Very good, honey. I'm gonna go sit and think of you to inspire me to expedite the task at hand. Hugs and kisses sweetcheeks.
We KNOW there were at least 1500 WMD found in Iraq, and our troops were exposed to chemical agents in IED's...
Chemical weapons are WMD. And we know Iraq had them prior to the invasion because Clinton bombed the (*)(*)(*)(*) out him in 1998 during operation Desert Fox. We also know afterwards that Suddam was trying to fool the Iranians, not the US, about his "cannot confirm nor deny" attitude regarding whether he had WMDs. Anyone who thinks Bush was pleased when they did not uncover WMDs is kidding themselves. He turned the 2004 election from a landslide to a cliffhanger due to his inability to find WMDs. If you think Bush was pleased about this, I have to ask you what planet you are on.
gun powder is a chemical weapon LMAO - - - Updated - - - you know dubya ate beans because clinton had a bean fart. hey I like that logic!
Gunpowder is conventional munitions....Examples of chemical weapons are considered VX,sarin,and phosgene..... duh
so unconventional chemical weapons then, little bitty ones, that can only kill one or 2 people, those weapons of mass destruction. got it
Halabja was an example of those 'little bitty' weapons... I can see koko has a problem admitting being wrong.
oh so an ied is a giant bomb dropped by planes or shot out of a giant canon that will wipe out a whole country in a single blow like a nuke then huh? come back to planet earth please
and trougher dumber assery continues to fail to rebut! at all! zippo! nada! ZERO! like the official story! then stop derailing threads by inserting bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
The insurrgents appear to have found some old artillery rounds, probably duds. They had degraded pretty badly by then. The people who rigged them probably thought they were normal HE rounds. One theory is that they were duds from an artillery range. Point is that they were residue available to the enemy because Rummy didn't know what he was doing and didn't send in enough troops to do proper rear-area security (kind of like Shinseki warned him he was doing.)