22 Israelis murdered 180 wounded during the last two months

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by free man, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    The option of the Arab leaders. Because the Arab leaders promised to the Arabs in the Land of Israel that they will return to their homes right after the Arab countries will win the 1948 war. That's of course while the Arabs that were called to leave would be safe and sound in the Arab countries.
  2. mikejones

    mikejones Banned

    Jun 23, 2015
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    COUNTERATTACKS. Read your first word there, and re-read again.


    That means that the jews did not strike first.

    MOD EDIT - Rule 3
  3. mikejones

    mikejones Banned

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Still, still waiting for you or anyone else to show definitely the orders from the early IDF to force out anyone; what units were involved, what infrastructure was set aside to remove the 1 million arab muslims, the timetables, etc. I've asked time and time again for specifics - and amazingly, none of the jewhaters can ever produce them, its just so remarkable.

    BTW, the early IDF barely had ANY tanks so claiming they were going to be used to attack civilians when the jews then were fighting for their very existence is ludicrous nonsense. You do not need to have served in the army knows that such an allocation of scarce resources would be suicide.


    "The Israeli tank force included a small number of Sherman, Cromwell and Churchill tanks, as well as ten Hotchkiss H-39 light tanks. Egypt used Shermans, Crusaders and Matildas, as well as Light Tank Mark VI and M22 Locust light tanks."
  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    with all due respect, this is like when Holocaust deniers demand to see direct signed orders for extremination of Jews in specific camps, by specific numbers, on specific dates.

    we have Plan Dalet.

    we know that the Arab population went from 800,000 to 200,000.

    we have Benny Morris' research.

    we have testimony from IDF personnel attesting to expulsion operations, and refusals to expel populations against direct orders

    what more do u want? a DVD???

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    people don't flee their homes, in the hundreds of thousands, due to a radio broadcast.

    they flee in such numbers under the threat of death from an army
  5. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Yes... Their call just led to a "less or no potential resistance from within" that could have posed much greater thread after the declaration of the new founded state, and emptied city that was "ready for the Israeli settlers"... Next question...
  6. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    And still Arabs left due to Arab leaders requests that were made in 1947, 1948.
  7. mikejones

    mikejones Banned

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Except the Holocaust is one of the most documented events from WW2. You cannot even list a single unit with officers who were given instructions on how to conduct such an operation, nor can you describe how a few hundred IDF soldiers could possibly mount such a massive one. Just abject nonsense.

    And I have "Plan Annihiliation" from the pentagon itself, which calls for the total nuclear destruction of the USSR. Does that mean it was carried out? Does that mean anything? The plan was a contingency one, and was not even closely implemented.

    We do? That proves nothing as to what drove them to leave, and "Stuntman's" earlier post exposes many arab leaders for admonishing the arabs to leave for a "final victory over the jews," i.e., their genocide. Funny how you avoid that fact, that had the arab muslims won, all of the jews would have been slaughtered, but you relentlessly condemn the jews for surviving. You're sounding more like a white supremist/arab muslim with each post.

    And I've read donald duck...what does that say or prove?

    Prove it; I want officer names, operations, infrastructure, MOO (means of operation, as in how these plans were to be carried out), assigned units, transport vehicles, etc.

    If this crap were true, there would be documentation and evidence, including dozens and dozens of autobiographies by IDF officers after the war admitting they took part in this event - but there aren't any, nor is there any evidence or shred of proof that a mass expulsion was conducted. There were simply not enough IDF fighters to do so EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO; they did not have the manpower to attack and transport hundreds of thousands of arab muslims, so the rational, obvious answer is that most of the arabs left on their own over 1-3 years' time.
  8. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    no, the left cause the zionist mercenaries forced them out, at gun point.

    just as Plan Dalet said
  9. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So how does the Arab leaders were working for Israel's agenda, if Israel didnt exist when the Arab leaders started to call the Arabs to go to their countries?

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    The objective of Plan Dalet was:
    Source: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/...lan_Dalet.html

    As you can see the plan was to gain control of areas of the Hebrew state and to DEFEND it's borders + gaining control of areas of Jewish settlements outside it's borders.

    Where do you anywhere in Plan Dalet's objective the word "expulsion"?
  10. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Plan Dalat, along with Cast Lead and others is part of the historical fascist Israeli agenda pertaining to Eretz Yisrael.
  11. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories:
    Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.
    Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.

    The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary.
  12. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    By simply "leaving no potential Arab civilian resistance behind" and by emptying a city for Jewish settlers. I thought I've already mentioned this and thought this supposed to be the "next question" not the "rephrased"... LoL...
  13. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    “ I say in all honesty, we made contact with leaders in Hamas in the Gaza Strip. We spoke with them in all honesty and directly, and after that we spoke with them indirectly, through more than one Arab and non-Arab side... We spoke with them on the telephone and we said: 'We beg of you, we hope that you won't break [the ceasefire.] As the [Egyptian foreign] Minister said: 'Don't break the ceasefire, the ceasefire must continue and not stop.' In order to avoid [violence] that has happened. If only we had avoided it.”

    — PA President Mahmoud Abbas 2b on Operation Cast Lead
  14. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So the Arab civilian villages should be operated as bases by an active armed force? Or maybe an army should prevent in a war a grip from the enemy army on territories that would be operated in a menner that will help them to fight against the defensive military?
    The evecuation will be IF will be an attack from the village on the army.

    The Objective of Plan Dalet wasnt to evecuate people, but it was to defend the areas of the Hebrew state and it's borders + defending the Jewish settlements outside the state.
  15. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Right, you thougt it will be the next question, but I need more clerification on the first question.

    Once again, how does the Arab leaders were working for Israel's agenda, if Israel didnt exist when the Arab leaders started to call the Arabs to go to their countries?
  16. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    so its ok for an army to deport 50,000 people because there is an army of 500 operating amonsgt them????????????????

    by your logic, its ok for the Nazis to imprison millions of Jews because tens of thousands were Communists
  17. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    By simply going to Tel-Aviv for a good long poker party night.
  18. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    IF there was an attack from the village where the enemy army was, then the village will be referred as a threat on the defensive army and thus should be stopped.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What? What poker has have to do with the question I asked you?
  19. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    It has a lot to do with the poker night for sure. Don't you even know "royal flush" is a secret term used to describe Saudis? Come on.
  20. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Since you refuse to do any more than claim you "already responded", which you haven't & deny that Israel's current government is the most ruthless & brutal, ultra Nationalist because the Extremists I cited have different positions in the same government, I'll re-post additional supporting facts:

    “Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid”

    EXCERPTS “This Palestinian resistance is a spontaneous reaction to the most racist, far-right government in Israel's history”
    Once on the fringes of Israeli society, today this dangerous fundamentalist movement has moved into the mainstream, counting senior government officials among its adherents. The Israeli government in fact provides direct financial and political support to extremist settler groups, like the Temple Institute and others, that are colonizing Palestinian homes and neighborhoods in Jerusalem and actively working towards building a temple in place of the Al-Aqsa mosque, putting paid to hollow, disingenuous claims by Netanyahu that Palestinians have no reason to fear an Israeli desire to change the status quo on the site.”CONTINUED


    “Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked—who called for genocide of Palestinians—as Justice Minister in new government”

    EXCERPT “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to appoint Ayelet Shaked as justice minister in his fourth government. Shaked is a Member of Knesset (MK) representing the far-right HaBayit HaYehudi (“Jewish Home”) party. She is known for her extreme, ultranationalist views”CONTINUED

    - - - - - - - -

    As far as Israel's criminal use of Genotoxic, Chemical, Experimental ordinance & banned D.I.M.E. bombs, your "response" didn't include a refutation, you only acknowledged that it's true:

    “Medical personnel claim Israel tested new weapons during attacks on Gaza”

    EXCERPTS “Doctors and an ambulance officer believe Israel tested new weapons during its July 8th – August 26th assault on the Gaza Strip.

    “The five children from the al-Jaal family in Zeitoun were the strangest thing I ever saw in my life.”

    The room where three girls and two boys...
    ... “Their bodies were hot. Their hair and skin were black liked charred wood. When their parents arrived at the hospital, they didn’t recognise them,”

    Dr Sobhi Skaik, chief surgeon and medical director at Shifa hospital and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, told me earlier: “We saw third-degree burns that cannot be explained; neither flame burns nor chemical burns.

    It was as if the patient became mummified, and most of them died. Their skin blackened and their tissue became tough and solid. I saw dozens of patients like this in the intensive care unit,

    . “I saw more than a dozen bodies that looked normal, with no marks or wounds. But when we touched them they were slippery. If you tried to pick them up, the flesh fell off like jelly. We had to roll them in blankets.”

    . “In previous wars, we could treat most of the wounded,” says Dr Skaik. “This time, the number and magnitude of wounds was far greater. One third were dead on arrival.”CONTINUED

    Your assertion, I believe, was that Muslims are the most brutal because of a few (and occasionally phony) "beheadings"

    My contention is that the dismemberment, burning alive, suffocation & Chemical Weapons poisoning of thousands of innocent civilians in which "human flesh falls off like jelly...." is far more painful & brutal than execution via "beheading".

    The mutilation etc of human bodies via IAF missiles is too graphic to Post.

    It is not in the interests of the Americans who fund IDF War Crimes via "Aid to Israel" or in the interests of peaceful, ethical & rational Israeli citizens for the US to continue unconditional, AIPAC extorted US support.
  21. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    only Fascists exile a community of 50,000 people because 500 of them are fighting to defend the village
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Other than sarcastic & insulting evasions you've done nothing to refute anything I've said & clearly confirmed that you have long felt that you: "Don't have to read anything"

    It doesn't matter if you were "from the Mid East", if you had traveled anywhere or kept your eyes open, you would know that whatever lands the Colonial powers gave Foreign Jews did not include the lands stolen, Walled in & those illegally "Settled" etc & that many militant Zionists continue to support Ethnic cleansing.

    Plan Dalet is alive & well via the current activities of Israel's existing Netanyahu Regime & its political leaders:

    “Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked—who called for genocide of Palestinians—as Justice Minister in new government”

    EXCERPT “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to appoint Ayelet Shaked as justice minister in his fourth government. Shaked is a Member of Knesset (MK) representing the far-right HaBayit HaYehudi (“Jewish Home”) party. She is known for her extreme, ultranationalist views”CONTINUED

    Ethnic cleansing can be accomplished in many different ways.

    Among the more popular are through Genotoxic (look it up), Chemical, Biological, Experimental ordinance & D.I.M.E. bombs as described here:

    “Medical personnel claim Israel tested new weapons during attacks on Gaza”

    EXCERPTS “Doctors and an ambulance officer believe Israel tested new weapons during its July 8th – August 26th assault on the Gaza Strip.

    “The five children from the al-Jaal family in Zeitoun were the strangest thing I ever saw in my life.”

    The room where three girls and two boys...
    ... “Their bodies were hot. Their hair and skin were black liked charred wood. When their parents arrived at the hospital, they didn’t recognise them,”

    Dr Sobhi Skaik, chief surgeon and medical director at Shifa hospital and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, told me earlier: “We saw third-degree burns that cannot be explained; neither flame burns nor chemical burns.

    It was as if the patient became mummified, and most of them died. Their skin blackened and their tissue became tough and solid. I saw dozens of patients like this in the intensive care unit,

    . “I saw more than a dozen bodies that looked normal, with no marks or wounds. But when we touched them they were slippery. If you tried to pick them up, the flesh fell off like jelly. We had to roll them in blankets.”

    . “In previous wars, we could treat most of the wounded,” says Dr Skaik. “This time, the number and magnitude of wounds was far greater. One third were dead on arrival.”CONTINUED

    In addition to the ordinance listed above, Gaza, into which Palestine's native residents have been herded has been rendered a lethal, carcinogenic toxic waste dump via D.U. White Phosphorus from which hundreds of innocent civilians die yearly

    Why anyone feels compelled to excuse ruthless, sadistic, Illegal & US funded Policies & War Crimes detrimental to both Israeli & US long term interests can only be based on naivete', ignorance, and / or bigotry.

    When you are secure enough in your knowledge of Mid East history & Realities to compose a civil & mature response, please do so. Otherwise, please reconsider your belief that you: "Don't have to read anything" & spare us your factually flawed, infantile & sarcastic psuedo-responses.
  23. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Over a million and a half Arab Palestinians are citizens of Israel so obviously this is no longer a policy nor was it ever a serious consideration.
  24. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    800,000 to 200,000 in 1948.

    250,000 kicked out in the 1967 war
  25. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So in this thread we never had a disscusion until this reply to your current post, right?

    So are you telling me now that opinions of a man that studied in Israel and got his degree in Israel, but now he wants to boycott the same country and the same universities that one of them gave him is diploma are facts?

    Ayelet Shaked didnt call for the genocide of the Arabs. She simply qouted an article that was written by Uri Elitzur. If you want to blame anyone of anything, then you need to blame Uri Elitzur, not Shaked. Ayelet Shaked only qouted it, because she agreed that that is a war.
    His her respond to the Facebook post:
    Source: http://jonathanturley.org/2014/07/1...-palestinians-trigger-international-backlash/

    I already responded for such claims of "the IDF tested new weapons on live peoplein our previous disscusion: http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=431658&page=38&p=1065557454#post1065557454
    Here is another comment from out previous disscusion where I replied to such claim: http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=431658&page=32&p=1065550638#post1065550638

    You can read the rest of my replies to such claims in the disscusion I directed you to.
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