I think Barq's is a little less sweet than A&W. I like A&W too though. I do like my root beer! Thankfully it doesn't taste anything like beer!
Lul. There are alot of sodas I miss that have disappeared () Not sure if these were ever available in the US, but a few of these missing sodas include: - Fanta Wild Berry - Pepsi Twist (obviously you can just add lemon to your Pepsi yourself, but still) - There was this nice kiwi-tasting thing too, but prolly only liked it because of the cool colour; green sodas are rare. Can't recall it's name though.
Natural born in Swedish citizen. But I am also Finn but my stepfather are Swedish. New Child Little sister is 25 now and also have one Children in under five in ages. My stepfather likes America and Sweden. Movies are one of favorite details from he. He also likes Sweden in Sports interesting.
Israel HAS nukes already! And has for years. Hasn't nuked anyone yet, nor threatened to wipe any nations off the map. Iran, however... is run by jihadi nuts, and the Iranian govt has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel including with nukes if possible/necessary. Iran backs Hezbollah as well as other unsavory factions in the Syria-Lebanon region. We are already risking global radiation poisoning due to Pakistan having nukes. WHY increase this problem by allowing other terrorist states to have them? This is so irrational it is making my computer vibrate.
Do you think these jokes are funny? A Norwegian was complaining to a Swede about the high price of petrol. The Swede just responded, "I don't care much about that. I always fill up for 100 kronor anyways." A Swedish student was in a bookstore. "This book will do half the job for you," the clerk said. "Good, I will have two, " the Swede replied. Did you hear that abortion has caught on so well in Sweden that now there's a 10 month waiting period. A Swede was asked if he had lived in Stockholm all his life. "Not yet," he answered. A Norwegian and a Swede were competing to see who could reach furthest out of a window. Quite suddenly the Swede won.
Help is available in Swedish and Finnish language like this I know when I do not hit another resident. Also know about myself.
We have the same corny jokes about Norwegians and even by my low standards they are not funny at all. The first one of yours cracked me up though.
About 340 USD. In my Libertarian worldview, this is not to be seen as something "given", but rather something that is being "returned" - Swedish students simply get back (some of) the money their parents wasted on tax during the years.
I worked with a Dane once and he wasn't very complimentary about Swedes, but no doubt you reciprocate the feelings! The English have always had Irish jokes (What do put at the top of an Irish ladder? A sign saying 'Stop') and the Germans used to have Polish jokes. I mixed with some Jewish kids at school and they told the best Jewish jokes, at least if you're 14. It's really harmless, but frowned upon by the PC brigade now.
I would say that the PC-brigade have come to accept jokes about Poles, Irishmen, Swedes and other white folks. Their new favourite group is "brown people" and trans-people; you must not make "racist" or "sexist" jokes about these. Eventually, this will be accdpted too as soon as they find a new "oppressed group" to beat it off to.
I am not restistence some progressive and communist and I am no faith on Gods and I am not Nazi, fascist and racist this are nationalism I am only an Christian atheist and does liked Sweden, America, Music, snus, food and beer just are my trusted.
When I likes otherwise are that an Believe even I am not in faith any Gods ?! So I am atheist some Christian. Or there is no faith on my God ? Or my God just don't wanted me ?