There was no holodymir in Ukraine. People died from hunger because of a crop failure due to climate change and poor distribution by Khruschev. It's nationalist propaganda to cover up their genocide of the Poles and Jews in Lviv and all Galatia in WWII, as well as to distract from the ethnic cleansing going on today of the Russian areas in the East and South of Ukraine. The nationalists/Nazis would actually grab the children by the legs and bash their heads against the wall. There's one picture of a child with its stomach ripped open which makes me wonder if they were in the occult or on drugs? It would explain also their actions towards the Russians today. All the areas in Ukraine that produce the crops are not in the West nationalist area, they're predominantly in the Eastern part, so why are the nationalists so concerned about them dying when they're killing them now anyway? It's not logical. Also the 20 million Ukrainians and Russians that Hitler killed, were in Eastern Ukraine and Western Russia and yet there's no mention of that which was a real genocide. It's now believed that the depression was caused by a crop failure in Germany, which shows that climate change was a world wide problem. This is what gave rise to communist parties in Europe and that in turn gave rise to Fascist and Nationalist parties. We in turn were having dust storms in Oklahoma and parts of Texas, and it forced the farmers to move to California. You're wrong though about people dying from famine in the US. We're agriculturally rich, and had the highest standard of living in the world even before our revolution. The people were taken care of by the Churches, not only here though, throughout the world. Don't look at us today, it was a different era. As an example, 70 thousand kilometers of farmland was flooded up to 30 feet by the Mississippi in 1927, and 200 thousand Blacks were put on relief for years in states like Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. During the depression there were soup kitchens and volunteers everywhere, but the men didn't want charity they wanted jobs. Roosevelt gave them jobs planting trees and building dams to protect the land from future floods, as well as social security in his new deal.
Are there any facts supporting you statement that Putin immediately Atomic bombs ended the war quickly? Maybe you tell me what military bases were bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or may be they Atomic bombs were not to finish the war quickly. It was aimed to show to Stalin that US has atomic bombs and to frighten him. You distroyed not a military base, you destroyed two cities with civilians, more than 200000 people were killed. US is the only country in the world that used atomic weapons against civilians, and after that you will teach others what they should do or should not do? Take the log out of your own eye before you point out the speck in others. Books about mass rapes? Everyone can publish now whatever he wants to publish, any BS. Zoom, writers get paid for this. Like journalists.
I tnink there was a combination of factors why people were dying in the USSR in 1930s. One is the bad situation with crops, and another of course, is stupid policy with kolkhozes (collective farms) , when people had to give everything they produced to the collective use and to the cities to support industrial development there.
Yeah it was meant to scare the crap outta stalin.....and perhaps we should've dropped one or two on moscow and Leningrad.....after that pushed the Sovs out of eastern Europe altogether.....that was the biggest threat. Patton was right about the Soviet Asian barbarians. As far as writers,,,its first person witness accounts, it's not you yes, since you dont like whats being said. Moskalis cant handle the truth.
More Japanese civilians would have died from a invasion of the home islands, or a naval blockade. Next, more civilians died in conventional bombing of Japanese cities. But hey, don’t let your lack of understanding of historical facts bother you one bit.
You are a total idiot and asssshole zoom! Dropping bombs on Leningrad and Moscow....The biggest threat to the world is US.
There is no subjunctive in the history... would or would not does not work. You does not provide correct information that more civilians died in conventional bombing. Overall the civilian losses were estimated at 330000, among them about 200000 were the result from atomic bombing:
Sure it was.....there would've been no cold war.....soviets pushed back well into the SU. No Cuban missile crisis, etc.
Wrong. All we have to do is look at the battle of Okinawa. Out of a estimated 300,000 civilians it’s estimated that anywhere between 40,000 to a 150,000 civilians died in the fighting for the island. So it’s not far fetched to estimate that the body count on all sides would have massively dwarfed those who perished in the atomic bombing of the two cities.
Add to that......that if a land invasion of mainland Japan had taken place....the casualties for the US wouldve been 500k+...maybe closer to a million, let alone injured, MIA, civilian casualties, and the conflict could have dragged on for months, even years.
I do not understand, you try to persuade me that atomic bombing was a good thing as it killed not too much people compared to other bombings or what? By the way you completely ignore the fact that several generations of people got death diseases like cancer.
The origin of Сarribean crisis was that US placed missiles in Turkey! So US started that crises and behaved as an assshole country , and behaves the same way now. There would be much more peace in the world without US.
I could argue there'd be more peace in the world if the Bolsheviks never took Russia and created a Soviet State.
The US is not an "assshole country". Russia is not an "assshole country". The Russian government is an an "assshole government". The USG is an "assshole government". You had better pray that the two "asssholes" resist the temptation to go to war with each other.
They needed to get rig of the absolute monarchy, but the Bolsheviks replaced monarchy with an even deadlier absolute tyranny. The utter failure of the Russian Revolution was a disaster for humanity that lead directly to totalitarian Nazism in Germany and WW II.
I’m not trying to persuade you of anything. I don’t care what you think. The fact remains that the Atomic bombing of japan ended the war, and avoided further bloodshed that would have happened if the Japanese home islands would have been invaded by the Allies.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both thriving cities. Chernobyl is a tourist attraction. Nuclear strikes are way down on the list of deadly threats to human life.
The origin of raise Nazism in Germany followed by WW2 was not in Russian revolution but in the Treaty of Versailles which has put Germany in the very bad conditions.
That's kinda harsh on the Germans to blame Germany. Although, you're thinking it matters. No. What matters is that it was Russia they took and turned Soviet. It doesn't matter where they came from, it matters what they did; and what they did being a tarnish on world peace history. If though it seems you can blame Germany for everything, even Soviet Russia, the fact remains, if the Bolsheviks never would have happened, there'd be more peace.
There is no would in history... what you write is nonsense. Otherwise I could claim the same that Japan would capitulate very quickly since USSR was ready to start the war with Japan to support the allies, so there was no need to bomb civilian places.
I do not see any connection between Bolsheviks and US government that placed the missiles near the borders to Soviet Union. Noone would like that, not only Bolsheviks. Carribean crisis was created not by Soviets, but by the US.