With his inborn stupidity and his aged senility, the moron-in-chief of Joe "Plugs" Biden is a bountiful fount of fatuity. As he is an endless source of stupidity and unintended hilarity, I thought it best to make a thread to keep track of the plentiful goofs and gaffes that are sure to come from this chucklehead and his corrupt, inept administration. Although he is a clown on the world's stage, and we have become the laughingstock in the international community, please share your favorite Bidenism as way of catharsis.
A blind squirrel finds a nut. The notion of Bidenisms could make for a fun thread especially with Joe’s out of date vernacular, “man”.
So this is narrative that you are going with? Kind of makes it funny how that old senile man, not only handily beat the Trump in an election by the American people, he also mostly erased all of the Trump’s “accomplishments” in just a few days. I like the way Biden says Trump was the worse president that we have ever had. He says it with such passion and sense of resolve.
No doubt Joe is showing his age but he's still got enough smarts to have put competent, qualified people in key positions that are capable of handling their responsibilities in the event Joe has a brain fart every now and then. Much different than a trump White House backed up by the president's children and son-in-law. See, one of the problems you have being a trumper is that any criticism you have of Joe you have to realize trump's example of what you're criticizing will usually outshine what Joe does or did. Example: You criticize Joe's hair plugs. Have you ever researched the work that trump has had?
Biden is not only old and senile, but he is also inherently stupid. He has had a retarded brain his whole life; the senility is simply compounding the lifelong idiocy. However, his handlers (his campaign staff; the Democrat Party and its subsidiary, the media; and the deep state) are not stupid, so they hoodwinked millions of stupid Americans who voted for Biden and set up an environment for massive voter fraud. Biden erasing all of Trump's accomplishments though a record-breaking amount of executive orders in a short span of time means he is nothing more than a demented dictator, especially since his win is questionable, putting into question his very legitimacy. Now, here's more of the goofs and gaffes of this clown:
Here you are, ladies and gentleman, a Biden supporter exemplifying projection, being in a sour mood because I am clearly pointing out the laughingstock of a moron for whom they voted; and they don't like people to question Plugs' legitimacy. Buckle up, Oliver. This is going to be a long four years for you. Now, back to the thread! Here's classic Biden racism:
Imagine trying to have a conversation with this doofus and trying to understand him. I wonder how his first State of the Union will go.
Doesn't Biden hold the record for the sitting president who had the most people vote against him? That can't feel very good. Anyway, although Biden rarely talks in public, when he does, the gaffes are inevitable. Stay tuned!
It's a real shame he wasn't around sooner to explain that to Trump. Trump seemed to think 200 million was enough.
What will change.? Because Trump is going nowhere.No matter what Washington Elitist like McConnell and this Cheney Broad { Liz } mite think.Trump will be the headliner this weekend at CPAC. That is where he's headed.And I just bet the place will be standing room only.No silly cars in some parking lot honking out approval. Real People amongst Real Americans deciding what's best for America. The precise thing our Founders had in mind.
I think History will be the judge as to just Who and how Biden explains stuff.Like sitting down at an empty oval office desk amongst a virtual stack of Bluish leather bound Executive Orders. Wasting We the People's money on expensive pens for each signed order.Every time I see this Clown Biden the look on his mug is the same.Kind of a Mean,stern and totally unfriendly look. Something a Prison Warden might require.
Yes... I almost hate to criticize Biden because it is just the excuse to install Kamala in his place.. altho' I think that inevitable and was the plan form th estart. Now for my most severe criticism of you yet, Xyce, THIS should be on the humor board! LOL
In this video, Sleepy Joe explains how if you are a male inmate, you should be able to identify as whichever gender you feel like that day, and also have access to an OBGYN... https://vidmax.com/video/202378-this-joe-biden-brain-fart-moment-brought-to-by