A puppet of Iran

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Jack Napier, May 29, 2012.

  1. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    They targeted military, government, and strategic economic targets, provide an example in which they bombed a civilian economic target and did not make an advanced warning via phone call.


    Um they were denying them an independent state and during WW2 went so far as to block immigration of Jews from Europe to the mandate.
  2. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    It's called genetic drift, the actual science in the form of numerous genetic studies proves conclusively that the parentage for the majority of the worlds Jews including both Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jewry is derived from common neolithic ancestors in the Levant, but despite being shown this you continue with your Nazi Khazar conspiracy bull(*)(*)(*)(*).


    lol now he's onto "Jews killed Jesus" yep nothing anti-Semitic about your posts at all, it's clear you just dislike Zionists. PFFFFT! :ROLL:
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is apparent to me, a man who lives over the water from Ireland, literally one hour away from Ireland, that you are out of your depth with the IRA chat.

    It's okay to not know Doc, heck I don't know a lot about the politcal history between India and Pakistan, I think I may make time for it one day, but my point is that there would be no use my bluffing it, or knowing 1%, because, like you with the IRA, I would SOUND out of my depth.

    What the IRA began as, and what they evolved to, two different things, Doc.

    Originally, they comprised of pretty much anyone that was willing to lend a hand defending Ireland.

    Do you really know anything about 1916? The Black and Tans?

    As time went on, and both sides became more entrenched, the IRA changed.

    It went from being a defensive force, a true civilain army if you like, to an organised structure, with a central command, a great access to finance, and due to dumb 'Irish Americans', who knew NOTHING, there was a steady flow of monies to the IRA, indeed, I would say that were it not for NORAID and American funding, that the IRA could never have turned into what they did.

    Something for everyone to think about, the next time they hear an American whinging about 'terrorism'.

    You said nothing about it when the IRA were being funded by Americans. They are ignorant to that fact. Totally ignorant, as per usual.

    The IRA became formally declared as a terrorist organisation.

    How many American funders were jailed for funding a recognised terrorist org?

  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Get awake son.

    Go look at your wee mate Borat's sig.

    Then have a think.

    Then what I wrote wil make sense.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Hitchens was scathing of Israel, and supported the Palestinians.

    Listen to it next time.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You said that the reason Ashkenazi's are riddled with so many genetic flaws and horrible diseases, was down to 'Muslims raping non Ashekenazi's'.

    How does that work?

    I think they have these diseases due to in breeding and a bad gene pool.

    That would make more sense to me.

    Here are some of them...

    Some Genetic Diseases are More Common in Ashkenazi Jews
    Ashkenazi Jews are at greater risk of developing several genetic diseases rarely found in the population as a whole. For example, Type 1 Gaucher disease — a nonlethal condition in which the body lacks a gene regulating the breakdown of a particular kind of fat — is one of the more common genetic disorders among Ashkenazi Jews. An estimated one in ten Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier for Gaucher disease. Carrying one mutated gene for the disease will not cause symptoms. However, if both parents carry one mutated gene, there is a one in four chance that their children will inherit two Gaucher genes and develop the disease.

    The childhood neurological disorder Tay-Sachs disease is also most commonly found in people of Ashkenazi descent; an estimated 1 in 31 Ashkenazi Jews carrying a gene for Tay-Sachs. Here again, both parents must have a copy of the mutated gene in order to pass on the disease to a child — and the child of two people who each carry one Tay-Sachs mutation has a one in four chance of receiving two mutated genes and developing the disease

    In addition, recent studies have shown that people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent may be at greater risk for breast and ovarian cancer than the general population. In 1995, scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered that a particular mutation in the breast cancer gene called BRCA1 was present in one percent of the general Jewish population. In comparison, the percentage of people in the general U.S. population that have any mutation in BRCA1 has been estimated to be between 0.1 to 0.6 percent. A follow up study in 1996 found two additional mutations (one in the BRCA 1 gene and one in another breast cancer gene called BRCA2) to have a greater prevalence in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, bringing the overall risk for carrying one of these three mutations to 2.3 percent.

    Stanford University geneticist Neil Risch explains the range of genetic diseases unique to the Ashkenazi Jewish population by theorizing that most of today's Ashkenazi Jews descend from a group of perhaps only a few thousand people — the privileged Ashkenazi that lived 500 years ago in Eastern Europe. The poorer Ashkenazi Jews, says Risch, had fewer children that lived to adulthood and, as a result, they did not pass on as many genetic conditions. Geneticists refer to this relatively small group of ancestors as founders

  7. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    I also mentioned genetic drift, the geneticist you cited regarding Eastern European Jewish gene pools in no way proves your Khazar conspiracy bull(*)(*)(*)(*) which I have thoroughly debunked on numerous occasions, the fact remains that through numerous genetic studies it has been conclusively proven that the Sephardi and Ashkenazi have a shared paternal lineage which can be traced all the way back to the neolithic Levant.
  8. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    I don't consider the Provos to be terrorists once again they targeted military, governmental, and economic targets and when they were civilian economic targets they provided prior warnings.
  9. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    I watched his interview on the BDS and I retract my assertion that he supports the destruction of Israel through a demographic shift, he says he supports an Israeli state alongside a Palestinian state which I likewise support, however, I am almost positive that this is a new position for him as I remember him previously supporting the so called "right of return" for Arabs who have never even set foot in Israel proper, I thought he still supported the one state solution which is nothing more than the destruction of the Israeli state.
  10. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    He did not say he supported the destruction of Israel, therefor, he can not be anti-Zionist which means support for the continued existence of Israel, he may have been against Israeli policies but that is not the same thing as supporting the destruction of the Israeli state.
  11. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Doko - you've more than once illustrated that it is YOU who lack understanding the differences between race, religion - ethnicity or even ideolgy nore the signbifance of the suffix "ism " as in Judaism etc.

    WOW ! Genetic drift - gene pools, genetic mixtures - Oy Vey ! , that really heavy stuff , Doko.

    You've repeated stated that you're not Jewish , and YET , you seem to get all steamed up + have a desparate- , passion in your posts to justify Ashkenazim claims, - hmmm I wonder why . ?????


    Are you a geneticist/scientist of any sort ? Do you understand genetics ,can you analyse and verify the results ? Or are you simply parrotting Zionist propagand ?

    IN all fairness , re Genetics , I'm willing to go along with what you have to say
    , if can can tell me :

    Was the Ashkenazim links with Khazar "debunked " by independent scientists OR e by Jews funded by Zionists ?

    Was it a Jewish team who carried out the DNA study ?

    Was it carried out to support Zionism's political claims ?

    Was the study funded by Zionists ? ,

    ( You know the old saying abt He who pays the piper , dont you ?)

    btw - I know sweet fokall abt genetics but according to some , Jews, (if they're also (out of africa ) Homo-sapiens , share some genetic DNA with mice and monkeys -
    Would such views run counter to Jewish beliefs ?

  12. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    here's more for your " genetic drift " theories


  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    False dicotomy.

    Face it, you have revered a man who preaches a different message to you.

    Shame that as time went on, his excessive drinking made him sound like a rambling old man on a park bench.
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So if you can get it wrong about one man (that you hate), over this paranoid fairytale of destruction and second holocausts, then logically, you can also get it wrong about others you have oft laid these charges at.

  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I know you don't, Doc.

    You don't need to keep telling me.

    I get it.

    You do not consider them, and by extension their actions, to be terrorism.

    You therefore consider them legit.

    You apply that same rational to Irgun and the Stern Gang.

    However, it doesn't really matter what you think, in the end.

    The IRA were formally terrorists.

    When they were active, if you endorsement of them here had gone beyond that, you would have been deemed to be facilitating terrorists, and possibly have gone to jail.

    Depends where you are from, where are you from?

    Here is your non terrorist, civilian caring IRA.....


    You support that.

    Therefore, you support killing innocent people and bombs in cities.
  16. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Seriousl;y Doko , there's an enormous amount of independent evidence , with no axe to drind grind , from apolitical non-Arab , non-Muslim , sources which casr considerable doubt abt what your programmers taught and which you're perhaps , innocently parroting .

    I was'nt around at that time , so I'm not prepared to put my head on the block for it , but its sounds more plausible than what you've offered :

  17. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    DOKO - AFAI can tell , I hear more abt "the destruction of the Israeli state " from Israeli Zionists propagandists + people like you than from mainstream Palestinians. All I've heard from Palestinians is a recognition of their legitimate rights and a just settlement, the right of self government without amilitary occupied , right to free movement , control of their airspace m the same rights as any other independent and free Nation. A totally independent Palestinian State without Jewish settlere arrogantly walking around in their streets - like armed american wild west cowboys . What objection would you have to such aspirations/demands . ?
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Marlowe, it is pointless.

    The Doc will take a fixed position on the IRA, because he has dug himself into a hole there, and no matter what, he is going to keep digging.

    The Doc will take a fixed position over Stern Gang and Irgun, ignore their terrorist status and actions, because, in his mind, they are the right sort.

    Muzrats are the wrong sort.

    What the Doc fails to understand is that in organising and executing terrorism, the Stern Gang and Irgun demonstrated one thing - it can work!

    The Jew terrorists were pioneers of terrorism in that region.

    His hated Muzratofascists, they learned well from these Jew terrorists.

    The Jew terrorists demonstrated it was permissable to use bombs and terror to gain political ground.

    And the PaedIslamoterrorists believed these Jews.

    When the Jews bought themselves nukes with money that was not really their money, they told the world that having nukes was a good thing, as it would guarantee you would not suffer an invasion.

    The Islamonecromancers belived these Jews.

    When a leading Jewish voice in America says that he doesn't care for the US flag, because he is raised to salute a foreign one, and be loyal, not to American, but a place he has never been, I believe what that Jew is telling me.

  19. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    It strike me as very strange when someone like Dokom comes along - claiming not be Jewish , trying to define Jewish identity , when I;ve found so much disagreement amongst Israelis + other diaspora Jews , re - Jewish identity./ Jewishness. I've read + sat in on several discussions about Jewish identity , it remains contrary to Doko's claims , inconclusive.

    Another interesting viewpoint is from brilliant musician + writer . born in Israel , served in IDF - author of "THe Wandering WHO? " - Gilad Atzmon, who I'd consider to be far more knowledgeable abt Jewish identity than our DOKO.

    see this :


    Most of what I've learnt about Zionism- the Israel/Palestinian conflict came from Jewish i.e. Jews Against Zionisms etc. Haaretz/ American Peace Now / + Israeli Human Rights Bt'Selem /JewsAgainstsZionists / Rabbis For Human Rights etc.,etc .
    Whish is why I safely disregard DOKO's endless parroting of Zionists BS.


  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I am well aware of Gilad, and have read the Wandering Who.

    Not a bad read.

    Gilad would be another Jew that Zionists, Jewish or otherwise, would hate.

    It is that simple.

    Any Jew that refuses Zionism is a hated Jew.

    If Zionists were not busy hating on Muslims, and ensuring that their interests can be furthered, but without the actual spillage of 'chosen blood' (just use the US army), Zionists would soon get around to these hated Jews.

    They would be as harsh with them, and their writings, and a Nazi would have been with non Zionist Jews, in Europe.

    Think of this though....the Jews of Israel may feel smug right about now. And why not? They have duped a superpower. That is why they can swan around like the wee bully that has a much bigger mate, always sorting out his battles.

    Why should they not feel smug when they have that, and their 'econony' is basically a prop up of German and American money?

    If that is what you were brought up into, you would be unwise and arrogant also.

    Nothing last forever.


    And that WILL also apply to the political landscape between Americans and Israel.

    Logically it will, since ALL things to turn.

    The Zionist Jews may be made a rather serious error, in those they have chosen to bed down with.

    For while those on the American right may be very good at pretending to 'support Jews', I believe it a falsity, and long term, I believe that Zionists in Israel have made some dangerous allies there.

    If you read through American political history, there was more disdain for Jews in the establishment parties than one may first think.

    Esp on the right, and white Christian America.

    I offer no link, since then people can find their own source about my claims.

    Indeed, this idea that white non Jewish America has always and v much loves them Jews....is fabrication and merely a new thing.

    I feel that the sudden support for Israel, esp among, say, those that would allign themselves with someone like a Palin, a white non Jewish American , do so, not out of any genuine love of Jews or Judaism. It is simply opportunistic. They will cosy up to Israel for as long as it suits them...but hey, logically, those like Palin and her supporters, they would have to hate Jews by definition, since they ultimately want all Jews to denounce and move away from their own identity and bow to a non Jewish one.

    Now if I were to suggest that....


    Palin, like us all, likes to borrow a quote.

    " ... In her convention speech ... Sarah Palin quoted an unidentified “writer” who extolled the virtues of small-town America: “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.” (9/3/08)"

    The unidentified writer was Westbrook Pegler (1894-1969), the ultraconservative newspaper columnist whose widely syndicated columns (at its peak, 200 newspapers and 12 million readers) targeted the New Deal establishment, labor leaders, intellectuals, homosexuals, Jews, and poets.

  21. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Sorry but numerous studies prove conclusively that your neo-Nazi/Islamic Imperialist Khazar conspiracy theories are complete and utter horse(*)(*)(*)(*).

    Haplotypes constructed from Y-chromosome markers were used to trace the paternal origins of the Jewish Diaspora. A set of 18 biallelic polymorphisms was genotyped in 1,371 males from 29 populations, including 7 Jewish (Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Kurdish, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and Ethiopian) and 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations. The Jewish populations were characterized by a diverse set of 13 haplotypes that were also present in non-Jewish populations from Africa, Asia, and Europe. A series of analyses was performed to address whether modern Jewish Y-chromosome diversity derives mainly from a common Middle Eastern source population or from admixture with neighboring non-Jewish populations during and after the Diaspora. Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level. Admixture estimates suggested low levels of European Y-chromosome gene flow into Ashkenazi and Roman Jewish communities. A multidimensional scaling plot placed six of the seven Jewish populations in a relatively tight cluster that was interspersed with Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations, including Palestinians and Syrians. Pairwise differentiation tests further indicated that these Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations were not statistically different. The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora.

    Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

    ...the Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews. According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the Arabian Peninsula, as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that include the modal haplotypes observed inPalestinians and Bedouin... The study demonstrates that the Y chromosome pool of Jews is an integral part of the genetic landscape of the region and, in particular, that Jews exhibit a high degree of genetic affinity to populations living in the north of the Fertile Crescent.

    The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East

    Both the extent and location of the maternal ancestral deme from which the Ashkenazi Jewry arose remain obscure. Here, using complete sequences of the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we show that close to one-half of Ashkenazi Jews, estimated at 8,000,000 people, can be traced back to only 4 women carrying distinct mtDNAs that are virtually absent in other populations, with the important exception of low frequencies among non-Ashkenazi Jews. We conclude that four founding mtDNAs, likely of Near Eastern ancestry, underwent major expansion(s) in Europe within the past millennium.

    The Matrilineal Ancestry of Ashkenazi Jewry: Portrait of a Recent Founder

    DNA Evidence

    Modern DNA studies on the Y chromosome of Jews worldwide have largely disproven the Khazar origin theory for the vast majority of Jews, including the Ashkenazi.

    A 1999 study by Hammer et al., published in the Proceedings of the United States National Academy of Sciences compared the Y chromosomes of Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Kurdish, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and Ethiopian Jews with 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations. It found that "Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level... The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora."[50] According to Nicholas Wade "The results accord with Jewish history and tradition and refute theories like those holding that Jewish communities consist mostly of converts from other faiths, or that they are descended from the Khazars, a medieval Turkish tribe that adopted Judaism."[51]

    A 2001 study by Nebel et al. found Haplogroup R1a chromosomes (called Eu 19 in the paper), which are very frequent in Eastern European populations (54%-60%), at elevated frequency (12.7%) in Ashkenazi Jews. The authors hypothesized that these chromosomes could reflect low-level gene flow into Ashkenazi populations from surrounding Eastern European populations, or, alternatively, that both the Ashkenazi Jews in Haplogroup R1a, and to a greater extent all Eastern European populations in general, might have some partial Khazar ancestry.[52]

    A 2003 study of the Y-chromosome by Behar et al. found that among Ashkenazi Levites, who comprise approximately 4% of Ashkenazi Jews, the prevalence of Haplogroup R1a1 was over 50%. This haplogroup is uncommon in other Jewish groups, but found in high frequencies in eastern European populations. They argued that "it is likely that the event leading to a high frequency of R1a1 NRYs within the Ashkenazi Levites involved very few, and possibly only one, founding father." They postulated that one likely source of the gene was a "a founder(s) of non-Jewish European ancestry, whose descendents were able to assume Levite status", and that an alternate "attractive source would be the Khazarian Kingdom, whose ruling class is thought to have converted to Judaism in the 8th or 9th century." They concluded that "Although neither the NRY haplogroup composition of the majority of Ashkenazi Jews nor the microsatellite haplotype composition of the R1a1 haplogroup within Ashkenazi Levites is consistent with a major Khazar or other European origin, as has been speculated by some authors (Baron 1957; Dunlop 1967; Ben-Sasson 1976; Keys 1999), one cannot rule out the important contribution of a single or a few founders among contemporary Ashkenazi Levites."[53]

    A 2005 study by Nebel et al., based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their local neighbouring populations in Europe. However, 11.5% of male Ashkenazim were found to belong to Haplogroup R1a1 (R-M17), the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern Europeans, suggesting possible gene flow between the two groups. The authors hypothesized that "R-M17 chromosomes in Ashkenazim may represent vestiges of the mysterious Khazars". They concluded "However, if the R-M17 chromosomes in Ashkenazi Jews do indeed represent the vestiges of the mysterious Khazars then, according to our data, this contribution was limited to either a single founder or a few closely related men, and does not exceed ~ 12% of the present-day Ashkenazim.[54]

    A 2010 study on Jewish ancestry by Atzmon et al. says "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews. The IBD segment sharing and the proximity of European Jews to each other and to southern European populations suggested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry."[55]

    Genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jewery

    It's not plausible at all, it's based on one or two long discredited books, no serious scholar of anthropology, linguistics, or archaeology takes it even remotely seriously, and finally it has been completely debunked by numerous genetic studies proving once and for all that the Ashkenazi are not Khazars, they are closely related to other Jewish populations including the Sephardi, and they can trace their genetic patronage to the neolithic era Levant.
  22. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Um no the so called "Palestinians" elected an organization which not only demands no solution but the destruction of Israel but the extermination of world Jewry as well.
  23. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    The man's a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing idiot who claims the "holocaust narrative doesn't make any historical sense" and makes claims that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion may not be a forgery. :roll: He's a fringe nut who even anti-Zionists have denounced:

  24. The Doctor

    The Doctor Banned

    Sep 27, 2010
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    If you like anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and holocaust denial. :roll:
  25. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Doko -

    I often try listening to the accused , instead of just taking the words of his accusers , before making a judgment

    Going by your posts , I'd consider him to be more knowledgible abt Israel than you, claim to be . . IMO - He sounds like a true Mensch. A man who thinks for himself instead of slavishly following an earlier religious / political indoctrination. .

    He was born - raised in Tel-Aviv . Served in IDF during the 1982 Lebanon War. He said it caused him to conclude that "I was part of a colonial state, the result of plundering and ethnic cleansing." He told an interviewer that it was there he first learned about Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, legislation to prevent their return, and the wiping out of Palestinian villages. “We were indoctrinated into a denial of the Palestinian Cause. We were not aware of it.”[39]

    Atzmon supports the Palestinian right of return and the one-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Atzmon told interviewer - “I don’t write about politics, I write about ethics. I write about Identity. I write a lot about the Jewish Question – because I was born in the Jew-land, and my whole process in maturing into an adult was involved with the realisation that my people are living on stolen land.” Atzmon has said that his experience in the military of “my people destroying other people left a big scar” and led to his decision that he was deluded about Zionism.

    He has condemned “Jewishness” as "very much a supremacist, racist tendency". He states that "I don't have anything against Jews in particular and you won't find that in my writings."

    Atzmon has compared - (IMO rightly) - -the Jewish Ideology to that of the Nazis and has described Israel's policy toward the Palestinians as genocide - In 2009 Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan cited Atzmon's written comment "Israeli barbarity is far beyond even ordinary cruelty" during a debate with Israeli president Shimon Peres.

    ( I find that because Gilad has been brave enough to turn his back on Zionisms , the big Zionists guns have sought to unjustly smear him as a "Holocaust denier which he's clearly NOT )

    Atzmon has said he does not deny the Holocaust or the “Nazi Judeocide” but insists “that both the Holocaust and World War II should be treated as historical events rather than as religious myth. .


    Doko - I'm a product of a tech college , nuts-bolts + spanners man. Genetics -synthetics pathetics - Haplo-paplo , Y-chromo -bomos , sounds like mumbo-jumbo to me. However if some geneticist should tell me I'm descended from Norse Viking , will that entitle me + my family to a slice of Norway ?

    Gawd help us if all americans of European descent should be crazy enough to demand right of return to their ancestral lands Jeezus - just imagine . ?????

    For FUKS sake what purpose does racial profiling serve
    apart from the Zionists dishonestly trying to justify their criminal dispossession.displacement of indigenous non-Jewish Palestinians ?



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