the 400 individuals on the forbes list don't represent the wealth distribution in the US, most of the wealth that controls government comes from legacy groups and business partnerships of a few million people and that wealth far exceeds the wealth of 400 individuals on the billionaire list.
The "world economy" hasn't "collapsed." It is in a period of RECESSION. Bust and boom cycles are natural parts of economic systems REGARDLESS of the system that is used to control the economy. Granted, this is a SIGNIFICANT recession, the failure could JUST AS EASILY be seen as a failure of regulation because it set up all the wrong incentives (as many government planned systems do). The key is to ensure a balanced approach to the economy - letting markets be free where they are best positioned to allocate resources, stepping in when markets fail to deliver the desired economic and social outcomes.
It never ceases to amaze. I show proof.... I provide sources.... I give logical reasoning. And still it makes no difference at all. I suppose if I actually bothered to show the math (AGAIN) that shows that the wealth of the top 400 in america is greater than those below.... I would once again be told I was wrong... or how once again "those are not rich people we are talking about.... move along".... This has become a "the dictionary is wrong" type conversation.... I wish you well. In 10 years time you will still be just as you are today.... perpetually angry and have nothing to show for it. I wish you well...
If you guys had not adopted policies that fed pure greed we would not be in the mess we are now. (Leaving aside the Greeks and their decades of devotion to not paying taxes.)
ayn rand has been described as a sociopath - and if you look at her values, its easy to see why. if she says something is "good" I would be taking it giant pinch of salt. WRT your character assassination of Awryly - since you know squat about him, your opinion of how his life may have changed in ten years time is worthless. I suspect the real Awryly is laughing at your characterisation of him - which is probably projection on your part.
Ayn Rand really was a prophet, wasn't she? Look at all the assumptions she spawned in her followers about liberals not being rich. Just for starters. But you will just have to take it from me that I have enough resources to sit here and toy with your brain.
The same reason they all do; because he's not an American. Penis envy is a worldwide epidemic today. By who? You just now? Sweetheart, I'm not sure you understand what a sociopath is. Because using context clues here, you appear to be confusing a sociopath with a self-sufficient person.
Herrenmoral meets Sklavmoral. But I digress. I love The Fountainhead, but everything else she wrote is mediocre. Whether or not she herself had a conscience doesn't effect the validity of her philosophy.
are you saying she was a nazi? thats an interesting thought. she certainly appears to have believed that she was superior to others. but I wasn't talking about her philosophy. I was referring to the perception, based on her work, that she had no conscience. an amoral sociopath.
No, I was trying to say that she may appear to lack a conscience just because she believed in a different system of morality. Yes, and that's why I don't think her personal life reflects her philosophy at all. For an amoral person she certainly spent a lot of time writing about morality.
I remember once sitting on tarmac in Perth, waiting for the clearance to fly back Stateside... in from of me sat an older Australian couple, making fun of anything and everything American... when the stewardess passed by and they started to giggle how old and unattractive she was, I thought to myself - you sons-a beatches.... you're flying America made plane (was 747), you're reading American made book (was something by Tom Clancy) you're watching American made movie (Aussies don't make movies) and you passionately hate America... why?
Just about everyone makes movies, even New Zealand. And just about everyone makes better movies than the Americans. American actors do not know how to act because, unlike the British (for example), they are not trained to. They are simply imbedded in bad scripts written by script writers who do not know how to write. To find good cinema, Americans need look no further than Canada. That's not to say there are not one or two good American studio films. The Green Mile, Mississipi Burning spring to mind. But they are diamonds in the dross.
I do have to agree with our Aussie friends, they do make movies. You may have even heard of some of them, such as the Mad Max series and the Crocodile Dundee series. I can't think of any others offhand.