Thank you proving me right once again! The judge did his HOMEWORK and read through BOTH sides before he/she even walked into the courtroom. The law was on the side of the dealer and you had no case so the judge was SAVING you money by telling you up front that you were going to lose irrespective of your personal opinion.
His health plan is not despised ...only by people who hate seeing everyone able to see a dr. What was the lousy effect it had on your drs? My doctors have no problem. Why do you suppose we are the only industrialized country that doesn’t provide healthcare for its citizens? I consider it shameful .
When did La Brea ave become a one way street? Lots of streets in Los Angeles designated anti gridlock have dedicated left turn lanes without left turn lights. Good guess though.
Also why does it cost 3 times the amount that UK does under Obamacare truly shameful that Obama took back handers. No wonder they were so desperate for Hillary to get in! Fix your health care ditch the insurance companies maybe universal healthcare can work but the system needs to be ripped to pieces first for that to happen. Ban adverts on TV for drugs as well!
Not that simple. The health insurance industry owns the republican members of congress Now back to Trump signs
A job would be a good place sad to see so many angry unemployable people. Would have loved to go on Friday to support Trump but some of us have jobs to do.
Good God. Do you understand the theft you want pulled off? What is next? Feed each of us a approved meal? Buy us our homes? I do not want Government that deeply buried in our lives. We will just disagree on the plan being despised. So despised it was taken to the US Supreme court to stop it. And Roberts pulled something out of thin air to keep it alive. Despicable. First, my doctor is not my servant. We do not need Government to treat him like one nor reduce his pay. My doctor fees were quite reasonable and then in came Obama care and my doctor today gets his fees cut so much I wonder why he still sees me. Perhaps you don't care about your own doctor. If you need him, think he loves being paid chump change?
Oh god, you think you know it all. Even cases you know very little about. Reason the judge ruled as he did was he told me his story. Seems as a Lawyer he had what he said was a similar case and that judge ruled against him. That is no excuse. He had personal prejudice. Maybe he was a lousy lawyer but he certainly was a lousy judge. There is more to this story. First, I agreed to the dealers price. The dealer completely totalled up all costs and I then agreed on the price. What was my guilt? I paid them precisely to the penny what was asked of me to pay. Little did I realize that for the license plates, then about $1,000 (thank you CA for draconian fees) was not keyed in by the salesperson. She took my order to her manager for approval and he approved the final net price to me. I paid cash for the car 2 days later. I was handed the line managers approval, again of price and terms. Terms was all cash. I drove off after paying them damned near $50,000. It was not my fault they had not included the license plates fees. They had made a tidy profit to begin with. But since I had complied in full with their price and terms, and two lawyers i know well told me I owned nothing for their mistake, since it was a net price out the door deal, I was going to win in small claims court. I am perfectly certain you will figure out a way for the bum dealer to beat me. Because you are you. But when you buy items, and have been assured the price you pay is final, you do not expect some huckster dealer to come back days later begging for more cash. This dealer was trying to make sure I did not shop elsewhere. I had known the wholesale price first. It looked to me like his numbers were adding up. They had the calculated prices.
Wrong again on ALL counts as usual! You can't take a $50k case to small claims court and that is exactly why it would have been thrown out. Secondly even if the dealer made a mistake the ONUS is entirely on YOU to pay the STATE their license plate fee, NOT the dealer. Finally there is the FINE PRINT in the deal that you signed that made YOU responsible for any errors or omissions that you FAILED to read.
Wrong again and as usual. It was not a $50,000 case. The case was over $1,000. As well you do not know CA law. Dealers are who is responsible to the state. This is California for cryinout loud. And the Judge did not use your excuse. And the contract never had such language. You think my own two lawyers were stupid? But they never were at court. Small claims won't allow them there.
I what way? How can protesting a politician be equivalent to a hate group that is famous for racial vilification?
Sorry but the KKK has been implicated in murders Where is the equivalent happening in the peaceful demonstrations in Britain? Given how Trump has been accused of being a traitor by even your own politians I think a protest is in order
Trump made corrections to what he said in the presence of Putin. Did you get what Putin told one reporter?
You are trying to conflate the KKK from the days of 1955 back to say 1925. Old old story. We had prominent Democrats in the KKK. Strom Thurmond for instance. A good list of them is this. Every one a Democrat at the time.
sorry but you will NEVER and I repeat NEVER convince me that members of the KKK are anything more than degenerate siphilitic half witted, amoral, idiotic Twonks.