Of course there are some arrogant Athiests, just like there are arrogant Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindu's, etc. I have a few Athiest friends - that I know of. I find they don't openly admit to it (we don't talk about religion too much to begin with, but I wouldn't be abe to tell unless they told me). I also have Christian friends. They don't try and force Christianity on me. Again, we rarely talk about religion, but when we do nobody tries shoving it down anybodies throats. Now, we get to internet forums. It all changes. I find Athiests to be the far more arrogant group on forum, compared to religious people, because majority of internet Athiests actually think they are better than the religious people because we believe in God. There are some who won't even take people seriously because they are religious. They constantly bash religions - unprovoked - and they think their word means everything and our words are joke. That's arrogance. Salam
I think it's quite arrogant to leave #5 out. Especially considering 1, 2, 3, and 4 claimed countless more lives than any "Muslim" terror attack. I also think your justification for the genocide of Native Americans is quite ignorant. They lived on the land, you came from Europe and slaughtered thousands, converted the ones who survived, and took the land from right under the feet. The Crusades saw thousands more slaughtered by Christians after they took control of Jerusalem. And they persecuted the ones who survived, until Salah ad-Deen recaptured Jerusalem. But yes, it was quite arrogant to not include #5 as a lie.... Salam
Technically it was not a lie....and none of the others were either... The fact that less died under attacks by Muslim Extremists than by Christians during the Cruisades does not mean that it should not be counted. It is still an example of religious nutjobs murdering in the name of their religion.
Hey, stop right there ! I had never done any of that sort you attribute here. By attributing those to me or for that fact anyone who has nothing to do with it, you express extreme violence and one of this days you will also face slander charges. Bullies will not be tolerated.
I really think these threads that frame theists and atheists in general or absolute terms are both dishonest and useless. Inevitably these threads lead to argument and insult. I'm not perfect and most assuredly I have posted things that are both insulting and offensive. I regret this. Ultimately, It is impossible to characterize the behavior of theists and atheists in absolute terms. Individuals should not be judged by their faith or lack thereof. Individuals should be judged on their words and actions. This forum would be a better place if each of us was a bit more critical of ourselves and a bit less critical of others. OK Ill get off my soap box.....
This is not unique for Christians. I am called a liar, uneducated, moronic and blind to reason too. Troll or blind to science, I have not been called. Even my meaner posts are some way from being trollish and I make some effort not to write posts that go against science. Again, this goes for atheism as well. Maybe not to the same extent though, since attacking atheists with this argument doesn't have the same basis in literature. I don't think anyone has claimed that there were no arrogant atheists, I believe the question is why atheists are called arrogant more often. Atheism and other irreligious world views cannot include a thought that anyone is flawless, that any world view would have less behinds in their ranks, we're all human after all. There are, of course, people who claim to know everything or more than others to different extents, but they appear in both theism and atheism. I can't speak for this, since I haven't seen the conduct in question, but a single instance is rarely enough to claim a trend. I can find instances where Nazism or Soviet Communism are "correct", that doesn't mean that they are any more tolerable. Again, happens to all. I do however believe that it happens to you more often than others, because you react vividly. Everyone knows that bullies pick on the ones that are funny to pick on, not just people in general. Citation needed? As always, some say they're more than others, that happens within all persuasions. Mostly, irreligion is about the fact that nobody is perfect, most don't claim that atheists are less arrogant than others. It's just that the ones who do react to your vivid claims to the opposite. All in all, there are two things I think you miss. One: You assume that your experience is an accurate representation of everything that goes on on this forum or in the world. It is not, in general, threads where I see you (and others who often claims to be victims of bashing) take a more aggressive stance. The atheists you know about are the ones that make a lot of noise, not the ones that behave properly. Two: You don't see the similar aggression from the other side. I usually don't see bashing against those I don't agree with right away, because they don't hit my buttons, it is not aimed at me. I mostly see bashing against the irreligious (but I don't let it get to me). With some effort, one can see that there is a lot of it going both ways. It might not be equal, but it's close enough not to get all sanctimonious about it.
Not because people believe in a god but because some people (not all but some!) firmly believe that religious beliefs pertain to anything and anyone else than the religious person himself. Thus, trying to argue, as it is attempted all over boards like this, that a religious belief pertains to the next person as much as to religious himself is an invitation to the skepticist. And inviting criticism of ideas that cannot be argued rationally is a recipy for disaster. It always has been and always will be. The only difference is that when it no longer is possible to burn the critic at the stake or, in the more modern versions, to expell him from the community, the neighborhood or from work, then it is no longer the religious who feels better than the critic, - and that leaves only one outcome for the religios person who thinks that his religiousity concerns other people than himself: Indignation. So of course atheists are arrogant; they simply question that which must not be questioned.
Militant atheist are no less annoying than any other militant proselytizer of beliefs..... 'Live and Let Live' is a concept lost on the pathological narcissism and shameless arrogance of youth, immaturity, and newly "enlightened" authoritarianism.
Missed the point. Point was, he left out all the Christian massacres while leaving the only non-Christian one as a truth. That's arrogant, or ignorant, or both.
and which president, lawyer and even most every preacher does not have the same credentials? kind of like, 'name a person that does not believe you, have you not labeled and called an 'atheist'?' In your case, we can read what you post and see the lies. Your credentials dont make you honest. not much thought in most of your posts, as when the 'thoughtful answers' come in response, you find that your being made a fool of. ie..... i post up serious inquiries and you prefer not to answer as they will make you judge yourself, which apparently you dont like!
I've known Christians and Atheists that are arrogant, just the same as I've met people of other faiths that are arrogant. I don't believe this issue boils down to being a Christian, Atheist or of any other faith, but rather the nature of the person in question. It's like trying to blame the atrocities of a Dictator on what religious system he believes in. It's the "man" that creates the atrocities, not his "faith". On the other hand I've met, and still have, many Christian friends and family members who don't try to shove their faith down anyone's throat. In fact, I've met more Christians that are willing to donate their time and money to worthwhile causes than I have Atheists. This is not to say many Atheists don't do this, but in my own area of the country I have not observed as much dedication to helping people as I have with Christians. Again, should we really judge the actions of someone based upon what belief system they hold true? Personally, I believe that environment and genetics shape a person more that their faith, but that faith re-inforces these environmental and genetic behaviors to make the person who they are. In other words, you might compare two examples: 1. A Christian let's say, who lives a relatively descent and good life. 2. Christian, who is a known bigot, liar, and theif. These people both believe in the Christian Bible and practice their religion, but are very different people. These differences are not based on their belief system, but rather how they grew up, what type of violence they were exposed to, parental guidance or lack thereof, and/or genetic makeup. Religion, or lack of religion, does not precondition the person to act or behave a certain way, it merely influences who the person becomes according to those factors which already shaped their nature. The basis of this thread looks at arrogance through the perspective of a belief system. However, I truely believe these people would act the exact same way regardless...they are just arrogant "people"...not arrogant "Christians", "Atheists", "Muslims", "Hindu", "Buddhist", etc.
I'm going to have to agree with you. Most religious people I have encountered tend toward the arrogance of their beliefs. They act and speak in ways that clearly indicate the superiority of their faith -- so much so that they will even try to have their faith codified into law whenever they can, and without so much as a shred of evidence to support their beliefs. Then one need only merely suggest that there might possibly be other ways of being, or other world views and they literally go apoplectic. We have witnessed these intellectual convulsions right here on this board, haven't we? They are the ones generally in control of most of our civic and cultural institutions yet they somehow manage to paint themselves the victims whenever someone questions their unfounded beliefs or suggest that perhaps their beliefs have no place in out laws. That said, I will defend their right to believe what they want and worship in a manner of their choosing -- provided said worship does not constitute harm to others.
Yet it's your religion that is plastered all over our money and injected into so many of our laws, isn't it?
I suppose the same thing could be said about Christians. Look at some of the comments posted in gay marriage topics by self-identified Christians, for example. There is some serious contempt for some of their fellow human beings expressed there. For my part I simply take issue with faith in general -- belief without evidence. It is the antithesis of reason. But I am not an atheist, either, so YMMV I suppose. Again, the same can be said about many Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc..
All it takes to be labeled an atheist on this forum is asking for evidence of the existence of a deity.
You must have gone to a really (*)(*)(*)(*)ty college considering that your understanding of science as demonstrated on this forum is pretty poor.
How can you accuse him of lying when he's simply reporting his observations? Well, that is actually very refreshing to hear. Would you mind getting the memo out to your fellow travelers who apparently haven't heard about this rule? Let's start by getting that offensive slogan off our money. I propose "In The Constitution We Trust." What do you think?
Agreed. I'll say the concept is lost on most people regardless of viewpoint. We have an innate psychological desire to control our environment -- and one of the easiest ways to do that is to make other people conform to our worldview -- by overwhelming suggestion and social pressure in most cases, and, failing that, by force if necessary. I think this probably goes back to the tribalistic tendencies of our ancestors where strength in numbers was a matter of survival. We humans have, to varying degree, maintained that part of our collective consciousness. IMHO, of course. YMMV.
Not to toot my own horn. I've got a 4 year degree from Parks College in Flight Science and recently completed an MBA with an emphasis in Logistics frm UMSL. I'm a retired military officer with over 25 years of both military and civilian flight experience... and I believe in God. You choose not to believe and I respect that decision, and I will always defend anyone's right to both freely worship or not to do so.... so please spare me the typical atheist cliche' that the religious are all illogical "wingnuts" who wouldn't know logic or reason if it bit them in the patoot... Just off the top of my head.... Tesla, Newton, Copernicus, Pascal...Father George Lemaitre (develped Big Bang theory) were all theists and spiritual people in addition to being highly skilled mathematicians and scientists.. Spare me the condescending.... "poor guy believes in spaghetti monsters" Always taking the intellectual high road? save it for someone who cares... reading a few articles in Discovery magazine does not an astro-physicist make... The purpose of Science is not to "explain away" God or "prove" God for that matter, it's militant atheism that has hi-jacked that for their own agenda.
It is curious to me how atheists are so intolerant of believers. It is a head scratcher for me. I would think that, since they don't believe, they would simply ignore the fact that some do. What causes a non-beleiver to become militant?