A few debunking links

Discussion in '9/11' started by plague311, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I thought I posted a page or so back on how Scott was a shill. Scott, care to comment on that? Just going to ignore it?
  2. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  3. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    You know what else was going on at that particular time? Mass hysteria. There was a ridiculous amount of confusion, and I am fairly confident in saying that most of the people in those buildings aren't familiar with the sounds that bombs truly make. The phrase, "it was like a bomb going off" is what we call a comparison. A fireball went down the elevator shaft and exploded out the bottom floor doors. The fireball blew elevator doors off on the way down, that would sound like bombs.

    Lastly, Barry Jennings had no support for 9/11 truth. None at all.
  4. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I was going to respond to your insults but the moderator deleted them before I had the chance. Let's see how much of it I can recall.

    First off, I've addressed the "You're an anti-semite" thingy a dozen times. But I'm patient with slow learners so I'll run it by you again. I know you are capable of grasping these concepts if you just stick with it. You must keep trying though. I can't do it for you.

    Ordinarily people will respond to others in kind. This means that people usually will react to being treated mean by being mean in return. SOME people may return good for evil if they are so inclined, according to the understanding they have been given and according to the situation and the personalities and circumstances involved.

    There are OTHER people who will respond to no amount of good done to them. They are those who seem to relish doing bad. These people may be sociopathic or they might have been conditioned to behave this way through experiencing abuse.

    There are many variants of all these types according to place and time. But overall the majority of people tend to want to give as they get. If you treat them right, they will treat you right and conversely.

    Even with people who understand the principle of returning good for evil may be prevented from doing so because of practical considerations such as when dealing with a sociopathic personality or one who is hell bent on making others miserable or who is a chronic liar or thief etc.

    All normal people must cope with a spectrum of human ailments, envy and jealousy being among them. The necessities of living make a certain amount of rivalry almost certain. People can suffer with all sorts of internal and external ailments, the likes of which others may not even be aware of. As a result one can easily begin to view the world as a hostile and threatening environment which often demands that one apply the "iron rule" at times even when one recognizes and desires "the golden rule" ideally.

    I consider myself somewhat ordinary with respect to all of these. I tend to respond to people according to how they treat me. When someone does good to me, I find it much easier, and even feel obliged to treat them the same way. Even in cases where I am of a mind to do good to others even when they "despitefully use me", I may not do so, not always because of the impulse to retaliate, but because I feel like I would not be doing that person a favor by appearing to reward bad behavior, or because I do not want to be guilty of condoning their behavior by acquiescing to their actions.

    When I speak of the "Jews", I am speaking in general terms of the class of adherents to a quasi religious code whose ethics are Supremacist. I am also referring to those people who seek to profit from belonging to a union which practices the kind of discrimination that results in unfair treatment of outsiders. An example of this would be where members of the Jewish union give preferential treatment to their own in ways which result in UNFAIR treatment or the MISTREATMENT of others.

    The Jewish community has been vocal in criticizing and condemning white gentile Anglo Saxon type people for "racism" and discrimination when in fact the Jewish community is one of the most notorious of all who practice these things themselves.
    Now how is it "anti-semitic" for me to point out this glaring hypocrisy?

    When a person condemns others for those things which he himself is guilty of, then he condemns himself as well.

    I have never promoted the mistreatment of Jews or blacks or anyone else; nor have I practiced such beyond that which I would anybody!In other words, if you removed the external characteristics by which these people are identified, you would find me reacting to them as I would another white gentile male...............ie responding in kind.....as I have described above.

    Where I may differ with others on this subject, is that I do not believe that forced integration is morally justified.
    To believe that some groups of people are better off living separately is only common sense. To believe that people should have a choice with whom they are forced to bed down I believe is justified morally. That is to say, that neither YOU nor anyone else has any moral grounds whatsoever to condemn me or anyone else for the choice of whose company they would rather keep. Furthermore it is YOU who are at fault for making such demands on others against their will!

    If I think that it is better that Muslims and Christians and Jews be separate for the sake of peace or that blacks and whites would overall be better off to live and intermarry with their own race then there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is when YOU people start demanding that we MUST comply with YOUR demands of an ENFORCED MULTICULTURAL society in which NO ONE HAS A CHOICE!

    Thinking the way that I do does not imply that because I prefer to live apart from Jews and Blacks that I intend to treat them mean. On the contrary, I believe in treating them the same way that I would treat members of my own race and religion. And I do not need YOUR self righteous blather to know how that ought to be!

    In the case of 9/11, I believe that the guilty need to be brought to justice and that their claims to Jewish identity or anything else is no defense in murder.

    In the case of US and world politics, the Jewish lobby and all their associated political organizations need to be dealt with as just that; JEWISH. They call themselves JEWISH this and JEWISH that. So THAT is exactly how they should be dealt with ......JEWISH..... and ALL that label entails.

    The JEWISH hand in the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, Congress, and yes 9/11 is unmistakable.

    I resent these institutions and organized crime cabals ripping of the US wholesale to enrich their "tribe", to "prepare Zion for the rule of the coming 'Messiah'", and for creating a social structure where these people are given preferential treatment in every walk of life. A "Jewish" thief or a "Jewish" sociopath or a "Jewish" liar, or a "Jewish" murderer is no better than a gentile any one of those things. I am perfectly equal in my disdain for all of them!
  5. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Forgot there was more...

    They were ignored for the same reason that you are ignored in the scientific community. You have no evidence, or proof that what you claim is real. We can start out with some basic questions in regards to your movement.

    1. Who would perform this investigation? (Let's disregard the fact that no other countries scientists or relevant professionals disagree with the NIST report)
    2. Who would you put on the stand?
    3. What evidence do you actually have that would stand up in a court of law? (please refer back to Fangbeers precise breakdown of relevant evidence.)
    4. If the investigation that you request comes to the same conclusion as to who was responsible, would you stop being a truther?

    Oh, so you're not just an anti-semite, you're an all out racist as well. Perfect. It doesn't bother you that this country was founded by immigrants, or that most of those immigrants are responsible for making a large portion of the technology that you use today. Are you under some weird impression that the only things that are useful in our society are invented here in America? That no other countries can help? How about the Atom Bomb? You never cease to amaze.

    Any evidence to back this up? Is this just basically you saying "the government doesn't do what I want, therefore all of us white gentile anti-semites don't get what we want." You're no more of an American than all the Jewish people that died in those towers on September 11th. Your opinion holds no more weight than does theirs. Just because you attack them with no basis does not mean that they are any less important than you are.

    Do you think people are mindless zombies? Do you think they'll just lie to cover the deaths of 3,000 people just because their higher ups told them too. Get real.

    No you don't, you have a ton of weird little things that happened. Those things don't have explanations you like so you assume it means inside jobbers.

    Yes, "De Bunkos" do want you to take each piece of circumstantial evidence in isolation, that's what everyone should do. You should analyze each piece of evidence to see if it fits into the entire story. Understand that if you aren't educated in certain fields than you are not going to understand the odds and ends. Question everything you're told and find rational, reasonable, verified answers by experts with experience in the field they are speaking about. Truthers want everything to be taken at face value, and nothing to be investigated. Time after time they say they are seeking the truth, but when fact is displayed refuting their beliefs it is handwaved away and considered to be "part of the plot."

    Doesn't that sound a little bit like brainwashing? Just trying to be honest, but that sounds an awful lot like being brainwashed. Your evidence does not stack up in the face of real scientific research. If you don't understand something that doesn't mean you should scream "conspiracy", it means you should take the time to research things you don't know. This has a double advantage. 1) You learn things that will help you in the real world. 2) You get answers to questions you are asking.

    That's a fine myth you've conjectured there. So what keeps the people that were offered in the first place from telling everyone and anyone when the conspiracy goes off? Don't say the government kills them, that's ridiculous.
  6. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    The issue of who, what, why, where, when, and how 9/11 is purely incidental to Zionism or Jews in general, only so far as they may intersect. Where the two may intersect is a matter of events as they occurred which has nothing to do with whether I am an "anti-semite" or not. You are free to pass judgements on me as you please. You are not free to alter the truth.

    No doubt Prince Lutz Alot will bring that diversion up again.

    So just what did "Able Danger" reveal? The answer you get depends on who you ask. The truth may lie elsewhere.

    If I understand Lt Col Shaffer correctly what it means is that he and others had prior knowledge of the activities of the alleged hijackers prior to 9/11 and that this information was squelched by certain parties higher up the chain of command.

    What does this mean?

    What it means is this. If this knowledge was available prior to 9/11 then either one of two things was possible; either those people to whom the information was relayed either were so incompetent that they ignored it, which is unlikely, OR they understood what the possible dangers were and CHOSE to DELIBERATELY to ignore it.

    In the first case, those higher ups would be guilty of gross negligence and covering it up at the least.

    At worse it would mean that they understood what Shaffer and others were warning about and they decided to allow those "hijackers" to proceed unabated.

    We know that Atta spent time aboard Jack Abramoff.


    Right there you have a connection between Congressional politics, organized crime, and the justification to go to war with Iraq.

    That's not suspicious?:omfg:

    But let's read a few articles about "Able Danger" to get oriented:

    After that, does it not seem conceivable that not everyone in the intelligence community was in the Zionist loop?

    Could it be that these "terrorists" were here by practical invitation by those who were in the loop?
    And that these busy body intelligence agents like Shaffer and other CIA assets like Susan Lindauer though they were just doing their job when in fact they were only making pests of themselves by assuming that their responsibilities were to discover information which might save American lives and prevent and unnecessary war?

    If you think that it was not be accident that Shaffer's books were burned on the grounds that he was divulging "classified" in formation which "might jeopardize national security" or that Lindauer was imprisoned for her own good because of her "mental illness", then what alternatives are we left with?

    The one that comes to my mind is that the people who WERE MOST RESPONSIBLE for NATIONAL SECURITY, ie those who had the authority to burn books and send lock people up without a trial, were just a bunch of BOOBS THEMSELVES and didn't want anyone to find out just how BIG of a BOOBS they were ............BECAUSE..................THEY were the ones who truly JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY BY ALLOWING 2000 people to be murdered and over 2 TRILLION dollars to go missing! Not only that, they led us into a war on the grounds of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION where there WERE NONE, and into Afghanistan to FIND OSAMA BIN LADEN (not unrelated to Able Danger) and then NEVER brought him to trial or even produced his body!

    And all of the above is only the lesser of the two possible alternatives since it merely indicates an incompetence which is greater than that alleged of Lt Shaffer and crazier than that of Susan Lindauer!

    I'm not willing to be that kind to those who rode rough shod over Shaffer and Lindauer. BECAUSE I don't give them credit for being THAT STUPID!
    And NORAD doesn't get a pass on that account either!
  7. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Lie, it's not incidental. You can't connect the dots because you're a lying anti-semite.

  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  9. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Sort of like the Jewish media isn't it?

    I'm sorry you lack the mental facility to connect them. I agree, the NIST report was a bunch of garbage, as was the intelligence gathering for "WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION", and probably Iran's nuclear bombs they are stockpiling, and even the bang up job that the CIA, FBI, and NSA admits they did in detecting the invasion of the *********s, not to mention the great air defense performance that NORAD gave on 9/11 and the outstanding work of the anti-aircraft batteries surrounding the Pentagon.

    Lucky for Rumsfeld and company the Pentagon had only recently been reenforced on the same side that the plane hit and that he the rest of the gang just happened to be on the other side.

    I don't know who is luckier, him or Larry Silverstein and his clan. I guess Larry is. He got double indemnity for a meager investment in a white elephant whereas Rumsfeld probably didn't get to pocket a bit of the missing military BILLIONS.
  10. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  11. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  12. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  13. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    What? No reply to any of this?
    I guess you're only interested in covering 9/11 up. I thought so.

  14. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    If I understand you correctly, you're trying to say "Jews are bad."

  15. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    No. You don't understand me correctly. What I am saying is that as human beings Jews can be AS BAD as any other human being. Some of them can be really bad. Most of us are simply self centered to various degrees. According to scripture ALL have sinned.

    People who don't believe in God, which includes a lot of "Jews" can't possibly believe that. That would apply especially to the Secular Humanist, Atheist, Marxist, Neo-Bolshevik crowd. Obviously those who commit murder have no fear of God. Those people are capable of anything.

    What I believe is bad is Judaism itself, especially the Talmudic strain that has spawned the Socio-Political Union of Jews which include many branches under various charters. These POLITICAL and SOCIAL activists, lobbyists, and other opportunists are pushing agendas and teaching dogmas which have poisoned the well of American politics and even organized Christian institutions to the extent that they have penetrated them.

    These DOCTRINES OF MEN are mainly what I am opposed to. The flesh and blood of the men who promote them is only incidental. If none of them retained any racial characteristics of their Khazarian/Ashkenazim ancestors they would not have the "anti-semitic" accusation to fall back on. Otherwise, where do they get off calling me a "racist" for campaigning to restore the Republic and throw their mobsters in jail?

  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Ok, so you're saying "all men are bad, but especially those jewy ones.". Gotcha.
  17. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    My stepdad was in the army during the 50's,and he told me a lot of stories....not one time,however did he mention an army base disguised as a cinema.
  18. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    No. I'm saying that all men are potentially able to be bad and that Jews are no exception. Gotcha.
  19. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    No. I'm saying that all men are potentially able to be bad and that Jews are no exception. Gotcha.
  20. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Yet your entire obsession seems to be "the Jews".
  21. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Which is actually why he gets called an anti-semite. He knows there are bad people from all over, but he only speaks about the Jews. Also, he doesn't accuse other "bad" people for 9/11, only the Jews. Look at all that solid evidence he has? All that you have to do to connect the dots is assume a little bit here, conjecture a little bit there, make up just a little bit, and BOOM! Jews did it!
  22. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    They are the ones who happen to be running the country "over the cliff" at this time.

    Before their advent to power became apparent to me, and before the implications of what they were doing dawned on me, I never gave them a thought. I was scarcely aware of their existence. All I had ever heard is that they didn't believe in the New Testament or something to that effect. I knew about as much about them as I did about Hinduism which was practically nil. That had something to do with letting cows mil around in the streets and thinking you were destined to come back over and over.

    What other people believed and did was of no consequence to me. That's what I thought!

    The consequences of this ignorance and neglect are abundant everywhere now.

    The Jewish coalition owes their success as much to this ignorance and neglect as they do to their own cunning as they like to believe.

    My generation was all to willing to follow your Pied Pipers right into their graves.

    My intention is to wake as many of them up as will pay heed and to resist you like their very lives and futures depend on it. Because if they are white, gentile, and male they very well do!
  23. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    If the cabal responsible for setting up 9/11 was led and/or consisted primarily of "Jewish" extract, then I name them as such because they are such. And I would point the finger of blame at those who are guilty regardless of who they are.

    The reason why it is necessary to call attention to the Jewish political unions in this country is because in order to be able to see who is responsible and why, they must be able to understand where they all came from and how this scheme fit together.
    The same rule applies if one wants to uncover the role of Jewish espionage in American politics, foreign policy and all the ways it affects us, including trade policies, immigration policies, and economic affairs.

    There is no denying that Jews have been central in all these affairs and that the results have been devastating not only to the demographics of the US but to the economy and the way the rest of the world views the US.

    They as much as brag about it themselves!

    What's even worse is that it appears that the ill effects they have been instrumental in bringing about were not only a mere by product of the pursuit of their own agenda but were maliciously intended as well!
  24. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    But you've offered no real evidence that the Jews are behind it. Your own skewed outlook has caused you to draw invisible lines, and come to incorrect conclusions because of your hatred for a group of people.

    There is denying that jews have been central to anything, because you haven't proven that is the case. You've posted drivel from anti-semite websites, that doesn't make what you say true. It just means other people think the same messed up thoughts that you do.
  25. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    First let's take a look at what a Jew says about Jewish influence in the US. There are many such examples but let's start with one.

    The author goes on to project the idea that "From its beginnings, the Bush campaign represented, in the hearts of many Jews and apparently in the heart of George W. Bush himself (that knower of hearts), an attempt to reverse Jewishness in the establishment. The press has only been able to discuss this power struggle in code."

    I think this author knows better. The reason for the op ed is to plant the idea in the public mind that Bush was not under Jewish control. This is the same trick they used when they spread the rumor that Obama was a Muslim, despite the pictures that may be seen of his chief adviser Rahm Emanuel whispering in his ear like the devil himself.


    Despite the propaganda aspect of the article, it is still very revealing. I suggest anyone read it who wants to develop a better appreciation for who it is that calling the shots in this country, particular with respect to the economy, foreign policy, and socio-political trends. That about runs the gamut doesn't it? Which doesn't leave much left in which the Jews haven't put their stamp.

    Here's an article that gives a fairly comprehensive appraisal of the situation as it stands. I may disagree on minor points, but over all I think it paints a fairly accurate picture.


    All of the major points can be backed up with facts.

    To understand the 9/11 act, you need the story line. Grasping the plot depends on seeing how the stage is set.

    Now let's here from a Jew who has an unorthodox perspective. You have heard him no doubt and would refer to him as "a self hating Jew". I would suggest that perhaps he is more interested in defending the historicity of Christ and perceives of his fellow Jews as being about as antagonistic to that as anyone can get.
    Or it could be that he is presenting this material as a Jew in an effort to usurp the credibility of anyone else who presents it. In other words, so that the neutral observer will associate this information with "a kook".

    Whatever his true angle is, one must be able to separate the facts from the fiction. Regardless of the messenger or the method employed in delivering it, whatever factual material which is contained therein remains factual, whether it is presented by "a kook" , a "self hating Jew", or someone who simply believes he is defending the message of the cross, albeit in perhaps an unorthodox manner.


    For example:

    The Zionist neocons mentioned here and their agenda is a fact. So was PNAC and A Clean Break.
    I distinctly remember Chalabi's testimony as being one of the prime motivators in my personal support of Bush. I had voted for Bush. I trusted what Colin Powell and others were saying. Believe it or not, I was even listening to Michael Weiner at the time and took his warnings of dirty bombs seriously!

    In hind sight, we can see that in all probability, we were simply lied to. Now how do you think that makes me feel considering the number of Iraqi children and others who had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein who died because of those lies?

    And how do you think it makes me feel now, knowing the terror that some of those people who were forced to jump from the WTC buildings must have felt, against those who planted incendiaries and bombs in order to justify launching attacks against the enemies of Israel and to save money on some crooks investments and empower the "Russian" mob even more?

    Here the stooge celebrates the Jews victories over their Goy rivals.


    A picture is worth a thousand shekels.

    And after Bush signing the little Noahide House resolution thingy, that really sealed the deal.

    You people take us all for fools. What do you expect?

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