A few debunking links

Discussion in '9/11' started by plague311, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    We know you're anti-semitic already. No need to go around proving it time and time again.
  2. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Wrong yet again. Guess what. When it comes to telling people what I am, you're NOT an authority. Never have been. Never will be. YOU call me a zionist because you're anti-semitic and feel the overwhelming urge to label anyone and anything you don't like as Jewish / zionist. Not my problem, but don't think for a second that your labels for others stick. My posts have never shown I am anything but Christian. Do I know about other religions? Yes. Does that make me those other religions? Only to pinheaded morons who are so (*)(*)(*)(*)ing stupid they label everyone as the group they hate.

    Really? You received notification that I told a moderator you went off topic? Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). I receive notices from mods, so I can without hesitation claim that you are lying your ass off when you say you received notification I reported you. Which mod sent you the message? Lets prove once and for all who here is the one who is lying.

    The difference is I show you what lies you tell and why they are lies. All you do is whine that I am a liar. It is a very clear distinction and differentiates the honest people from the dishonest people.

    You keep projecting your shortcomings on everyone else. YOU'RE the one who never specifies what the lie is. I have responded to your posts line by line showing you where the lies are. YOU ran from responding to the accusation, proving to everyone you know it is a lie and can't defend it.

    Unlike you I don't want ANYONE to have blind faith in me. I will back up my claims. You just run away.

    So now you want everyone to believe that the Jews KNEW Jesus was the true son of God and killed him anyway?!? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is (*)(*)(*)(*)ING HILARIOUS!!!! Please, please, PLEASE keep going with this whole "the Jewish faith is based on the rejection of Christ" angle!

    What you stated and what the Bible states are two completely different things. It highlights the fact your claims are based on bull(*)(*)(*)(*), not fact.

    No. You (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up as usual.

    Nice personal attack and complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*). God can love unconditionally. A person can love unconditionally in certain circumstances. A race can't. Thanks for displaying your complete and total lack of comprehension. Your mental meltdown here only reinforces what I've been stating all along.

    I gave an excellent and correct answer according to my faith which is Lutheran. If you have a different interpretation of redemption, so be it.

    Way to lie your ass off once again. I did not say debating is not a sin. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Sound familiar? It is one of the ten commandments and lying about the Jews and other specific people is indeed a sin no matter how you cut it.

    Nice way of ending your post with a bull(*)(*)(*)(*) anti-semitic rant. :lol:
  3. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Yet the hard physical evidence, not to mention numerous other witnesses who saw them as passenger planes, prove they were passenger planes. Truthtards are stupid for trying to pretend every eyewitness who agrees with them MUST be right while every one that disagrees with them is WRONG. MOST witnesses get things wrong which is why investigators get as many witnesses as they can to try and determine what happened. Then they match up the witness testimony with hard evidence to determine what is right.

    And? What is your point? Fires lead to things exploding. It is not uncommon to hear explosions during a fire. One has to be a special kind of retard to believe that all explosions must be caused by high explosives, though. :lol:

    And reporters are experts at controlled demolitions? :lol: Reporters got many things wrong on 9/11. The towers look NOTHING AT ALL like a controlled demolition. A controlled demolition has the building falling in on itself. The towers fell out. Controlled demolitions are from the bottom up. The towers were from the top down.

    Did WTC 7 look like a controlled demolition? Yes. Does that mean it WAS a controlled demolition? No. Does the evidence support a controlled demolition? Not even close. EVERY controlled demolition EVER is preceded by high explosives going off and then usually more explosives going off during the collapse. NONE of that was heard. Controlled demolitions leave a seismic fingerprint when charges go off. No such evidence of high explosives were seen on seismic records. No steel showed the characteristics of being cut with high explosives. None of the usual evidence of high explosives were found including the remains of wiring, blasting caps, and other equipment used to set the charges.

    Yet you are asking us to believe they wouldn't notice things so out of whack with what is going on that only a brain dead moron wouldn't go "wait a minute....". For instance. You claim that explosives went off in WTC 7 BEFORE the collapse of either tower, yet nobody heard these explosions except for Barry Jennings. Michael Hess heard what he thought were explosives, but he realized once he got out (and the towers were gone) that it was the collapse of the towers.

    Yet firefighter testimony after the fact still shows no conspiracy going on. None. Not one firefighter claimed any of the explosions heard were due to high explosive charges. NOT ONE. They are the experts, not some pimple faced moron sitting behind his keyboard in his mama's basement pretending they are experts at determining the source of an explosion from someone's testimony.

    Were people worried about that on 9/11? Sure they were. They didn't know what was going on and Al Qaeda had attacked that way before. Did anyone ever FIND a bomb? Nope.

    Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). You haven't presented one real reason to suspect controlled demolitions. What you have is a collection of ignorant claims by you that you like to pretend is evidence. It isn't. It is a collection of ignorant claims.

    Are you trying to say that a person's only motivation would be money? Wow. That is so (*)(*)(*)(*)ing ignorant it is hard to describe it in words!

    BTW, if the official story got it wrong, why didn't all the witnesses START with the truth? Why would EVERYONE make up a lie that just happens to match everyone ELSES lie? Surely you can see how moronic that idea is.

    The 9/11 truther bowel movement was stillborn from the getgo. You need EVIDENCE to back up your claims, not bull(*)(*)(*)(*) opinions and outright lies. If you want to silence someone, you do it BEFORE they can tell their story, not seven years after the fact!

    Or maybe, as I stated earlier, you need EVIDENCE to back up your claims, not bull(*)(*)(*)(*) opinions and outright lies. The reason you see stiff resistance is because truthers are a bunch of nuts suffering from paranoid delusions, a serious persecution complex, and a serious beef against someone. Look at the TBM.

    You can't agree on who was behind 9/11. You claim it was Jews. Most claim it was our government. Some claim it was the Illuminati. Some the NWO. Some alien space lizards.
    Conclusion? Truthers don't know who was behind 9/11.

    You can't agree on what happened on 9/11. Some claim flight 11 and flight 175 crashed into the towers, but explosives brought them down. You believe it was two OTHER non-passenger planes that crashed into the towers, but explosives brought them down. Others believe it was directed high energy weapons that nobody knows about. Others believe no planes hit the towers at all and that every video tape showing a plane was CGI edited by the government on 9/11 through some unknown technology. Some believe flight 93 was shot down. Some believe flight 93 landed somewhere else. Some believe a missile hit the Pentagon. Some say it was a drone. Some say it was a small fighter plane. Some say it was a tanker. MANY agree with all of the above despite the fact many of the theories are mutually exclusive.
    Conclusion? Truthers don't know what happened on 9/11 and are not able figure out the kiddy mat at Denny's, much less what happened on 9/11. They are, however, willing to overlook any and all evidence that might conflict with the theory du jour.

    This is only a partial list of what is so systemically dysfunctional with truthers.

    I thought it was the Jews, not the NWO. Will you pick a bad guy and stick with them? :lol:

    Since when has standing up for the truth (which we can defend) against lies (which truthers, including you, cannot defend) considered stifling the truth? If you HAD evidence we wouldn't be here discussing it. So instead we're sitting here with you lying and me and others showing where they are lies and why.

    All one has to do for a lie to gain a footing is to ignore the lie. Personally I think truthers are scum of the Earth for using the deaths of 3000 Americans to push their hatred of the Jews or the government.

    :lol: Nice example of a paranoid persecution complex there, holston. Got anything of value to say?
  4. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    For those who are interested in exploring the evidence, this is a good site to check out.




    The wars in the middle east are being fought for the sake of the Zionist Globalist elitists.

    9/11 was allowed to happen to serve as a pretext for the initial invasions.

    Listen about minute 22 to 25

  5. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    So where is your evidence? We've seen your baseless accusations. We've seen your lies. We've seen your opinions. None of that is evidence. Don't just sit there and whine that everyone should believe you because you have evidence you can't produce. Produce the evidence.

    You claim there were explosives that brought the towers and WTC 7 down. I have shown you the evidence that proves it wasn't a controlled demolition. Where is your evidence it WAS a controlled demolition. You pretending people talking about explosions are REALLY talking about high explosives used in controlled demolition doesn't cut it. That is your lie about what they believe. If they believed it was high explosives they would have said they were explosions caused by high explosives. They didn't therefore that ISN'T what they believed. You pretending you are some kind of expert on controlled demolition to the point you can tell a controlled demolition from a collapse simply by watching silent video doesn't cut it either. You pretending you know what a squib is when a squib would blow out an entire floor's worth of windows doesn't cut it. You pretending Willy Rodriguez is telling the truth when his own words prove he is a liar doesn't cut it. You pretending a completely debunked report that claims to have found "thermitic material" is evidence of controlled demolition is also pure nonsense. Paint chips don't cut columns no matter what is in the paint. Period.

    So where is your evidence? You claim you are suspicious because suspicion is based on specific events and evidence, so present the evidence or prove once and for all you have no evidence to present.
  6. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Holston, you made multiple claims that I have reported you or "broken your links". When pressed, you claimed you were notified I reported you. That is a blatant lie I wish you to address.

    Here are examples:

    So. You've been caught in a lie that is provable. I know I haven't reported you for anything. I know the mods here do not say who reported who. I know the mods here are honest and wouldn't go around making stuff up about people. Therefore, you are lying about receiving notification that I reported you for anything.

    You can do one of three things.

    You can admit you lied.

    You can post the name of the mod who claimed I reported you and we can ask them.

    You can run away like normal.
  7. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    truthers like me and you of course will check it out but you know the OCTA'S wont.
  8. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I went and checked it out. The first link doesn't get in to the conspiracy theories. Just gives links to the various news reports that came out during the 9/11 commission investigations. The stories all re-affirm it was Al Qaeda. The second link says people used 9/11 for political gain. Duh! Politicians use EVERYTHING for political gain. Just look at how much they are capitalizing on the massacre in Newtown CT.

    The third link is a racist skinhead site. Doesn't surprise me you two want so desperately to be associated with those skinheads. As for the sane people, we will pass.

    Youboob videos are for suckers and idiots. If they actually contained anything of value, truthtard twits wouldn't post the video, they would make the points. Waste of time.
  9. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Prince Lutz Alot,

    Ever since you joined the fray you've done basically these three things;

    1. Called me a liar, retarded, idiot etc.,
    2. Accused me of "running away"
    3. Called me an anti-semite.

    That about sums it up.

    I've addressed all three of these items over and over and over.

    If you cannot address the information regarding 9/11 specifically then there is no further reason for me to reply to you because...

    1. I am no more "retarded" than you are. The engineers, pilots, architects, and other professionals including high ranking members of government and intelligence certainly aren't. Do you actually think that you can convince other people that they are?

    You might try saying something intelligent for a change or at least give a plausible argument to explain away the improbability that so many coincidences and suspicious anomalies surrounding 9/11 could be due to chance alone.

    How can you expect people to believe that you know and understand more about 9/11 than architects, engineers, and even intelligence officers like Lt Col Anthony Shaffer if all you ever do is call people names? Even a first grader can do that.

    And even at name calling, the best you've been able to do is accuse me of being a liar and an anti-semite.

    I am surprise at you. I have provided more than one link to sites which express doubts about 9/11 which have been put there by JEWS! Did you not notice any of them? Even one of your Bunk Buddies called attention to one of them.

    I direct your attention to the last one:


    If you will scroll down you will see a link to this site as well as others.


    Now please explain to the audience how this site in particular can be what you call "anti-semitic".

    Then tell us all why I should provide links to web sites that deal with 9/11 that are hosted by Jews if I am "anti-semitic".

    The most "anti-semitic" thing that can be said about me I have admitted to already, namely that I resent being discriminated against by people who identify themselves as Jews, and that I disapprove of criminal activity even when it is being committed by Jews.

    Now [please tell everyone here what is morally wrong with either of these positions. I don't retract or apologize for either one
    by the way. You'll just have to "lump it" as we used to say in grammar school.

    2. Here I am rehashing the same tired junk that you have been whining about since the beginning after telling myself
    more than once that I'm finished doing so. But when I ignore your boorishness. I've given more attention to your
    incessant distractions than they deserve already. Not one person in ten would show as much patience with you as
    I have.

    I think that covers about all the ground that you've covered concerning 9/11 thus far, which is none at all.

    Now please try to resist the temptation to go running and tattling in an attempt to get me banned. People may get the idea that you are disinformation agent only interested in censoring discussions about 9/11, trying to discredit those who want the truth to be known, and disrupting every conversation about it and information exchange that you can.

    In addition to what I have already said about the charge of "anti-semitism", I would like to say that I understand why "Jews" would be offended at the suggestion that they are all responsible for 9/11.

    I can also understand why they would not like attention being drawn to those who were.

    I understand that Jews have a natural tendency to be paranoid and overly sensitive to criticism after the alleged atrocities of WWII. They have it drilled into their heads from their youth that Goyim are all "out to get them" and that any time anyone accuses one of "their own" of a crime, that they could only be motivated by a desire to exterminate them all.

    One can see how the history of WWII as they have been taught to them would stick in their craw and create a natural desire for revenge on all the people they blame for it , namely all the gentiles.

    This would explain why so many of them express glee at movies like "Inglorious Basteeerds". It gives them a chance to fantasize about what they would like to do to all the people they despise so much. That might even include some Lutherans!

    Also when one is raised in certain traditions it is natural for them to develop a sense of ethnic pride. Therefore they resent anyone who besmirches their religions or cultural heritage or is critical of any aspect of the ways they have been passed down by their ancestors.

    You see this same phenomena expressed among blacks as is illustrated by the invention of their holiday called Umoja.

    Just as Jews like to celebrate their victories over their gentile enemies every year about this time with Hanukkah, the Mexicans like to celebrate their victory over the Gringos when they celebrate Cinco De Mayo.

    So you see, I DO understand the desire of other races and religions and ethnic clans to be NUMERO UNO, "top dog", "The Man", "head honcho", and so forth. And I do the Jews no disservice when I acknowledge their desire to be "**** of the walk" when they attempt to display their own special brand of machismo. They like the attention of lovely ladies as much as anyone, whether it is gained by the accumulation of wealth or the display of their superior masculine force.
    Do they not?

    These tendencies are only human traits are they not? And Jews, like anyone else, ARE ONLY human aren't they?
  10. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Wow. Yet another lie from you. Anyone who reads my posts sees me rip apart your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims. Funny how you leave that little

    No. You haven't. You haven't addressed any of the lies you've told. Why do you think I keep asking?

    Yet I reply to each and every point you make. You lying about that does not change the truth, does it.

    I call your claims retarded. The fact you can't tell the difference is not my problem. The fact you think engineers, pilots and architects that agree with you are absolutely honest when the VAST majority disagree and can prove their cases is absolutely retarded. See? And yes. I can prove many of the so called experts are lying their asses off and being extremely retarded. Like the "pilot" who claimed Flight 77 made a high G turn before hitting the Pentagon. Gs can be calculated. Flight 77 didn't even approach a one G turn, much less multiple Gs. Richard Gage, a supposed architect, is so retarded he used BOXES to try and prove his claims about the towers. What kind of (*)(*)(*)(*)ing moron thinks a building is the same as a box? Right. The kind of moron out to bilk gullible truthers out of their money.

    I have. Repeatedly. I address each and every one of your claims and you just run away. Now, I don't know about you, but when someone runs away from a point in a debate, that person is acknowledging that the point is valid and they can't respond, which means you know your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is just that.

    First off, Anthony Shaffer believes the official story. Funny how you should bring him up when he directly refutes all your claims. His claim is that Able Danger had identified Atta. That's it. As for the other architects, engineers and pilots, I may not know as much as they do in their respected fields, but I also know they constantly tell lies which I have refuted. Other architects, engineers and pilots have also come forward and trashed the truthtard architects, engineers and pilots. So if it is experts you believe, why don't you believe the vast majority instead of the nutjob few? Oh right. Because you're not here for the truth. You're here to push your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) agenda.

    Yet you can't. Hmmm.

    Those aren't names. Those are characteristics. I've proven you are a liar, therefore the label is valid. You unjustly claim the Jews are responsible for all kinds of bad things they clearly are not, you identify anyone who disagrees with you as a Jew, and you stereotype the hell out of the Jews. These are all characteristics of an anti-semite. What you claim and what you write are diametrically opposed.
  11. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I didn't call tvnewslies.org anti-semitic. I called the other site you posted anti-semitic. You still can't tell the truth about anything, can you.
    Another lie by you. You posted a link to tvnewslies.org which happened to contain a link to a Jewish website under Israeli / Palestinian relations. You trying to pretend you posted a link directly to btvshalom.org is incredibly dishonest, but just what one should expect from a truther.

    Yet another lie from you. I've already identified your anti-semitic activities. You want me to go back and repost some of your anti-semitic greatest hits where you make blanket accusations against all Jews that are patently false?

    While ignoring the real meat of the issue. :lol: What a chicken(*)(*)(*)(*) tactic. Think anyone else is fooled? I doubt it.
    There is nothing for me "to lump".
    Yet you STILL haven't responded to your numerous lies. Why?
    My posts prove you are lying yet again. I have addressed your claims about 9/11 on a claim by claim basis. You RAN from the discussion. You can lie about it all you want. The posts prove you wrong.
    Once again you lie your ass off about me. Think the mods appreciate you lying like that?
    Anyone who is unjustly accused of a crime is going to be offended. The greater the crime, the greater the offense. I can fully understand why Jews would be pissed off at anti-semitic pieces of crap that falsely accuse them. Me? I get pissed off when people try to use the deaths of 3,000 Americans to push their various bull(*)(*)(*)(*) agendas. I don't care if you hate the government, the Jews, the Illuminati, the space lizards or what. I stand up for the truth. That can be seen in my posts as well. We realize your ego makes you think this is all about you and the Jews. It isn't. It is about the truth.

    Why would the Jews not like attention drawn to Al Qaeda? All you've done is posted a bunch of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) opinions about it being the Jews. You don't have a single shred of evidence that link the Jews to 9/11. Meanwhile you have to blatantly ignore mountains of evidence that proves it was Al Qaeda behind 9/11. Just how intelligent is that? Not very if this were just an issue of intelligence, but it isn't. It is about people lying their asses off to push their personal agendas.

    You think Jews are paranoid and overly sensitive? You should see skinhead anti-semites! They go absolutely ballistic as soon as anyone points out the racist and bigoted nature of their posts!

    Jews don't blame gentiles. That's just another bigoted stereotype I was discussing earlier. The Nazis were responsible for what happened, not the gentiles. Or are you so wrapped up in your white supremicy bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that you think all gentiles are Nazis? I hadn't thought of that aspect before, but you would be wrong there as well.
    You seriously think the Jews have a beef against Lutherans? :lol: Wow. That is seriously retarded! Where do you come up with such bull(*)(*)(*)(*)? It is comedy gold!
    You're certainly one to talk about ethnic pride. Your constant whining about preserving the white race is sickening.
    And? Since when is it wrong for a race or any other group of people to invent a holiday?
    :lol: I love how you keep digging holes by pretending your made up bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is in any way real when you generalize things to the point of nonsense. Jews celebrate victories over specific people, not gentiles. Mexicans celebrate a victory over the French, not gringos. I have lots of Mexican friends. I have yet to see one of them use Cinco de Mayo as a reason to promote gringo hate like you promote hatred of the Jews.
    Thanks for proving you are actually completely clueless.
    Yes. Yet when you lie your ass off about them, you try to dehumanize them. Nobody is fooled by that except other skinheads who have likeminded views. Hate recognizes its own. In the mean time, nobody is going to believe your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) about Jews waging war against the gentiles because it is made up bull(*)(*)(*)(*), a.k.a. a major paranoid delusion with serious signs of persecution complex.
  12. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    This thread is rather filled with insults, flame bait, tit for tat insults, accusatory "you did" "you are", that it makes more sense to close the entire thread rather than editing it.
    Folks, if you want your opinions read and remain, please post within the forum rules, no matter how passionate you are about the topic. If not, your posts will be deleted, and you may be asked to leave the thread, or even the forum for a while.
    Disruptive and disrespectful postings are so uncalled for and can be avoided, if everyone tried just a bit more.

    Site Moderator
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