10 things debunkers can never ever explain

Discussion in '9/11' started by Vlad Ivx, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    someone here who says I dont have a clue,doesnt have a clue,doesnt have a clue as well that bld 7 should never have collapsed,it was NOT hit by an airliner and and barry Jennings who survived it,said there was an explosion in the basements BFORE the towers collapsed.they always use the pathetic argument when you bring up that no building had ever collapsed at freefall speed in their own footprints like they did,saying they were not hit by an airliner either.well bld 7 WASNT hit by an airliner so they cant get around that one.they always end up with egg on their faces claiming Jennings lied in desperation knowing they have been called out.:roll::roflol:

    i see they dodged as well your fact you proved there were other buildings in the area much closer than bld 7 and did not collapse like they always do.:roflol::roflol:
  2. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Barry Jennings said no such thing.
  3. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  4. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  5. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    It seems as though the Red Cross, the Police, and the Fire dept. weren't the only ones having "premonitions of 7 coming down.


    And then there's the "Pull it." faux paux.


    "By 11:30 a.m., the fire commander in charge of that area, Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, ordered firefighters away from [WTC 7] for safety reasons." [New York Times]

    Of course you will say that these items are all explained as "coincidence".

    I wonder what the odds of THAT are?

    Then there are the odds of the insider trading spike which so many prominent business and economics people found remarkable:

    http://hereinreality.com/insidertrading.html#.Uyj8Uc40q uI

    There are other "coincidences" too. I'm not just talking about the PNAC slips of the tongue and all the efforts on behalf of certain government officials to silence people like Lt Col Shaffer and Susan Lindauer.


    It just so happens that there are lots and lots of "coincidences" surrounding 9/11. They all say the same thing.
    Hmmm. What are the odds?

    I'll post some more.

    People who don't understand the significance of so many "coincidences" should familiarize themselves with the mathematical laws of statistics enough to know how to figure simple odds so that they can understand the significance of what I'm saying here.

    If you don't want to bother with that or don't have the time, you can just take my word for it, 9/11 was no accident, and 19 Arabs with box cutters weren't the only ones involved in it.

    After all, the online Hasbarats are always having you to just take their word on things. The NIST commission pretty much did. That's unless you want to read their report and check their math. Even then you will have to do a lot of digging on your own to find out how many pertinent facts and pieces of evidence that they choose to omit.

    You do know that some members of the 9/11 commission resigned in disgust declaring that the investigation was set up to fail.

    I could go on all night like this and never have to make up any facts which you cannot find for yourself, or never even having to include my opinions to bolster the case. If you are of average intelligence and can make reasonable inferences from the evidence yourself I don't see how you could miss it.

    The only problem with being too brief in your study of it, is that the magnitude of the crime is so great that it can take quite a while before the reality of it begins to gel in your mind. No sane person really wants to believe that something like this can happen in the US or that the situation within our government has deteriorated due to Zionist influences that it did!
  6. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    As I said, DeBunkers lost this debate years ago. Anyone who has studied the subject seriously for any length of time should know this already.

    A person who is able to reason that much ought to give a little additional thought as to why the complete set of facts have never been revealed to the general public via the media.

    I would tell you why straight up, but then I would be accused of being "anti-Semitic" for simply stating the facts, much as anyone repeating "inconvenient truths" about 9/11 is called a "conspiracy nut".

    The real pill to swallow is the fact that there WAS a conspiracy and it didn't require everybody and the dog catcher to pull it off either.

    Anyone who can't imagine anything so dastardly and on such a grand scale could be conceived and executed by only a hand full of people should consider the fact that that is exactly what the government sponsored media expects you to believe.

    Right after the event the media was rife with "experts" on the mideast and "terrorism", practically all Jewish, Israeli, or Zionist representatives who were saying themselves that such an operation would require the resources of a nation to be able to pull it off.

    They had to say this in order to set up the justification for invading Iraq. Otherwise how could you go to war with another nation because of the actions of 19 men who were already dead? (supposed to be that is!). Never mind the fact that they were Arabs NOT Iraqis OR Afghanis!

    And the bull they have fed you about the former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden is something that was NEVER PROVEN. For some mysterious reason they felt that making the determination that he was behind it all was no more important than learning who placed all the Put Options on the stocks of the airlines which were involved in the attacks.

    There are a few reasons why this issue has not resulted in a fire storm or civilian uprising not the least of which is the media blackout and censorship on the topic that has been made possible by those who run the networks. If you don't know who does then you ought to look it up and spare me the time and name calling one more time.

    Therefore the facts about 9/11 have been disseminated only as a result of the internet.

    Since most people are preoccupied with the business of making a living, a great many of them have neither the time nor the interest to put in the needed study in in order to reach a conclusion on it that isn't one which has been handed to them by ZOG.

    It's also possible there are at least some of those who lack the reasoning skills of an elementary school child and therefore cannot digest the material anyway. These people naively believe everything they see on television so there's not much that can be done short of giving them a brain transplant or at the very least putting them through a great deal of remedial education that will remedy the situation.
  7. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    PrisonPlanet is Alex Jones. As I stated originally, he made the statement TO Alex Jones.

    The source is the source. Continue to flee; it's humorous.
  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    You know darn well that the question is not whether the Red Cross "was in on it".

    The question is whether there exists any evidence for the controlled demolition of bldg 7, of which there is plenty. Someone hearing a countdown to the collapse at the time of the event is only one piece of it.

    Continue to deny. We're not stupid enough to believe anything you say at this point. There's only so many times that someone has to lie before they can no longer be trusted for anything. The on-line Hasbara and their Zionist sponsors crossed that line a long time ago.

    You people have lost the debate. Plenty of people are aware of it. You can only depend upon the continuation of the media cover up to prevent this knowledge from going mainstream and the police backed power of ZOG to prevent any action on it if it does.
    Even the "Russian" mob in the US won't be enough to hold the line in that event because I don't believe the majority of folks in the police forces or military either will do continue to obey the Prez and his puppet masters once it becomes apparent that they are being forced to be complicit with those who are trying to dismantle the Constitution, destroy the dollar, and abolish American sovereignty. Those elitists might be surprised to find themselves being treated to another 1776.

    The people responsible for all this sh!t had better think long and hard about allowing a total financial collapse or instigating WWIII. If either of these things happen, there are going to be a lot of irate survivors in the wake of it who may want to know who was behind it all and why. NO ONE likes being ripped off, lied to, and used. So if they ever find out this has been the case they might even go looking for heads if they've suffered badly enough.

    A lot of those Iraq and Afghanistan veterans might also begin to think that they were duped into becoming unwitting assassins and some of them might not appreciate it. I guess I can see why they were all added to the list of potential "terrorists" right along with all those Ron Paul supporters and fundamentalist Christians. I wonder how all those "warriors" and Zionist xtians feel about being lumped into the same category as that of the enemy they have been instructed to fight by the very people who told them to in the first place.

    Americans have been told that they were fighting for the sake of freedom.
    How smart do they have to be to see the contradiction between that story and the fact that they the more they "fight for the 'freedom' of other nations" the more they are losing their own freedom here at home?

    Maybe you find that idea funny as well.
  9. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  10. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  11. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  12. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    A lot of those Iraq and Afghanistan veterans might also begin to think that they were duped into becoming unwitting assassins and some of them might not appreciate it. I guess I can see why they were all added to the list of potential "terrorists" right along with all those Ron Paul supporters and fundamentalist Christians. I wonder how all those "warriors" and Zionist xtians feel about being lumped into the same category as that of the enemy they have been instructed to fight by the very people who told them to in the first place.

    Americans have been told that they are fighting for the sake of freedom.
    How smart do they have to be to see the contradiction between that story and the fact that they the more they "fight for the 'freedom' of other nations" the more they are losing their own freedom here at home?
  13. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Can you copy and paste even one example of that?
  14. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    First of all I would like for you to explain to me how I could provide you with a source without copying and pasting it.

    If you prohibit the act of copying and pasting on the grounds that nothing I say which is "copied and pasted " is worth mentioning, sort of the way youskys are always belittling any information which comes off of YouTube (that doesn't support YOUR point of view) then how many other ways of presenting any material which isn't drawn straight from my memory would remain?
    And if I attempt to recite what I can remember from over a decade ago even just to give the gist of the idea, am I to presume that you would not question the reliability of my recollection?

    Secondly don't you think that heading off in this direction is a little far afield of the topic?
    You wouldn't be trying to direct attention away from the fact that DeBunkers have no legitimate means to explain away the number of "coincidences" that all point to FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, COMPLICITY in MURDER, and the deliberate USE of CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS......would you?


    Will this comment made by the former Vice President Dick Cheney suffice?
    That IS the same Cheny that youskys joked about being the real President then isn't it?

    Is the word "liberty" close enough in meaning to that of "freedom" to suit you?
    Or would you rather start a slice and dice of those terms than have to explain how so many "coincidences" could happen around 9/11 without violating the laws of large numbers and still expect everyone to believe the Kosher NIST report?

    Please understand that I am not arguing with you that the reasons that we went into Iraq and Afghanistan had NOTHING to with FREEDOM.........................ANYONE'S freedom. I knew THAT already!

    That's a whole lot easier to demonstrate so I'm not surprised you didn't challenge me on that point instead.

    I guess maybe you didn't want me to harp too much on the fact that REGIME CHANGES were exactly the sort of thing that the NEOCON war mongers and the ISRAELI LOBBIES have wanted for years!

    But THAT TO YOU is just another COINCIDENCE.

    It's too bad that our LIBERATING armies never found any Weapons of Mass Destruction that weren't given to the Iraqis to use on the Iranians in the first place back when the Iraqis were our 'allies'.

    I guess the Iraqis weren't really our allies to begin with. Were they?
    Sort of the way that the Israelis aren't really "allies" of the US. Are they?
    The US was just using the Iraqis. Weren't we?
    Sort of the way Israel is using the US now. Aren't they?
  15. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    ???? uuuh I guess if you want you could type it out yourself, although I cant imagine why you would. Also cant imagine the relevance to the topic of discussion, my question you chose to copy and paste. I suspect this is your way of responding without admitting the answer is no.

    ????? uuuuuhhhhh? nobody is "prohibit[ing] the act of copying and pasting. In fact I just asked if you could. You still haven't answered.

    Yes I would, that's why I suggested you copy and paste something. Quote somebody telling us we are fighting for freedom.
  16. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Actually, that was the policy of the United States Government, "regime change", since the Congress enacted the Iraqi Liberation act in 1998, signed into law by Bill Clinton.

  17. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    That's right! The Neo-Cons had their sights set on that objective A LONG TIME BEFORE 9/11. And Slick Willy was ever bit the Zionist tool that Baby Bush and Yomamma were.
  18. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    "Everything is a conspiracy and everyone is in on it. Because Jews."

    That about sum it up?
  19. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    And dont forget the Congress who enacted it.
  20. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    How could I? That pack of Hoes are practically ALL in the pocket of the Zionists, on the take, or to chicken to stand up to them, at least since Ron Paul left.
    I shouldn't say that. They wouldn't remain in office for long if they did.
  21. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Israel had no interest in the US invading Iraq. They probably would have preferred we attack Iran.
  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    You guy's are completely NUTZ!!!

    Let's look at this objectively.

    9/11 was an event that led to an absolute economic catastrophe for Big Business....so that rules out any Large Corporate Involvement as they lost several Trillion Dollars in the first year alone.

    There had been previous attacks by Terrorists to bring down the WTC Towers prior to 9/11 that failed such as the vehicle bomb attacks in the WTC underground garages.....so that shows us a Terrorist Org was attempting to bring down the towers.

    There does not exist a single bit of evidence that anything besides two aircraft loaded with fuel caused the WTC buildings collapse.

    Since the large Corps who supported the Bush W. Administration were very much so hurt economically from the 9/11 attacks there is no cause for any political conspiracy.

    Seriously....such talk is without proof, merit or evidence and no one has presented ANY EVIDENCE to the contrary.

  23. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Israel certainly had an interest in the U.S. invading Iraq and toppling the government of Saddam Hussein. I shouldn't have to provide a source for this largely because it is common sense - if a nation threatens, attacks or poses a threat to Israel, the Israelis want the problem neutralized. And if they can get other countries to fight their battles for them, that serves their interests. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-to-us-dont-delay-iraq-attack/

    And yes, Israel wants the U.S. to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities and topple the theocratic regime.
  24. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    The problem for Israel was the US was threatening to attack Iraq and Iraq has a history of retribution against Israel for the US doings in Iraq.
  25. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    …in which Israel publicly said they would retaliate unlike the Gulf War where they were convinced to stay out of the conflict by Patriot missile systems being strategically positioned and money.

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