What made you think I was a truther? EDIT: What is your definition of truther, by the way? I've come across several...
I don't recall specifically.. perhaps something over on the Pentagon thread? Wait, I see what I've done. I confused you with a post made by 'inside job' late in the Pentagon thread. Boy I feel silly. Well if someone has fallen for what conspiracy theorist say regarding 9/11, but do nothing about it, I don't consider them truthers. However, if they've fallen for it, and proceed to inform as many others as possible, including forums, comment boards and videos on youtube, etc, then I label them a truther. So pretty much, anyone who has fallen for some aspect 9/11 conspiracy theories and actively takes it upon themselves to spread it is a truther in my mind.
Lol. I'm starting to believe there is no universal definition for truther, but thanks for answering regardless.
Miller is a stupid sack of crap. He quotes some people without their permission and uses the statements of some people long dead to support his own lies. The worthless bastard offers Orio Palmer's last transmission as proof that the fires were gong out. The man is an idiot and has feed you mushroom food. Some of the idiots on that page are total fakes, like that lunatic Domm de Grand Pris or whatever. Total fraud. This is a lie. Any trained arson investigator will tell you that the fires started after the tanks withdrew.
There was also another fire fighter on another stairway at the same level who was blocked by pockets of fire. The fire was still intense and needed two 2 1/2 inch hose lines to knock down. This is still a serious fire. This is, further, on a floor below the impact zone. Fire travels upward. Palmer said nothing about the conditions a floor up from where he was. The video shows flames leaping out of windows as the collapse started. Allen Miller has no brain.
He did. He also said there were multiple dead people. More importantly, he stated he was on the 78th floor Sky Lobby. Only the tip of the wing impacted the 78th floor, and fires were minimal. Each tower had multiple floors of fires. In the South Tower, which Palmer was in, the main fires were in the 82nd floor and above, with the worse being on the 84th floor IIRC.
One of the shills will steer you where they want you so, never fear. I'm sure they'll be along directly.
Of course, we are wandering off-topic again, after another typical gish gallop by those who lack the ability to present and respond to rational evidence. This one is supposed to be about thermite, or, more specificly, the utter abscense of it from any of the target sites on 9/11.
I honestly believe one of the major points against thermite is the quantity which was found in the dust. Be it basic, the calculations done in the video means that if 0.1% of the dust contained these red/gray chips, that mean if there is an astonishingly large amount of Unreacted material. After a google search, some sites stated there was around 48,000,000 kg of concrete per tower. Thats 96,000,000kg of just concrete dust. Now, not all the concrete turned to dust, however the dust is not made up of just concrete, so I think we can work off it. 0.1% of 96,000,000kg is 96,000kg. So according to Jones's own paper, if we just look at concrete dust alone, 96,000kg of it was Uncreated thermitic material! That's heavier than the empty weight of a Boeing 767! Do truthers think this is normal for material that is supposed to burn enough to melt steel? 90% of it should/would have burned up, which means that in total there would have been almost a million kg of thermite in those towers. How the hell did all that get in there without notice? Do truthers find this a reasonable explanation? Is this fine to them?
and yet the 9/11 apologists cling to that as facts that an airliner hit the pentagon even though the spokesperson for that airliner said it wasnt the wreckage of their airliner.
yep,they pretty much post shortly after we do.their bosses get worried were putting all these facts out.hee hee.
Yeah, it's hard to combat fact laden posts like this. What would my "handlers" do if we just let "knowledge" like this go uncontested?
Start watching this at the 37:55 time mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwThcdIoufc (9/11 Ripple Effect - FULL) These guys aren't representatives of the airline but they have the background to know what they're talking about.
"These guys have nothing to do with anything, but seriously listen to them. They got it taken care of. Meanwhile, we'll dish aside any expert that's brought up that was actually involved first hand because it doesn't jive with us."
(from post #41) I didn't know about this. Thanks for posting it. I googled around and found this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3DRhwRN06I http://www.dailypaul.com/172140/dan...brosky-interview-implicates-cia-mossad-in-911 These pro-official version posters still talk as if mainstream sources were credibleif these conspiracy theories had any credibility, the "Experts" in mainstream science journals would agree with them. This post is from another topic but it's about how mainstream information sources are sold out. http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144487&page=37&p=4731597&viewfull=1#post4731597 Even science journals are controlled; nothing that goes against the official version is allowed to be objectively questioned in them.
That's right, nothing but truther sites are reliable. All other informed, scientific, expert testimony, research, and data can be dismissed. It's all controlled to cover up 9/11. Occam's Razor at it's finest. Thanks Scott, always good for a chuckle.