Can you point to one real lie Trump told, with the exact quote and link?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Rob Larrikin, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Whenever I ask Lefties to provide proof of one alleged Trump lie, they go silent. Some will point to Politifake or Fake News with their long lists of alleged lies, while others rattle off examples from the top of their heads instead of providing an exact quote, or they point to a bunch of links using a Gish Gallop fallacy.

    For those who point to one lie, I look into their allegations only to find they are usually the result of misquotes, misinformation, out-of-context quotes, exaggerations, minor mistakes, typos or joking banter.

    They’ll say that Trump said, “Obama was born in Kenya", and I will point out that in fact it was Obama’s literary agent who said that, in an autobiography. Trump then tweeted to Romney, “In debate, @MittRomney should ask Obama why autobiography states "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia."

    So please don’t rattle alleged lies off the top of your head or point me to Fake News sites with hundreds of alleged lies. Instead, find ONE alleged lie and provide a link to it.

    Trump is an honest man so it’s doubtful you will find any legitimate lies. Remember, a “view” or a “belief” is not a lie. Trump might say he believes in Zeus, and you might say that’s a lie. You would be using the wrong word. He might be wrong about something, but if he believed it when he said it, it is not a lie. For instance, if he boasted that he was the greatest POTUS ever, it is not a lie. He believes he is, and so do I. Another thing that is not a lie is an exaggeration or a joke. If Trump said, “When you’re a star they let you do it… grab ‘em by the *****,” this is not him saying he goes around raping women. That is the hysterical Left’s silly translation. Likewise, if he jokingly said, “Man, we’re gonna be the richest country for a million years,” that is not a lie – it is a harmless piece of joking or kidding around.

    Here is the best way to go about this if you wish to try:

    1) Calm down. Chillax. Don’t rush.
    2) Be sensible. Go find what you think is a Trump lie. Use Google and Bing.
    3) Research it a little. See what other people say. That part is very important.
    4) Once you are sure it is a lie, and not just Fake News, present ONE accurate quote & link.

    Good luck, but remember, to qualify you need to provide just one EXACT quote and provide a link to show the alleged lie details. You say he lies, so YOU provide PROOF. I will look at that proof and if I see you made mistakes, I will provide details.
    Bravo Duck, Tim15856, Ddyad and 5 others like this.
  2. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    One guy gave me this example:
    Donald Trump:
    "You can’t (end the separation of families at the border) through an executive order."

    but then....

    Trump signs executive order to stop family separations at border

    I replied:

    Misquote. Fake News.

    There was a White House press gaggle on June 15, 2018. See the video here.

    Trump was being peppered questions from all sides. Here is the transcript of the whole long press conference.

    Here is a small portion, and the part in question is in bold:

    THE PRESIDENT: No, I hate it. I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law. They will force —
    Q Sir, that’s your own policy. That’s your own policy. Why do you keep lying about it, sir?
    THE PRESIDENT: Quiet. Quiet. That’s the Democrats’ law. We can change it tonight. We can change it right now. I will leave here —
    Q You’re the President. You can change it right now.
    THE PRESIDENT: I will leave here — no, no. You need their votes. You need their votes. The Democrats, all they have to do —
    Q Mr. President, you control both chambers of Congress. The Republicans do.
    THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. By one vote? We don’t need it. You need 60 votes.
    Q (Inaudible.)
    THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. We have the one vote — excuse me. We need a one-vote — we have a one-vote edge. We need 60. So we need 10 votes. We can’t get them from the Democrats.
    Q What about executive action?
    THE PRESIDENT: Now, wait. Wait. You can’t do it through an executive order.
    Q On North Korea, sir. On North Korea.
    Q Mr. President, why —
    THE PRESIDENT: Can we do one question at a time? Wait. One question at a time.
    Q (Inaudible.)
    THE PRESIDENT: The children can be taken care of quickly, beautifully, and immediately. The Democrats forced that law upon our nation. I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children. The Democrats can come to us as they actually are — in all fairness, we are talking to them — and they can change the whole border security.
    We need a wall. We need border security. We got to get rid of catch-and-release. You catch a criminal, you take his name, you release him, and he never shows up again. He goes into our society, and then we end up getting him in a different way, oftentimes after he’s killed somebody. We’ve got to change our laws. The Democrats have control because we don’t have the votes. The Republicans need — we need more Republicans, frankly. And that’s why I think we’re going to do so well in the midterms. That and because —
    Q Do you support the immigration compromise, Mr. President?
    THE PRESIDENT: Wait. That and because we have the strongest economy in the history of our nation. We have the best jobs numbers in the last 44 years. Top of Drudge: “The best job numbers in 44 years.”

    First of all your quote was "You can’t (end the separation of families at the border) through an executive order."

    The actual quote was, “You can’t do it through an executive order,” and your insertion of “end the separation of families” is assumed, because the questioner did not ask that. The questioner merely said, “What about executive action?” after the POTUS had said, “Excuse me. We have the one vote — excuse me. We need a one-vote — we have a one-vote edge. We need 60. So we need 10 votes. We can’t get them from the Democrats.”

    For all you know Trump may have thought the questioner was referring to using executive action to get the ten votes or something similar. We don’t know because we can’t read Trump’s mind. Even if he did mean what you said, 72 year old Trump is not a lawyer, nor a legal advisor. Why do you think he has a dozen of them? If a mob of Trump haters catch him out on The White House lawn and start peppering him with questions from all directions (the same approach cops use when putting pressure on people), don’t expect him to suddenly know every legal and constitutional law. He’s a businessman. At the time of this press gaggle he expressed an opinion that “you can’t do it through an executive order”. So what? You have no right to call it a lie. It was his opinion at the time about something, under pressure from a mob.

    Conclusion – there was no lie.
    PARTIZAN1, Tim15856, Ddyad and 3 others like this.
  3. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Here is another alleged Trump lie I received:

    "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"

    But, as USA Today noted at the time, this is not exactly true.

    Donald Trump has always denied deals with Russia, but how true is that? - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    Trump had signed a letter of intent to build a tower in Moscow while he was running for president. His claim that he "has nothing to do with Russia" was a lie.

    This is an easy one. When Trump said, “I have nothing to do with Russia,” he was talking about the political collusion. If I accused Obama of being the owner of, and badgered and badgered him with this false accusation incessantly for months and months, and he eventually said, “I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH CNN!” I could say, “Ahh, but you watched CNN a number of times, so you're LYING!”

    It’s just a mischievous beat up. Obviously the occasional viewing of CNN is not the same as owning CNN. Trump's words were perfectly normal under those circumstances, and only the most desperate Lefties (like the Australian ABC, who are all Marxists) would say otherwise. They hate Trump with a passion and rival CNN in their Fake News.
    PARTIZAN1, Tim15856, Ddyad and 3 others like this.
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    They consider misleading statements as lies you know.

    On the other hand, we know for a fact that Obama and Hillary straight up lied.
    myview, Ddyad and Robert like this.
  5. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    This is true, and it's what Spookycolt would have said. :D
    Ddyad and Robert like this.
  6. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I'd love to see some actual -lies- by Trump posted. Not being sarcastic either. I'm sure he has lied plenty, anyone in the public eye for as long as he has been must have surely told some whoppers in print or on tape. Every time I look into one of the supposed "lies" though it ends up being a standard politician exaggeration all politicians engage in, an incorrect opinion, personal perception, out of context, etc. not real -lies-.

    So let's see some. Let's see some purposeful lies with the intent to deceive, "I did NOT have sex with that woman!" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!" caliber whoppers. Surely there are many, many REAL lies by Trump. Will happily admit if lies qualify as actual lies.

    But OP, what you are going to get is stacks of links to LW sourced "Orange Man BAD!" lists. Our LW posters in these parts are kind of skittish about making clear, demonstrative statements or claims.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
    Tim15856, Ddyad and Rob Larrikin like this.
  7. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Thanks - yes, I'd love to see just one lie from Trump. I've tried looking for a genuine one but came up empty. When I asked others, they would throw the usual Politifake and NYTimes lists, which are all flawed. When I look at any single allegation they all fail. Here's another example:

    I replied:

    Yes, in January 2018 Trump had been attacked by the since discredited author Michael Wolff, who wrote a book claiming Trump was unfit for the job of POTUS and not capable of, or interested in, processing information and making important decisions. Of course Fake News latched onto this at the time and began beating it up as though Wolff was a genius. Later they found out he was a liar and a cheat. At the time Trump had no choice but to speak for himself, and of course Fake News would then call that ‘boasting’. In their world self-defense is ‘boasting’, if you’re Trump. If you’re Obama it’s ‘just telling it as it is’. In fact if you’re Obama such a book won’t be published, let alone touted. Here is the entire text from all three Trump tweets:

    Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence. Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!​

    The tweets were published at 4:19 AM, although on the link above, the Washington Times shows them as being posted at 12.19 PM, which is strange because they write, “In a tweetstorm Saturday morning…”

    He wrote this at 4:19 AM and Trump was 71.5 years old at the time. So what if he temporarily forgot he had campaigned for a few months at the end of the last century, some 18 years before? If your 71 year old grandfather forgot that detail when he was defending himself from horrible false allegations in a book, and being hounded by the press about it, at 4:19 AM, would you say, “You’re a f****ing liar!” What kind of person would treat an elderly person like that? Especially a President?

    The idea that it was a “lie” is so pathetic it’s embarrassing. So once again there was no lie. Just an elderly man who forgot a relatively trivial detail from 18 years ago at 4 AM. Had you been there at the time, and prompted him by saying, “Are you sure it was the only time?” he would have laughed and said, “Oh, okay, there was that time in 1999, but hell, that was another lifetime ago.”

    Score so far: Zero lies for Trump.

    Surely Lefties can do better than this…
    Ddyad, Robert and Merwen like this.
  8. Capt Nice

    Capt Nice Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Come on. I'm sure you're not so stupid you need someone else doing your easy research for you. Just GOOGLE 'trump's lies' and it will be like having an encyclopedia at your finger tips.
  9. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I've done that. I'm very good at finding stuff online, and have been for twenty two years. I can't find a genuine Trump lie. Getting Lefties to come up with one is not easy either. They love throwing other people's lists, but none of them are smart enough to find one for themselves. If you know of one, place it here with a link - and I will prove it is not a lie. That's a challenge. What are you going to do about it, make excuses?
    Bravo Duck, Ddyad and SiNNiK like this.
  10. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Then it should be very easy for you to post -one-. Pick a good one, a real lie. I'll gladly admit if it is, to restate, I'm sure he's told many, we all have, politicians tell doozies, and as much attention as he's gotten for decades, some real, intention to deceive level whoppers. Post one. Seriously, not a trick. Post one.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
    Ddyad, Robert and Rob Larrikin like this.
  11. stratego

    stratego Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    This is a good thread They like to accuse Trump and Russia of lying but can't find any evidence I'd like to extend this challenge for anyone to also find any lies that Putin or Stalin made.
    Ddyad and Robert like this.
  12. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    another pro Trump fan boy thread - just read the replies you have been given in the past and you would have found all the proof you needed

    stop living in denial, it's getting you nowhere
    Capt Nice likes this.
  13. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    You must be from Nineteen Eighty-Four's Ministry of Truth.
    Tim15856, Sharpie, Ddyad and 2 others like this.
  14. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    So that's another whiff. Anyone, left, right, other, post a real Trump lie?
    Ddyad, SiNNiK and Rob Larrikin like this.
  15. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ^ right wingers - masters of double think
  16. Rob Larrikin

    Rob Larrikin Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Here is another Lefty’s alleged Trump lie:

    My reply:

    Ed Markey is a Democrat senator from Massachusetts. You didn’t really expect him to say anything else did you?

    First let’s look at CNN’s coverage, here. Watch the video and you will see they are quoting “38 North”. At the 30 second mark the commentator says that 38 North say that “probably some of the upgrades occurred after the Singapore meeting.”


    Who the hell is this “38 North” anyway? A quick search brings us to their webpage.

    Go to their ‘about’ page and we see that it's "a website devoted to informed analysis of North Korea.” Isn’t that just peachy? And look, their email address is – how cute; they use gmail. Down the bottom they say, “38 North is a project of The Henry L. Stimson Center,” and it links to this place.

    Who are A bunch of Lefties – way too many to list. Here’s one of their articles:



    “…the U.S. and Russia are already engaged in a nuclear arms race – a nonsensical exercise which accomplishes nothing…”

    Yes, a very Partisan organization. They are made up of old hippies, environmentalists, anti-nuclear UN people and the like. The so called “lie” was just Trump’s opinion vs a bunch of Lefties' opinions. Out of the two, he is the one with all the military intelligence about what happened. They are just guessing.

    Once again – no lie. Try harder.
    Ddyad and AmericanNationalist like this.
  17. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    The mid-terms are almost upon so we are being invaded by Trump zombies.
    Lucifer, PARTIZAN1, Bluebird and 3 others like this.
  18. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Nother whiff, still no real Trump lies.
    Bravo Duck, Ddyad and SiNNiK like this.
  19. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    You've been provided with several, you've just ignored them.
    Lucifer and Bowerbird like this.
  20. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Nother whiff, still no real Trump lies. Post one.

    Seriously, no trick. I'm not going to waffle and say a real, intentional material deception is not a lie. Surely there's an "I did NOT have sex with that woman" in all the LW lists o Trump lies.

    I got tired of looking into them, I would seriously like to see a "like your doctor, keep your doctor" whopper intentional deception from Trump. I know there aren't the pages the LW sewer pipe pushes, but surely there are -some-. Everybody lies, and anyone who says they don't...

    Post one.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
  21. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    You can start here if you'd like, particularly Trump's claim that he had hand-picked the "professors" of Trump University, when in later testimony he couldn't identify any of them and admitted that he hadn't picked them.
  22. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    I liked my doctor and got to keep my doctor. Where is the lie?

    But if you want to see direct twitter quotes that were lies from Trump just go to the 10 pages on Politifact that list them.
    Of course you'll pull the "politifact is biased" out of your ass and not look at the pages, but that's par for the course here.

    All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
    Lucifer and rcfoolinca288 like this.
  23. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    OK, now we are getting somewhere. ONE of the claims in that link might actually qualify as an intentional lie, the "handpicked people" one, provided Trump said it after the people were in fact picked. If he said it after, then that's probably a lie, if before, not a lie, just marketing fluff. So will give you credit for that as an actual lie... 14 years ago... with respect to one of his ~500 or so companies. Fair enough.

    The BBB and high student ratings? Not lies. But calling those lies dishonestly -is- lying, and by a purported fact-checking site? Boy that fact-checking scam failed and backfired, didn't it? No one puts any stock in politifact, fact check or snopes any more due to flagrant bias and dishonesty, mostly as pertains to their lies about Trump lying. Irony. Thanks Trump! Will forgive him the "handpicked" lie on that alone.
    Ddyad and SiNNiK like this.
  24. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    So the rest of statements aren't "lies" just stupid remarks made by an uniformed person. Got it.

    WTF, dude. Just plain old WTF.
  25. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Really? I expect better even from you. Did everyone who heard that massive whopper get to keep their doctor? or their plan? Of course not. It was a huge lie that costs tens of millions of people a shitload of money and aggravation. What did Trump U do? Conned some people out of 5k apiece? Hell I'll pay 5k right now to go back in time and remove Obamacare from history. Wonder how many hundreds of billions I'd save and how many years the recession would be shortened?

    Not clicking on bogus politifact, clicking on fact check was enough click revenue for fake news for one day. I expect the lies to be posted -here- as OP does as well. Is that so difficult? Apparently since the peanut gallery has only produced one statement that might be a lie, it is too difficult for you all.
    Ddyad likes this.

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