What I write is factual. The men who actually conducted the war predicted a massive amount of life if the the home islands. Their word holds more weight than what you offer, ever will. Oh yeah, if you don’t believe me, feel free to believe Hirohito. “Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.”
Maybe there would be no Soviet Union, but there would be still Russia. And there would be still US which wanted to expand.
The NSDAP was organized after the model established by the Bolsheviks. WW I created the political environment which made it possible for the Communist Party to take power in Russia, the aftermath, including the Treaty of Versailles made it possible for the Nazis to take power in Germany. The organization and operation of the two regimes were remarkably similar. In fact, they were allies when they invaded Poland together and started WW II.
LOL....yes, Marx/Engels.....written by 2 Western Germans.....followed by millions of dumb Russians. Slavs were never capable of their own destiny.).
More bearable you mean would follow for the orders from other countries or what? More peace would be if US did not intervene in the political life of other countries and did not instigate revolutions there. Back to the topic, this is what US tries to do by trying to make the orders to Germany saying with whom it has to have business relations and with whom not, and trying to force Germany to pay more money to NATO budget, which is redundant and inefficient organisation. Your diplomats behave here in Germany like they govern Germany. This is really annoying!
WWI shows how entangling alliances like NATO make war far worse when it eventually breaks out. NATO should be abolished without replacement.
I see it a little differently in terms of alliances, because they make sense ... if they have a reasonable basis and articles. The First World War is a good example of idiotic alliances, as they should not be ... and how the NATO Treaty is fortunately not (I'm not even bothered about NATO, do not get it wrong ). Any good alliance treaty only covers assistance in the event of an attack on the partner ... and in almost no alliance was the case .... at best, only at the British grants to protect Belgium. But even here it is only hypocritical, because purely away he Entente UK could not help the French, so they dug out an ancient guarantee of Belgian neutrality to "legally" enter the war on the side of France and Russia.
So how much is Trump going to collect from them? 70 years of helping defend NATO I think they owe us a hell of a lot of money
Do we have an ambassador to the United Nations or is Nikki Haley still there or what's the deal? Maybe Trump could go to the United Nations and give a speech.. The world could use the laugh
What we did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was drop bombs on military targets. Nothing wrong with that. Dresden was a UK thing, so I am not too familiar with it. But I would not be surprised if the Brits were also attacking military targets. No lies. The Russian military always spends more time raping civilians than they do fighting enemy soldiers. Russia's genocides against the innocent are everyone's business. The only terrorists from Chechnya were widows who got revenge for the genocide that Russia perpetrated against their families. As if rebuilding after the fact makes a genocide OK.
Hiroshima was a huge military center with tend of thousands of Japanese soldiers and held the military headquarters in charge of repelling our invasion of Kyushu. Nagasaki was an industrial center with giant weapons factories. That is incorrect. The A-bombs were dropped to try to force Japan to surrender. That is incorrect. Hiroshima was a huge military center with tend of thousands of Japanese soldiers and held the military headquarters in charge of repelling our invasion of Kyushu. Nagasaki was an industrial center with giant weapons factories. That is incorrect. We used nuclear weapons against military targets. If Russia does not behave itself, Russia will be destroyed. With nuclear weapons if necessary.
The only people who were at risk of cancer from the A-bombs were those who were physically present in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the moment of the explosions. No subsequent generation had any increase in cancer rates.
Like someone else mentioned here.....Hiroshima&Nagasaki are thriving cities today....and bustling. Wtf is Chernobyl.....it's a ghastly tourist attraction, dead quiet, eerie, for the next 2000 years. I was there in 2011. Sad, excellent Soviet engineering.ROFL. I'd hate to be caught after dark anywhere there, who knows what horrible anomaly awaits.
As a German I do not want the US to vacate its bases and I do not want Germany to leave NATO. I just want the US end its occupier stand and start treating its partners as equals. And maybe say than you that you followed our call for help, Article 5. That would be a nice start.
Not correct. The mistakes in the Weimar Republic constitution made it possible for the NAZI to take over. It is correct to say that the treaty of Versailles started WWII. WWI and the defeat of Russia by Germany and allowing Lenin to return to Russia escalated the fall of the Emperor. It was a calculated move by Germany to give Lenin free passage, to weaken Russia, so it would not, again, open a second front. The NSDAP did not win the election. The ruling parties failed to from a government. Hitler was than appointed by Hindenburg to give it a try. Hitler formed a minority government and than used the emergency clause in the constitution. Which made him dictator.
It is a huge difference if not only the soldiers know war. That's the difference of the people in Central and Eastern Europe and the US. 90% of the people of those countries, at that time, participated or were direct victims of those wars. It was the first time, that large scale war operations were conducted against civilians, with the single purpose to kill them, wipe them out. That is something the US does not know and has no experience in, except for its native population. But that memory is very old. The modern US, does not know what modern war is.
Well as usual you are wrong, my passport says that I am a European citizens, which allows me to reside in every country of the EU, without permit or visa. Well that German down did not work so good, which UK industry is still owned by folks who are not UK. A german company was even needed to run your miserable railroads. Come back to me if the UK has developed enough, that it does not need foreign help to stay afloat.