Children will win the fight for same sex marriage and adoption by gays!

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by ProgressivePatriot, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Here is someone who you can relate to......enjoy :roflol::roflol::roflol:

  2. TheLastOmaha

    TheLastOmaha New Member

    May 15, 2015
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    We're not talking about gay bio parents. ONLY gay adoption or synthetic babies of gays.

    Yes they are. And most of the children in fostercare/adoption agencies are not orphans. Most of these children have LIVING parents or parent. Either the parent Is sick or very poor and needs help. So rather then rip the child away from their bio family why not help the bio family so that they will be able to take care of their child/ren?

    Once again I have no issue with "gay parents." As in a person with bio kids who decide later on that they are gay or however it happened. That is their business and they have the same rights as any parent.

    I am talking about gays taking children away from their bio parent and feeling they have a right to do so.

    As far as making children in a test tube goes that's a 3rd issue. And me personally, no, I really would rather not be born of two men or two women. I'm happy being born of normal, human means. One man and one woman.

    No one can control who their parents are and they aren't supposed to. It's the parents job to think of the child they are creating.

    You are painting an Orwellian nightmare for me. I absolutely, positively would not like being the spawn of two men or two women.

    I can't even phantom that and to describe the feeling that notion gives me would probably get me in trouble here, so I will just say it would behoove the gay couple to TRY to think of someone else for a change. Try to think of what it would be like to be a child born completely different from every other human being on earth EVER and how horrifically isolating that would feel. Even if everyone on earth is nice to you (which is never going to happen) imagine what it would feel like to be absolutely different from all of humanity spanning back to primordial ooze or Adam and Eve.

    Just try it. Try. Just think about it for a SECOND.:wall:

    And all that why? For what?

    Do you see why people call gays selfish now?
  3. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    MOD EDIT - Rule 3
    Ok, please show us the gay person (not bio parent that is gay) taking away a child from their bio parent.
  4. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    A child is either born our doesn't exist.

    What is a synthetic baby?

    That is a lie, here is proof.

    120,000 orphans and another 400,000 children waiting for permanent homes. 27,000 children age out of foster care annually. If they were in demand these numbers would all be zero.
    These children aren't in demand either. If they were, they wouldn't be in foster care.

    Why deny a child a stable home with a future to keep their biological parents in their lives? When they could stay in their lives even if they were adopted.

    I am against kidnapping too. That's the only case where a person takes a child from their biological parents.

    A gay couple deciding to have a baby doesn't do that. And adoption of a child is not taking them away from their biological parents either.

    All babies are born of a man and a woman 100%. We haven't discovered a way to generate humans without procreation.

    If you would rather not exist than gestation outside of a womb, you world really commit suicide if you found out you were? If you wouldn't commit suicide you would rather exist.

    True. But if parents didn't have kids because they couldn't give them the ideal life there would be no humans left. Nothing is ideal.

    Well humans don't reproduce asexually so you wouldn't be.

    Taking in a child that is homeless it's one off the least selfish things a person could do. Bringing a child into this world is also extremely selfless. So by wanting to adopt children and have children they are playing children first.

    No. This garbage isn't relevant. Humans are all born the same way.

    All of what? Your fantasy? Humans are only born one way.

    Yes, it's a lie to disparage gay people because of political agenda. It's called propaganda.

    Adopting a child or having a child is one of the least selfish things a person can do.
  5. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Yes it is.
  6. TheLastOmaha

    TheLastOmaha New Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Honey, I don't like having my time wasted or having to state the obvious. I am talking about in AMERICA. I am not talking about orphans in Africa or Jamaica. Good luck trying to get a baby for a gay couple from there anyway!

    I'm going to go insane...I just cant...

    Thank God if that were true, but they are definately working on it if it's not already available.

    It certainly would cross my mind.

    If nothing is ideal then why does Gay marriages need BABIES? You have your gay husband (or wife). So why try to have the ideal family by dragging a child into it?

    See, you get to have the "ideal" gay family. But your saying that child will just have to DEAL. That child shouldn't have his or her ideal...all so you can have yours!

    Then what the heck are you talking about "outside the womb!" You're talking about test tube babies, yes?
    And no, that is NOT like everyone else.

    Yes, if you have a loving home and really want to have and raise a child in need. NOT to help you advertise your gay relationship and make you feel more valid.
    Or so YOU can have your ideal relationship whilet telling the child "Nothing is ideal" wondering why he/she doesn't have that much needed other gender in their life.
  7. TheLastOmaha

    TheLastOmaha New Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Here's one:

    There are countless stories like this. Of children being taken from mothers while the mother is in the hospital. Taking children while the mothers are escaping domestic abuse, living in homeless shelters, undergoing mental break downs.
    And many of these gay couples who happen to be quite wealthy use their money to influence adoption agencies.

    Or they find much more sinister ways to get their hands on babies...
    So cleaver gays have found 3 ways to use the legal system to "adopt" children.

    1.Use the courts to strip poor, unstable (mostly black)women of their children.

    2.Close down adoption agencies that refuse to feed them babies

    3.Or, the least talked about but I suspect happens most often (since it's the easiest and cheapest method) directly encourage a families breakdown so that after the divorce you can then become the legal parent of that child (once the opposite sex parent has been excluded)

    So, yeah. Tell me again how ANY OF THIS is a benefit to the child or society as a whole
  8. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Ok, that is one story, however, we have seen stories like this from straight couples doing the same. And BTW the gay person (if the story is correct) is wrong.

    Show us at least ten since they are "countless" and also show that it NEVER happens that a straight person does this. I'm betting you can't and you just pulled "countless" out of your ass. That isn't the norm with gay people and you know it.
  9. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Normal is relative. What was normal or accepted yesterday may not be today and what is normal today and accepted may not be tomorrow.

    Human sacrifice was once normal and accepted, slavery was once normal and accept. Things change as society evolves. Some will think this evolution of society is for the better and others for the worst. But change will always be with us, we will cast aside old mores for mores of our times and future generations will cast aside a lot of our mores.

    As for SSM, I fully expect the SCOTUS to rule in favor of it in June sometime. Children being adopted by same sex couples, as long as the couple is a loving couple and provides love to the child, I am all for it. Let love decide who gets married, not government.
  10. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    I have to take a minute to express my profound disgust and dismay at the way this thread has deteriorated in a vile swill of hatred and lies about gay and lesbian people and the appropriateness of them as parents. The people who are responsible for that have no shame and will stop at nothing, however bizarre and hateful, to thwart the advancement of gay rights and have no qualms about using children as pawn in their failed fight against equality. Some of you are knowingly lying, while others have whipped themselves into a delusional frenzy. Either way, it is equally despicable because anyone who believes the bovine excrement that has been bandied about here had to have hatred in their hearts to begin with, and have seized on the lies that have been spoon fed to them to validate their bigotry.

    I started this thread in January out of my sincere belief that gay and lesbian people make fine parents, and that the children who are in their care suffer when the parents are discriminated against and not allowed to marry. This belief is not only based on a review of credible and peer reviewed literature, but also my personal, professional experience working in a child welfare agency where I not only investigated child abuse-including sexual abuse, but placed children into foster and adoptive homes. And, some of those foster and adoptive parents were gay.
    Gay people have been a valuable resource and have taken in older and hard to place children with a good deal of success. My state of New Jersey was the first to allow joint adoption by gay couples some 28 years ago. Most states now allow adoption. by gays. The only problems that are cited are anecdotal accounts of occasional abuse or a child who is unhappy about not having a mom and a dad, or propaganda from right wing hate groups. Let me remind you people, as I pointed out in the OP, children who are placed for adoption have NO PARENTS, and children, regardless of what they want or need, and regardless of whether we allow same sex marriage, there will always be children who do not have a mother and a father. My opening post represents an airtight case for this that no one has been able to refute. The only thing that they have is lies to promote fear about gay parenting, not out of any real concern for the children but to advance their bigoted religious and political agenda.

    In addition to the usual and expected lies, such as “gays are sexual predators” there has been some especially bizarre things being bandied about here, especially of late, and mostly by one individual, such as : (paraphrased)
    But this one takes the prize for the most bizarre and hateful thing that I ever heard:

    Again, regarding the “breeding of homosexuals-
    So this is what it has come to. Very shameful and disgusting! My only question is, did people here make this stuff up, are they listening to the voices in their heads, or is it the product of some far right fringe group, of which there are many. At the risk of give certain people ideas, lets see what is out there right now:

    Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your insanity
  11. Liberalis

    Liberalis Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
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    She grew up in a home that was the product of divorce. She was raised by an opposite sex couple until she was three, then her mom left her father and entered into a relationship with a woman.

    A response to her article sums this up better than I could:

    "In her article on The Federalist, Heather explains that her mom left her dad when she was 3. Not only does she openly admit that her father "wasn't a great guy," but she says that he abandoned her after the divorce, and that her mother's new same-sex partner didn't fill the spot of her father.

    I want to first say that her feelings about her father are legitimate. However, they are not relevant to the argument that she needed a father in her upbringing. As with many children of divorced parents, she didn't feel like the new replacement for her old parent was suitable. Regardless of gender, she wouldn't have felt like the new person dating her mother would have been what she needed. What she felt she needed wasn't a dad but her dad.

    .....So please, Heather, in regard to your less-than-adequate upbringing, don't play the "gay card." Your parents may not have supported you, but do not put the blame on my family's, or any other LGBT family's, structure. Your family being dysfunctional had nothing to do with your mother being gay. It had everything to do with having a father, a mother and a stepmother who all failed you as parents in some way or another."

    I suggest reading the full article above. It would do you good.
  12. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    interesting how the comparisons have gone from race to the most recent, which hand one uses.

    I can begin doing things with my right hand if I so choose much like I can have sex with anyone, or anything I so choose. They are choices. 3% of the adults choose to have sex differently than the majority. A child should be given all opportunities to be raised within a home where normal sex is practiced.

    If they wish to try the homosexual lifestyle as they get older then that's fine. But let's not try and encourage it by immersing them in it at an early age to where they are misled to believe that it's a normal sexual lifestyle.
  13. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Showing that SS couples exists isn't "immersing" them. BTW why do you feel the need to label someone strictly as "normal" or "abnormal" based on solely their sexual orientation? Does it make you feel superior to them?
  14. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    MOD EDIT - Rule 3What difference is it raising children in a house where heterosexual sex happens (hopefully not in front of them) and a household that homosexual sex is practiced (again in private)?

    I bet I can show you the children raised by homosexuals and heterosexuals and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
  15. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Yes, they were accepted by people who, in doing so, abadoned their own humanity.

    Yes, those who have abandoned their humanity will think acceptance of "gay marriage" is progress.

    You can every bit as reasonably be all for a pineapple plantation in the middle of a desert.
  16. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    Normal is relative. And orientation isn't a choice.

    Orientstion isn't a choice or lifestyle. Having same sex parents doesn't encourage homosexuality any more than having Asian parents encourages you to be Asian.
  17. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    LOL giving a choice for gays to marry is abandoning humanity? Hyperbole much?
  18. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    How sweet it is.
  19. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    That you presume to translate a statement written in perfectly plain English evinces nothing more than your determination to misunderstand.
  20. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Indeed, to those whose humanity has been compromised, counterfeit love is the nectar of the gods.
  21. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    You're the one bringing up abandoning humanity for a choice. You can't explain yourself out of that one to save your life.
  22. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Perhaps, I wouldn't know and at my age it is all eye candy anyway.
  23. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I am correctly using the word "normal"

    96.4% engage in heterosexual sex, thus the norm or normal behavior
  24. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    So you are completely normal in ALL your behavior? Why do you only use sexual orientation as what is normal or not? Does it make you feel superior to other people. I could probably find something you are not normal in, should you legally be held against marriage for it?
  25. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    me, normal in all of my funny guy

    My wife could give a list to you of my abnormalities

    my sexual lifestyle however is normal

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