'Across the pond' for the Atlantic, the definition of 'pond' being 'a land-locked body of water', and the Atlantic ain't land-locked. God I feel better for getting that off my chest!
People who seem incapable of moderating the volume of their voice. Dude, why are you yelling? I'm like 2ft from you.
Because I don't need to yell for them to hear me. I'm talking about loud obnoxious people who're inconsiderate of those around them.
Did you know that there are people who cannot hear themselves speak while they can hear others speaking?
Smart assed contrarians with nothing better to do than be annoying... definitely an annoying behavior.
Intolerant boors that lack empathy for anyone but themselves are annoying but nowhere near as annoying as dumbasses that erroneously believe that they are smarter than everyone else.
What annoys me, well there is lot of those but this is my top 3: ignorance, bragging/boasting, being late (even 4 min late annoys me a lot)
When people walk so close behind me that they step on the back of my flip flops. Nearly elicits a backhand.
It's not the phone that is an abomination, it is the owner of the phone who does not turn it off at appropriate times. Even In church, some people put their phones on vibrate and leave the sanctuary to answer it!
People outraging on social media. People who one up everything. Doesn’t matter what you’ve done, they’ve done it better, and more often. People who leave their car at pump, and go into the store after pumping gas. People who stay in the left hand lane, instead of getting over and letting others pass. And, we’ll most people in general.
Yes to all those Speaking of driving... when someone is trying to pull out from a parking lot onto the street you're driving down... and instead of waiting a whole 5 seconds... they pull out right in front of you... even though there's not a single friggin car behind you and traffic is dead. I have to force my middle finger to stay inside the car and out of view.
I am very annoyed by internet trolling and have begun a new tactic to address this destructive phenomenon. Stage one is to expose the nasty little beasty to sunlight. Stage two involves gathering the Mob around it through consensus. Stage three is group humiliation and embarrassment of the offending bridge dweller. Unfortunately many Trolls lack the mental prowess to understand they are being made a fool of, so this often takes quite some time....but it is entertaining while it lasts so..Okay.
Opening an email in the morning that begins 'Good afternoon', and opening one in the afternoon that begins 'Good morning.'
When someone (often a tv reporter) says for example - '1030 am this morning' (instead of 'today'?), or '7 pm yesterday evening' (instead of '7 pm yesterday.'). In other words unnecessarily quoting the merīdiem abbreviation? It doesn't take much to annoy me these days!