It doesn’t! The health insurance companies rip people off and you blame obama. The Democrats want to do universal healthcare but the Republicans wouldn’t work with them
It actually puzzled me. You know of all the things to protest about Trump "He eats Pizza with a fork"?
I can't be too sure since I've never seen Trump eating pizza, but people do joke about others eating pizza, a finger-food, with a fork.
I wish I could find it again but there was one sign that said "Trump makes our politicians look good"
I can answer that one - Trump is a New Yorker. Recall that I previously wrote about having been raised in that City. To New Yorkers, pizza is eaten bare handed, not with a fork (by the way, genuine NY pizza does NOT contain any meat). When a person is seen eating pizza with a fork/knife that person is said to be a snobby elitist type who doesn't get his hands dirty and is not a true New Yorker. Thus, the person is calling Trump a phony - which he is!