lols ... well that might show your age rather than anything else ... but not only do we make movies, Australia also has a significant presence in hollywood - mind you - based on the quality of movies from the US, that may not be anything to be proud of. incidentally, australians picked up five oscars this year ...
didn't check - but if so - does it mean you haven't got enough home grown talent in that country of 300 million?
No, it actually fits the behavior that helped to make the US so great. We accept the best and brightest from many different countries and integrate them into our country. Many of the greatest scientists, athletes, businessmen and people from other fields were and are immigrants. Those people want to come here for the opportunity and we are happy to have them join us.
Lord of the Rings series.. Still one of the best set of movies made this century. Nothing has come close thus far. Another interesting fact, the first feature length (just over an hour long) movie was made in Australia in 1906,, "The Story of the Kelly Gang". Australia can be regarded as the birthplace of the feature film since it continued to produce feature films for another five years before any other country created their own.
Keep up, noddy. The Hobbit is just one of the movies we are currently making. Courtesy of New Zealand film makers, it will come to American screens any time soon. Like the Lord of the Rings miracles (three of them) from New Zealand, it will be rubbish. But we have learned to understand what appeals to your abominable taste.
You have to. And yet it still doesn't work. Your actors can't act, your playwrights can't write, your TV presenters can't present. Why do you think any half-decent American film has to include a Brit or Australasian in a starring role?
Let me give credit where it is due. Despite the atrocity inflicted on the world by American cinema, its music - thanks to the Afro-American, Latino and British influence - has been superb. Until the 1980s. When it all turned to mush.
good question. I thought - well there are films that are quintessentially australian, but there are others that are australian made/directed - but use a more universalist approach. Hollywood to me doesn't represent the best of American film - so I don't think thats really representative of american film per se, but it does seem to take an american perspective, rather than a global perspective. I generally think hollywood films are for a very immature audience (rather than a specifically american audience) with a few exceptions. on the other hand ... Bollywood is for a south asian audience ... or maybe not, since bollywood films are popular in a lot of places outside south asia as well. but they are quintessentially indian.
with my American hat on: If you think America is #1 in economics of the world today and is only broke temporarily and, China, France, and Germany will be broke soon, you could be a stupid American. If you like to blame Obama for everything wrong with the country and will continue to vote in the same old relics in congress and the house, you could be a T-bagger American. If you go to church to pay someone to tell you what is moral and what is not, you could be a criminal American. If you like to vote for politicians who are owned by their liberal Government employee unions and like spending massive amounts of money with no accoutability, you could be a liberal American. If you keep supprting more funding for failing public schools so you can help out Jerry's kids, you could be a product of public school American. If you think lobbiest work for free and have no influence on politician ans the rules they create, you could be a republican American. If you can only understand double spaced lines and 5 word sentanses, you could be a conservative American. If you think the jews run the broadcast media and spin the news in favor of isreal, you could be a conspiricy theorist American. If you nod yes to everything that the preacher says and has no clue what they are talking about, you could be a religious American. If you think the white devil is dick cheney because he survived 5 heart attacks and lives in a cave underground, you could be African American. If you think hanging out at Home Depot looking for a job will make you look like a productive American, you could be a Mexican American. If you like to drink and talk politics in a bar and get kicked out and are going to boycott that bar, you could be a Alcoholic American. If you think, that protect the stupid and punishes the stupid for believeing it it, you could be an athiest American. If you read this entire post and are pissed off because it waisted your time, you could be a real American with no life too.
true - and I have seen some really good recent russian films as well ... these also cater to a pretty wide audience.
I'm a fan of French movies. One I love is Indochine, also A Very Long Engagement is a fabulous movie.
I love both of those - but for quirky comedy the french are brilliant as well. Amelie, Jeux d'enfants, Tais-toi! spring to mind.