Unfortunately, the US government hasn't been dishonest about some things, it's been dishonest about almost everything significant (like Vietnam). And that's not theory, it's historical fact. So the problem is not that one may believe the US government is dishonest about everything, the problem is that the US government is a pathological liar and untrustworthy. So given those facts, why would anyone take anything the US government claims on faith? Why would anyone fail to question EVERYTHING the US government claims?
Because when it comes to some things (like the Govt saying the earth is round) there are so many people -- in and out of the government -- that would have to be involved in this massive, centuries long conspiracy, it strains credibility to believe the government is lying. Plus the fact the earth is curved and deduced from our own observations.
This group of people that created the lie, they are positioned in far more areas then just the government. If you think that's impossible, over a very long period of time. Might I remind you, that's how empires have always worked.
If your wife or husband is always lying to you, what than do you believe, or do you even stay with them?
Yes, I realize it must be a vast, vast, vast, vast, vast, *vast* centuries long conspiracy of tens of thousands from all over the earth who are dedicated to keeping us stupid and thinking we are on a sphere. : )
If your wife or husband is always lying to you, what than do you believe, or do you even stay with them? All governments do is lie. Because they always have to keep covering it up, hints, "classified" or "top secret". And people allow for such non-sense. It's classified and top secret, because it will bring them down. Thus we don't get to see (whatever the case may be), the truth. Which is truly the only thing worth fighting or killing for.
I understand that according to you I'm an idiot. And when it comes the shape of the earth, I very well may be. But you do realize, being ignorant on one matter, does not mean one is ignorant in all matters. Here it's obvious you cannot answer the question (which was outside of flat earth), or you just don't want to. So you present an answer that is "ignorant" on the matter. Nutjob internet videos has nothing to do with the question.
The US government was never the entity that decided the Earth is round (more accurately, it's an imperfect sphere). And for centuries most (if not all) governments claimed the Earth is flat and most everyone believed it. In fact, some were tortured and murdered for believing the Earth is a sphere. In any case, the shape of the Earth is NOT the subject of this thread nor did I ever bring up that silliness YOU did. This is about American false flags or more accurately about US government false flags. Despite, I see you're not interested in a serious discussion, you're more into liberally inserting red herrings into your posts. You must be one of those who believes the US government wouldn't lie about anything important.
No, it wasn't the US government. It was the tyrannical government of Rome. Do you not know where the ball earth comes from? I can assure you, I am not ignorant in the "heliocentric model" or it's "origins".
If your wife or husband is always lying to you, what than do you believe, or do you even stay with them? All governments do is lie. Because they always have to keep covering it up, hints, "classified" or "top secret". And people allow for such non-sense. It's classified and top secret, because it will bring them down. Thus we don't get to see (whatever the case may be), the truth. Which is truly the only thing worth fighting or killing for.
NASA is an entity that has posted many images of a round Earth. I just gave an example of the round earth as something the Govt has asserted that I think is true. It is very relevant to the author of the OP. Sorry if that got your panties in a knot. Why would you think that? Do you always make assumptions about things you know nothing about? It shows.
If my wife was always lying to me, I would not believe her. But then, I wouldn't necessarily assume that everything she said was a lie either. Does that answer your question?
Flat earth lifts the veil on all the false flags, it reveals all that are involved. All their lies branch from the root of the first lie, and they must and will do anything to keep that root watered and growing. That root, is the ball earth lie. Which is why it would reveal all of them, all governments. For they all promote and indoctrinate the lie at a very young age. Keep searching for these false flags or the truth. You will get there.
Wrong, this is NOT about the author of the thread, you or me, it about American false flags so your red herring is just that and is irrelevant. YOU imply it with your red herring defensive posts. When you decide to stick to the OP, perhaps you can change my mind.
Never mind, I thought this was going to be a serious discussion on false flags. I'm obviously wrong so count me out of this nonsensical discussion.
Not at all. Whether NASA's portrayal of earth being round is a "false flag" is right on point with the author's intent. I implied no such thing, that doesn't even make sense. You must be one of those who believes the internet wouldn't lie about anything important.
Yes but it took the power of Rome and the Vatican to present it as "truth". At first, the RCC didn't want to present it as truth, because they seen how it contradicts the Bible. Side note: The Vatican doesn't care about the Bible, they just want their riches and power, control of the people.