People want to believe what the national news media has to say. You want to believe what your government feeds you. Well perhaps this should give you some "ENLIGHTENMENT". Please let me know what you think about this, and if you believe what has shaped our "reality", has been given unto us as "TRUTH"?
We've known government lies since Vietnam (or maybe since Roswell). That's why we need to keep government small and on a very tight leash. Anyone advocating for big government needs a lobotomy.
I think this belongs in the garbage, I mean, trash, whoops I mean “conspiracy section.” Of this forum.
What are you talking about. That is a declassified real document. What or where is the conspiracy? This is all fact based. The government deems people who look into their doings, as conspiracy theorists. This way nobody looks into what they do, and if they are giving the truth to the people. If your fine with that, you would of loved Rome. Where those who spoke out against the government, where labeled "heretics", and killed. You are saying your ok with this, and that the word heretic today can be replaced with "conspiracy", which speaks out against the government. Do you realize the ignorance and consequences of this?
Yeah. I don’t watch random YouTube videos that claim proof of “the evil government conspiracies!!” Especially with a title like that.
We know that the U.S. government has staged excuses for intervening in many places: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Chile, Iraq... All these things were exposed by... investigative reporters who published in the MSM. But I think this video's focus goes in the wrong direction. I mean, it's based on a document that describes, for example, how to fake an attack on a commercial aircraft. And it does so by describing what an attack on a commercial aircraft would look like. The video then shows attacks on commercial aircraft. Why is it surprising that a mock attack on a commercial aircraft would look similar to a real attack? Fact is that when the U.S. government stages fake stories to use as an excuse to attack a country, they are fairly quickly found out. And we find out through investigative reporting. However, it's a fact that we need to protect whistle blowers. And that the criteria that allows the government to classify information should definitely be revised.
No, CGI is computer graphic imaging/image. There is a process to determine weather or not a photo is real or fake. It is you who denies this. So not only do you not know what it is, you also don't have the discernment to determine weather a photo is real or fake. And I mean no disrespect, but obviously that is the case.
Yes, you assume all photos on the internet that you don’t like are fake. You don’t present any evidence, you just assume they are if they don’t conform to your worldview.
I actually agree with everything except the commercial aircraft being the only example. They had many more, they also showed how the American government explains these processes in specific detail. And I don't think (opinion based on evidence) 9/11 and the victims have been rightfully "justified". The entire story is a lie.
No, actually it is you who claim they are real, without any evidence or examination of their validity. You are told they are real, thus you conform to that claim. It is I, who actually examines the photos, and their descriptions, and it is there in which you will see they are "composites, artist renditions, or completely computer generated. So please quit being a hypocrite, and at the very least examine the photos (nasa) validity.
I agree, however it doesn't mean it's real either. That's where the examination for evidence, to come to a conclusion comes into play. To skip that process is to not care, and only "believe" one way or the other.
I apologize for getting a bit off the subject, but I am very curious about your reference to 9/11. What are your thoughts or beliefs about 9/11?
9/11 was an inside job. Treason from within has taken place in America, and it did so awhile ago. The banking cartels (Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc), love war, for nations on either side go in debt with the banks over war. So they devised a plan to get the American people to go to war, and it was successful. Not only was Americans ok with war, they was screaming for it! American presidents do not call the shots, neither do our lawmakers. The banking cartels run the world. So in essence, one could say it wasn't technically an inside job, but it was because American leaders already know this. And they kneel to the banking cartels. America was bought and paid for awhile ago, and is owned by the Queen, who is in with the banking cartels.
You're using the classic tactic of associating are real conspiracy with a silly theory to try to discredit it. Nobody with any brains falls for that. People who think 9/11 was an inside job because they've seen the crushing proof... ...and think the moon missions were faked because they've seen the crushing proof... ...don't think the earth is flat.
Because so many other facts support its basic theme? I like the quote attributed to William Casey: "When everything the American people believe is false, we will know the success of our misinformation programs".
Or everything the US government told us about JFK and 9/11 is true, according to the ignorant and gullible masses who certainly aren't "lunatic" or "fringe", just ignorant, gullible and/or apathetic.
I think that your implicit argument that the government has been dishonest about some things in the past (like Vietnam) means it has been dishonest about everything it has ever announced (like the earth is round) is also a lie is not logical.
You've been shown actual, real photos (and videos) of the earth that are not "composites, artist renditions, or completely computer generated" many times. You just baselessly claim they're fake. Why bother.