Should it be attributed to "mental illness" when very clearly the towers & 7 had lots of help to "collapse" in the manner that they did, many things including the laws of probability work against the buildings simply "collapsing" as the did, and indeed the towers in two Very similar collapse events that very clearly indicate prior planning of the event and not something that "just happened like that" Note that in the old USSR, they silenced dissidents, by institutionalizing them, Why should any dissident, be labeled "mentally ill" when in fact their only symptom is the fact that they oppose the criminally corrupt institutions that were originally created to serve the Voters & Taxpayers but have become degenerate in nature and that really needs to be addressed.
Yes, that's probably the next move. Round up anybody who has questions, or doesn't believe the 'official' account of 9/11, and either force them into mental institutions, or jail them indefinitely. Notice all the fanfare these days on the lamestream media outlets, focusing on 'mentally ill' as the answer to everyone who challenges the kingdom? Mark my words, they'll start locking people up one day, in lieu of having them speak out.