Sounds like Pre-WW1 Nationalism has finally caught up with Australians and New Zealanders. Debating how each country's people are inferior from the way their government acts, to the way they make movies. According to the representation, their country is better than the others in every way possible. From buying and using Portuguese toothpaste to having "big bums." I love the contradictory argument that Americans are a$$holes that spread their filth around the world while criticizing actions taken being shared by practically all the countries, including their own. I mean really.. how can you criticize american individualism while praising your own country's cinema!? Cinema, regardless of where it is made, is based on the same idea, individualistic art form. Do you think they would make films if they were not for their own individual gain in some form or another?? Government funded/run films arent cinema either, its propaganda. The argument you make is the same if you replaced American film makers with painters and said they are crap compared to Australians. Fortunately for the sane people in the world. They realize that governments are always striving for more power, regardless of which ones we speak of. To directly blame the American people for actions taken by individuals elected or appointed to the U.S. Government is childish, irrational, unrealistic and ridiculous. And I would also prescribe those traits to all your posts/threads, so Im not surprised by this one at all.
You really need to look at and understand the Australian psyche. Australians aren't one for authority, don't like being dictated to and don't like being told what to do. This probably stems from our Anglo-Celtic heritage. We'll support the underdog and with the other hand, lop the tall poppy. We don't put people on pedestals and we definitely don't worship demigods. We enjoy taking the p!ss out of people and can laugh at ourselves (something Americans can't do). But we don't suffer fools gladly. Australians have an inbuilt alarm system for BS, and mine rings loud and clear as I read some of the posts in these forums. These are the reasons why Australians are difficult to govern,,any small mistake the government will be out on its arse next elections. Any Australian government in power has to tread very carefully.
Hmm, it would appear as though someone has furtively disabled yours. I suggest you get it looked at immediately.
Is it not generally considered to bad form to have to explain oneself as such? Oh well... In other words, you're spouting "BS" -- ostensibly without realizing it, else your alarm would be triggered -- thus, one may infer that your "BS alarm system" has been disabled. Quite simple, really.
It's questions like this and waiting for an answer that really answers your question. No body hates America. How can you hate a land. Here is a small list of why What people hate is the stupidity of American people. We hate your foreign policy. We hate your arrogance. We hate your warmongering and lies. We hate your double standards. Many hate your lack of morals. We hate your thuggish gun and gangster culture. We hate your lack of world knowledge. We hate your lack of family values and love of money over family or children. We hate your crime rate. We hate your bankers. We hate your vetos. We hate your electing stupid, illiterate, or immoral presidents. We hate that you lecture us without ever traveling outside your own country and know nothing of other cultures, languages or nations. We hate when you preach about things you know nothing of and act like experts. I've been many times to the USA. Have you ever been out of your own state?
Looks like you have based your view of the USA on Lil-Dick-N-Bush era politics. And some good old conservative Southern religious values. But I agree, a lof of this is imbred into American culture.
Australians were given the choice via a referendum to move away from a constitutional monarchy. This is probably the first time in history whereby citizens were given a choice. Countries like America, France and Russia went through years of bloody revolution to oust their monarchy. At the time, a conservative government was in office, mostly monarchists. The models they suggested for a republic were too close to the American model or just too complicated. Australia chose to retain the Queen as head of state. This is democracy at its best. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". If you look at the top most 10 democratic countries in the world, you'll find seven are constitutional monarchies. Now,,, what is America doing about their "royal" families? Allowing them to pull the strings of the American government. Totally undemocratic!
How is it bad form to describe a national character? Aussies are pretty distinctive and Kiwis have much the same characteristics. Less brash but as irreverant. Probably explains, for example, why the social phenomenon of religion is very much absent from public life and much private life. A point of difference with Americans who fervently call on God only slightly less than Muslims in an intafada.
Bad form to have to explain a joke or a quip, although sometimes the recipient necessitates such an action.
Which is probably why I have to keep raising the issue. One day I will strike a formula that even you will understand.
Americans are benevolently ignorant about the world, while the world is malevolently well informed about the United States. ... with apologies to - J. Bartlett Brebner Why is that?
That quote actually bears on an American characteristic that has led them into one international disaster after another. Americans' motives are totally transparent to the rest of the world. Americans barely know there is a rest of the world.
I dunno but some of the wealthiest contributors come from Wall Street and they are on the liberal left. The same goes with famous rich actors that contribute to candidates. Heck, even Barney Frank gets contributions from Fannie Mae and good ol' Freddie when he was the reason they collapsed. I don't see where our natural response is to make things worse, speaking from a Republican point of view. Who are we electing that will seek self interest? Obama? He get's to dine at Martha's Vineyard with all that money he claims is his own. Most likely is it campaign money stashed aside. I know that it is a huge world, with many places I haven't heard of. I get a lot of information from the media and right from this forum. As a Moderate, why would you think scientists would need to cure a Republican? Times are tough here and yes, it affects the economics of other countries. It doesn't mean that Republicans brought us to ruins. There are crooks on all sides of the isle. We are always catering to the poor because of social programs. Some are poor because of disabilities, not always out of choice. Those that are truly poor can get help through charity but not as well under these economic conditions. The "Jobs act" was a joke and still is. Government action at it's worst. Other countries can laugh at us all they want. Makes me wonder if they are so happy, then why do we have so many immigrants? Do they not know something about being poor? They come here for opportunity and education.
I have no doubt there are crooks on both sides of the aisle. Nothing illustrates it better than this. But the republicans seem to have a mortgage on widespread corruption and failure - of the sort they no doubt want to see, and some they didn't expect. At the core of most of the arguments I make is the clear fact that your political system does not represent the majority of you. It relentlessly and corruptly represents special interests that operate against the interests of ordinary Americans. Perhaps people from poor countries do immigrate to the US. But they are driven by desperate poverty. Immigrants that come to NZ come with wealth looking for a happier environment for themselves and their families in which to develop and prosper. I think that is a big difference between us.