I wholeheartedly agree, I just wanted to know what kind of 'evidence' one could use to show they aren't a shill. The concept, in and of itself, is ridiculous.
Show me years years of consecutive pay stubs (with identifying information inked out), but the employer left in (something one can research and verify as to what the company does). That would tell me your job was consistent and you have access to presented stubs probably because they're yours (as opposed to someone elses). Show us consecutive bills, consecutive subscriptions to magazines with the same post office marks. All should match. That's one way to prove you are who you say you are (not a shill). There's ways to do it if you really want to but, I'm quite sure you don't really want to so, your statement of "more than willing" is merely for effect.
......and then the shills fell silent................ Somebody must have pulled rank. (don't know who though).
No. W're just trying to figure out how we could show you that proof of what we do for a living without worrying that one of you lot might follow us home. I would rather not have to use my weapons if i do not have to. Thus I take certain precautions against giving useful intel like where I live to a swarm of sociopaths.
I freely give my personal information. Heck my username is my initials and year of birth. I live in New Zealand so no worries for me. Hell, even if I lived in the states no truther would have the stones to stalk me down. I'm sure my facebook profile is easy enough to find.
Well, I can't do that. Since I have a contract stating I will not disclose my occupation in a public forum, nor would I want anyone to be under the impression that my opinions are those of my employers. They aren't. It's weird that you'd accept this, as if I worked for the government they wouldn't just make some. I thought I read on this forum where someone said the government holds a bunch of fake companies. LoL I haven't had a magazine subscription that was physically delivered to my house since my Maxim subscription in '01. Again, sorry, I have a family. I am not accusing any of you of being violent, but like Lefty said, I'm not going to risk it. With 3 kids, my mother in law, and my wife at home I don't know what I'd do if something happened cause I got reckless on a 9/11 forum. When I said, "I'm more than willing." That didn't mean, "I'll do anything in my power." It meant, if there was something rational that would not put my family, or job, in danger than I would have no issues. I've come clean and told a few people on these forums what it is I actually do for a living. However, I really like my job. Anyway, you can keep calling me a shill if it's what makes you feel like your information is valid. I really don't care, I just think it's pathetic you need that much information for me to show you I'm not a shill, but you need ZERO evidence at all to call me a shill. How odd is that? All of my personal information to prove something that has 0 evidence in the first place.
LoL prove my innocence? I didn't know I was guilty of anything, outside of posting the real facts and evidence of 9/11. If that makes me guilty, than I'd rather be guilty than innocent any day.
Would it matter? Fraud thinks the FDNY was complicit in murder and destruction. Lets just assume the use of the term 'shill' means he can't provide evidence to counter a fact.
By all means, let's just hand over some personal information to the likes Truthers to prove a mothereffin' negative to assuage their insecurity and paranoia. I mean, it's not like any of them are complete pieces of garbage in real life and it would never come to any sour conclusion or anything. (zup Killtown?) I heard there's a Nigerian prince in need of my help, so I'll post my details after I take care of him first. Seriously, most moronic request I've seen on the net in a long time.
So then stop the nonsensical "I'll be happy to prove I'm not a shill" bluster. It's nothing more than false rhetoric. That's the point. - - - Updated - - - Yeah...dance away from the point of it and shift the spotlight somewhere else. Very good.
First, I didn't call you a shill so please stop with the shill tactics. Second, you're the one that volunteered to "prove you're not a shill". I merely pointed out that you cannot and will not. So...that's settled.
Can you prove you're not a Bush voting, rabid right winger who is jobbing here in order to make left wingers look like paranoid numbskulls?
That's pretty smart on your part actually. You joined the bandwagon with the one who said he "would be happy to" do so, and I commented on your bandwagon jumping. - - - Updated - - - Aye, aye captain.
Did I now? I merely commented on how absolutely stupid your idea was, nor would I ever consider enabling your paranoia and insecurity. Again with the lies. You should really consider not doing that.
Bandwagons are bad, aren't they? Like those who jumped in with the 'free flowing fountain of truth' who claim no one died on 9/11. I mean, who could be that stupid?
It looked like bandwagon jumping. My apologies if you intended something else (like...ridicule or one of the other common bullet points).
If you didn't think I was a shill, and you weren't implying it, then you wouldn't ask me to (*)(*)(*)(*)ing prove I'm not one would you? You also wouldn't say, "Stop with the shill tactics." Your BS might fly with the mods, but don't (*)(*)(*)(*) on my head and tell me it's raining. I know what you're saying, and I know how you're trying to cover it up. I have a 13 year old, and 2-10 year olds that do the same thing when they're "just saying stuff." You might think you're crafty, fraud, but you're not. Secondly, it's not that I can't. You are confusing the difference between can't, don't, and won't. I won't do it, because my family is more important to me than some tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy buying, half-wit that can't figure out how evidence and fact work. I'm not calling you that, so don't think I am. I can do whatever I want. I have my payment receipts, but I've only been here for a few years. Before that, I am more than happy to say I was the GM of 2 Arby's stores here in town. Previous to that I also created the system processes for a Directv MDU dispatch call center, before my current job. I am hired on freelance by companies when they need help. Hence why I have a contract. I didn't have one with Arby's or the DTV hub so I can speak of them freely. You want reasoning why I won't? Look at Hannibal's signature.
Nice mix of insults and ridicule with a does of irrelevance. Nicely done. Very professional. - - - Updated - - - I see. Glad you ironed that one out.
No Sir....YOU volunteered to "prove you're not a shill" all by yourself, without me accusing you of anything. I merely suggested possible ways for you to accomplish what it was that you said you would be "happy to do". I am not allowed to call people shills so I do not. One of the shills that frequent this forum would report me immediately. This whole dance is another reason I look forward to an open, honest discussion outside the control and influence of the shill..I surely hope it can occur. - - - Updated - - - I don't but, sometimes the dance gets complex. Harder? Please elaborate kind Sir, if you would.