no, of course not. The building was not even totally pulverized. You are not entitled to your own separate reality. Further, the pulverization did not occur simultaneously. It was progressive. Thus, the deeper you dig nito the rubble, the more concrete remains on the floor pans. Do learn something about what the crime scene looked like before you express opiunions as to the sequence of unwitnessed events. Where stuff fell, in what orientation, and in what condition arer essential data. You lack that data.
It would take approximately 96 seconds for the collapse you speak of......... [video=youtube;2O7LwySqtr4][/video] 27:00 mark...........
Is that because it took you 96 seconds to say 'clunkity clunk'? [video=youtube;n8zrVPzT70g][/video]
In case you missed it, Shafquat is bat (*)(*)(*)(*) crazy. She insists that the torch-cut columns removed during clean-up were cut with thermite. Totally useless.
It would take 96 seconds if the entire mass that was falling stop on each and every floor, then collapsed it, and then stopped on the next floor, etc. That doesn't happen.
That didn't happen on 9/11 but then. on 9/11, all kinds of ridiculous "official" explanations were floated. Few were subjected to any scrutiny though.
It did not happen because it would have defied the laws of physics for it to have happened. When a floor is over-loaded by a dynamic force, it will procede at nearly the speed of the object delivering that dynaic force. That's how nails work. The force which broke the floors was increasing with each failure, slowed only slightly, and to a lesser degree with each failure and addition of potential energy, which was converted almost at once to kinetic energy. There was not enough of anything in the way of the collapse to arrest it.
You just implied that The more the resistance the more the force increased to near free fall speed............ LMAO............ This debate is over...............
No, I said that the crushing force increased with each floor so that the time it took for each floor to fail decreased. However, it still took about 14-16 seconds in the south tower and about 20-22 for the north tower, which is far short of the 9-10 seconds of free-fall acceleration.
Maybe he isn't responding because there wouldn't be any point debating the same old folks that have been around for years and years doing exactly the same thing over and over? Maybe he's seen the script before?
If you mean he has no "official" propaganda confirming what he believes to be true, then you're probably right.
PPP made the claim that To make that claim it seems clear to me that you need to know how much energy is required. That's not debate. That's a simple statistic. Now, does PPP know what he was talking about? And speaking of scripts, do you have anything to add to this specific topic or are you attempting to hijack this thread and make it about shills?
Whenever someone tries to make a point, the thread interference "folks" do their thing. So, if the shoe fits then, wear it. If not then, don't worry about it.
Well, I could take five pages to explain the finer points of making ice and why ice isn't really ice but, I'm not paid well enough to do so.
Quite the contrary: the fat cats at the top are bleeding the little lemmings dry. 2011 Non-Profit Report from AE911 (Dick Gage) Total Revenue $434,526 Nearly half a million to promote a petition he never seems to get around to filing.'re well paid to come up with the ludicrous stuff you do. - - - Updated - - -'re well paid to come up with the ludicrous stuff you do. - - - Updated - - -'re well paid to come up with the ludicrous stuff you do. - - - Updated - - -'re well paid to come up with the ludicrous stuff you do.