...I am..."CIVILIAN" the manner the quotes denote. I have EXTENSIVE DETAILED KNOWLEDGE specific to what you THINK you know....and what you think you know is NOTHING AT ALL!!! The utter STUPIDITY of what you are saying is so vast it boggles the mind. If there was some conspiracy concerning this issue....I WOULD BE A PERSON WHO WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT! The fact is there is literally NO EXISTING POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH A CONSPIRACY TO EVEN EXIST!! If there was....I would be the FIRST ONE working on it....along with my Team. What I have heard many times from some people who are completely clueless is they site pictures of what appears to be explosions around each floor of the buildings as they pancake down upon one another. What you....incredibly ignorant not either know or understand is that as the floors pancake on top of one another....EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION OF AIR IS each individual floor is sealed air tight. As the floors above pancake upon the floors below....THE AIR HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE!!! The air is compressed to the point it finds the weakest area and path that connects it to the outside allowing the air to escape and BURSTS OUTWARD...IN AN EXPLOSIVE FASHION!!! AboveAlpha
Of course, all the damage to WTC7 was on the side facing the towers, which is of course, why you select a picture from the opposite side. And I suspect the media took reports that the WTC7 was about to collapse and instead reported that it had collapsed. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 o clock in the afternoon, but by about 2 o clock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse.
AA, you're something of an egotistical maniac. Otherwise you would realize that there would be no more need for the Zionist Cabal to call upon your "expertise" anymore than the alleged Arab CONSPIRATORS would.
That's a rather tiny photo which doesn't offer a very clear definition of the damage building 7 sustained. It strikes me as peculiar that there are so few photos of THAT side of the building. I wonder why that is? Do you have any ideas about that? I hope you are not going to suggest that the reason no one has a single high definition photo of all that "massive" damage is because all the 9/11 "Twoofers" got together on that day and decided to see to it that no photos of that side would be taken so that they could later only show photos of the UNDAMAGED sides and then claim there was no apparent reason for bldg 7 to collapse all of a sudden just as though it was brought down by a controlled demolition. That would make it sound as though that all these "twoofers" were already on the scene and had the authority to cordon off the area and confiscate all such photos the way the FBI confiscated all the photos of the attack on the Pentagon and the way that authorities prevented anyone from going into the wreckage and taking sample or photos of the damage before the company they hired had a chance to haul it away. That company incidentally was the same one used to clean up the damage of the building from the Timothy McVey CONSPIRACY. It seems everybody in the world is conspiring except for the Zogites of PNAC. It's also odd that when you look at all the other damaged buildings in the WTC Plaza you truly DO see MASSIVE DAMAGE done to them, far EXCEEDING that observed in 7. Yet "miraculously" NONE of those buildings collapsed all of a sudden, as in the manner of a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION. It was also observed that the damage which was done to those other buildings was NOT SYMMETRICAL, NOR did it lead to ANY complete collapse. Only in the case of 7 and WTCs 1 and 2 was this phenomenon observed. You didn't mention who it was that was alleged to have said that. You also didn't explain why that THIS particular statement is to be considered credible and trustworthy whereas the HUNDREDS of others which contradict the notion of a spontaneous collapse due to localized fires and ASYMMETRICAL damage would result in a SUDDEN and completely symmetrical TOTAL collapse of a building are not. You also need to explain why you believe it is impossible that the Kosher team of "investigators" couldn't select their own witnesses or motivate them in some way to say what they preferred the public to hear and why it is that they are less likely to LIE than all the "twoofers" would be. It strikes me that the "twoofers" would have less motive. You know, sort of the way the mobster Police Chief whispered answers into Giulianni's ear when he was giving the press interview right after the disaster, particularly in response to the question as to whether there were any "bombs" planted in the building. DeBUNKers do indeed have their little entourage of "experts" and witnesses who are willing to testify in behalf of the unimpeachable judgement of the NIST report and the 9/11 Commission ( headed up by a flaming Jewish Zionist). The trouble IS, the numbers of folks whose testimonies CONTRADICT those reports far outnumber those of DeBUNKers. Aside from having the Kosherized press and the Zionist Occupational Government to back you up, you Hasbarats have nothing else to lean on except lies and the ignorance of the masses of brainwashed dupes who have been sexed and drugged into a stupor.
Yeah, its Vlads photo selected to ensure that none of the damage was shown. Thats the point that escapes you.
The fact that three sides of the building were NOT damaged and yet the building fell SYMMETRICALLY STRAIGHT DOWN, all at once seems to escape you, although I'm sure it doesn't.
Oh. And all this time I thought it was a tree! Thanks for clearing that up for me. [video=youtube;uKeENdyIluI][/video] [video=youtube;RsKxVTf4YYM][/video] Are you really that dumb, or merely dishonest?
[video=youtube;fms8r2dRu_8][/video] Maybe next time they should use a remote controlled airplane. I guess that would be too expensive.
They say "There's more than one way to skin a cat", but I like cats therefore I don't like that expression. Nevertheless it does sort of put the lie to all the online DeBUNKing "experts" who have said the WTC collapses couldn't have been a controlled demolition since they started at the top. The fact that bldg 7 was a bottom up collapse does nothing to deter them from making this argument. They will then say it would be impossible to use both methods on the same day. This is suppose to "prove" something although I'm not sure just what, except that maybe the conspirators would never deliberately try to confuse any one or attempt to hide what they were doing. If you can understand their line of reasoning there, then please explain it to me. [video=youtube;i-2Y2MYpl2g][/video] I would prefer to use the quote "Where there's a will there's a way".