what it and what way? You don't know but you make claims about things you don't know, about God, the Book, Xns. It is typical. Only JC actually lives by every word the Bible says. Show me a member of his Church who disagrees with my statement.
And you are an addle-minded simpleton. What's your point? I have to hand it to you. Were there an ignorance olympics, you would be a gold medalist. The money would spend just as well without your silly quote on it. You religious wackos only insist that it's on there because you have to force everyone into your way of thinking. Doesn't seem like much of a religion if you have to con people into it. You are not even close to being free. You are slaves -- slaves to an ideology, and to a way of thinking that is the butt of many good jokes. You are slaves to a work of fiction you call the Bible. You are slaves to your own arrogance in believing, as you said above, that yours is the only true faith. And you are slaves to hypocrisy and false piety. Don't even pretend you're free because you are not even close. And you don't just stop there, do you? You want to drag the rest of us down with you. Misery loves company, eh? I hate nothing. I don't even hate you, even though I should. I hope you choke on a crucifix while you're secretly practicing your fellatio.
They are not lies. Try looking at the Genocide committed by Croatia during WWII .. Catholics siding with Hitler and Joyfullly killing Orthadox and Jewish Serbians. You do not provide any evidence of your own. It is not like the over 1000 years of Catholics committing Murder, Torture, Genocide, Warmongering, Jew Persecution and killing, Burning of Heritics and anyone that they did not like or wanted to steak their wealth or land .. is any big secret. How many examples would you like ? Obviously you do not know much about the purpose of the Constitution (freedom from religion) or the founding fathers. Let me help: Let me know if you would like a few quotes from other founding fathers.
The Big Elephant lie in the room is that "Almighty God of Abraham" is in the constitution. The constitution was more concerned with "freedom from religion" and that the state did not make laws based on religious beliefs.
Most atheist attack theist from a very narrow point of view. They are safe only when the theist they attack see things the same way they do. So yes they are arrogant and so are the fundamentalist christians they attack. What is your point?
If "(m)ost atheist (sic) attack theist (sic) from a very narrow point of view," I would suggest that it is primarily because the versions of theism worthy of "attack" are very narrow. Most religious traditions across history have been polytheistic and so already had a built in tolerance to diversity of belief. The ancient Romans, for example, had a well known propensity to build temples to the gods of people they had conquered, having no doubt that those other gods were just as real as their own. It is the unique status of Islamo-Christianity as exclusive imperial monotheisms that tends to elicit an aggressive response from atheists.
I am an atheist and I do not hate Christianity, or anyone or anything for that matter. I do, dislike all religions, because they are mythological, superstitious nonsense.
I hesitate to speak for anyone else, but I would think based upon the fact that religious claims, and biblical anecdotal evidence, are unproven.
I used to be one of those militant atheists, but it was for a reason. I have toned down over the years, but atheists had to push back. For years, and even to this day, atheists are subject to vast amounts of discrimination and ridicule. We are one of the least trusted groups and have had Christians ram their biblical beliefs down our throats. It was only few Presidencies ago that Bush Sr. declared atheists neither citizens or patriots. The idea of an atheist running for public office offends many people to this day and is considered a political liability. Many Christians in US think that they have a monopoly on morality and a god given right to force their beliefs onto the masses which is just ludicrous. While I am not a fan of militant atheism, one must acknowledge that this militantism is mostly a reactionary stance due to the discrimination, ridicule, and having Christianity forced down out throats over the decades via public policy.
That is certainly how it's justified by militant atheists, but by far most atheists I've tangled with on the internet are engaged in proactive anti-Christian demagoguery.
I don't reject the other religions. I accept them for what they are, and acknowledge the political rights that are vested in each individual to practice whatever religion he/she prefers. So, you see, your response is the equivalent of a non response, or at least an evasion of the question.
Oh you mean like the unproven alleged fact that hydrogen has only one electron and one proton? I agree with you on that concept. So you see, science is equally lacking and equally receptive to the notion of believing in things that have not been PROVEN to exist. Mathematical models are merely subjective ideas that with enough manipulation, anything is possible... Just like the Bible says... "...All things are possible..."
with 'the name' and that name is in the universal language; math ie... with the name (math) all things are possible proof: mankind can now make babies without ANY man touching a women; test tube babies. and of course, if anyone wants to know how to walk on water, just ask me.
thanx. And please, dont beg for foregiveness as you deserve no quarter. Of all the people on this site, you are one that i really dont want to see unless on a rotissierie
And this is why I make fun of you. Please stop running for public office when you think that you can be raptured at any moment.
Nobody was speaking of political rights. We were speaking specifically of whether or not your religion was true.