I have no clue so keep harking on it. When they do, they do. When will our government not be (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up? Can you answer that? No! 1700+ architects and engineers are already on it and that's way good enough for me. http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/01/18/24-hard-facts-about-911-that-cannot-be-debunked/#_
What's that word we use when people use false pretenses to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars from gullible people?
No you can't. - - - Updated - - - 1700 landscape engineers, dental engineers, blah blah blah....AE 9/11 is a joke and their theories have been completely debunked.
Pleas feel free to write complete retorts to these peer reviewed publishings: http://forums.randi.org/showpost.php?p=4355078&postcount=165 Then please feel free to tell me how the world's foremost expert on controlled demolition is wrong: http://www.jod911.com/WTC COLLAPSE STUDY BBlanchard 8-8-06.pdf More experts: http://www.jod911.com/ Thanks. 9/11 was an outside job, get over it. its 2013 time to catch up.
It just comes down to who you believe more I guess. I don't trust the government and don't know why anybody would. They have lied plenty to the public about all sorts of things. I see definite red flags concerning the events of 9/11 and don't understand why an independent investigation would be a bad thing. If the government's account of 9/11 is the truth and nothing but the truth then it should hold up. For me, it must be done.
Landscape engineers, dental engineers? You're the joke here and a fool to boot! You are in some type of denial over what many see as obvious red flags. http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2013/07/inform-senator-mccains-office-that-his.html http://patriotsquestion911.com/ http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/02/06/287599/us-silences-national-hero-over-911/ http://rawstory.com/news/2008/PBS_NSA_tracked_911_hijackers_but_0127.html
Yep, I'm a truther. I would like the truth and I don't have it. Calling me a truther is a compliment so use it as much as you like. That's fine with me.
Do you remember that Loony Tunes cartoon where there's this pathetic coyote who's always chasing and never catching a roadrunner? In pretty much every episode of this cartoon, there's a moment where the coyote is chasing the roadrunner and the roadrunner runs off a cliff, which is fine -- he's a bird, he can fly. But the thing is, the coyote runs off the cliff right after him. And what's funny -- at least if you're six years old -- is that the coyote's totally fine too. He just keeps running -- right up until the moment that he looks down and realizes that he's in mid-air. That's when he falls. When we're wrong about something -- not when we realize it, but before that -- we're like that coyote after he's gone off the cliff and before he looks down. You know, we're already wrong, we're already in trouble, but we feel like we're on solid ground. So I should actually correct something I said a moment ago. It does feel like something to be wrong; it feels like being right. [video]http://www.ted.com/talks/kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong. html[/video] If you're looking for truth, you should start with the idea that maybe you're wrong.
Your first three links are absolute garbage. PressTV? Please. Maybe vetting some of your "sources" might be in order. The last link is fully in line with most of the "official" criticism of lack of cooperation between agencies prior to 9/11. So you've got that going for you.
No it has not either? That sounds like something one of my children would say when they were 4. This is going to be fun. Just plague, plague311, or 311. Mr is my father, and the Mrs. doesn't really care about this forum. Am I? LoL, am I the problem? Please, educate me with your subpar English and ridiculous commentary. Key word there being, "to me". Things aren't based off of your beliefs, they're based off of evidence. No one cares about your incredulity. I might be confused, but were some of the surviving families trying to get in airplanes after 9/11? If not, then what the hell does this have to do with the surviving families. Also, if those surviving families supported twoofies in any way, shape or form why do they constantly degrade the truth movement? So you're upset that they were flown out first class? On a red eye? Which part bothers you? Why would we want to keep them here? Also, if they flew them out that means they knew they'd be under our watch. Everything about this makes sense. K.... Wow, nice red herring. A few fires, eh? I suppose you're not counting all of the fire fighters eye witness accounts, or the information given from people that were in the building. I see you through in the "in it's own footprint." It wasn't in it's own footprint though, was it. Building 7 collapsed over multiple roads, WAY outside of it's own footprint. This is just garbage. I know, that's why it DIDN'T happen that way. Thanks Captain Obvious! Just...lol. Well, once again we see those words "I believe". The world doesn't care about your beliefs...at all. I don't need a link to the Bentham paper, it's been destroyed. In fact, I was one of those that donated money to the pool in order to get the tests by Dr. James Millette done. His paper confirmed that what the Bentham paper found was paint. That paper is garbage, which is why it's in a "pay to publish" journal....oh and one of the higher ups that worked at Bentham left because of that piece of (*)(*)(*)(*) article. Don't ask me for a link either, do some research and find it for yourself. First off, it's "you're", not your. Secondly, I don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about their connections. If you look hard enough you can find something anywhere. That means nothing, the bin Laden's were\are a massively successful, and extremely large family. Couldn't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) less. So an entire post telling me to do research and then you cap it off by incredulity, a red herring, AND a strawman. That's impressive. Anyway, get back to me when you have something worth a (*)(*)(*)(*), until then, you can join the other truthers in being my own personal joke.
That's a nice little story Fang. However, I don't watch cartoons any more. I'll stick to my gut on this issue and the information I read from very credible people, to me..to me. You may not think so and that's fine. You're certainly entitled to your own opinion. It's a very strong gut feeling for me and I will stand by that. Often times when a person has such a strong gut feeling about something, anything really, they always wish they had gone with their gut after they've realized what they were feeling turned out to be true. I'll wait for validation, no matter how long it takes but thanks for the cutsie story and whatever that lady is talking about in that video.
I support it, I've signed a petition in support of it. That is doing something that you're not. If I could do more than that I'd be willing. That may not seem like much to you but it is and if more people were not afraid to question things that make no sense about this then it would get underway much sooner rather than much later.
You've signed a petition that is years old now. Have you written your representatives? Have you picketed or organized protests on a local or state level? Have you written letters to the editor, started rallies, or done anything other than sign an internet petition and complain anonymously on an obscure forum? Be the change you want to see, Pat.
Ironically typical. What that lady was talking about was the psychology behind the flawed way you perceive and define reality. You fit her description perfectly. "Trusting too much in the feeling of being on the correct side of anything can be very dangerous" You said you were interested in the truth, but it turns out you're not. Read what you just wrote. Your interested in validating your "gut feeling." You're also unwilling to accept the premise that your "gut feeling" is incorrect. What you don't realize is that your gut feeling, by its very definition, is a fantasy. It's something you dreamed up based on limited input and you hold to it based on your confidence in your imperfect ability to be right. You've defined the world around you based on this fantasy, and you refuse to accept the idea that your fantasy is false. This is not a method that will lead you to the truth. This is a method that will lead you to delusion.
There we go again, we so those words "I don't believe." Do you see how frequently you say that, but don't back it up with evidence? It's been 12 years since the tragedy. What's it going to take? As fang said, you're starting with extreme confirmation bias, and then telling us to do research. Why? What would you like us to research? Everything you've brought up thus far has been debunked for years. I've got something for you to try, and this is what I do whenever I get a topic I have an opinion on, and I want to see if I am right. Instead of researching all the information that backs up your case, read only the facts that are against it. This is two fold. One, it shows you what the "enemy" has in their corner, to bring out against you. Two, by researching the opposing argument you will see how rock solid your argument is, and that can be a game changer. That's what research is, it's trying to destroy your theory in order to know your theory can stand up to the ridicule.
I can say the same for you man. It sounds as if you truly believe your own fantasy about what happened, the government's fantasy. You've put everything they've said against everything others have said? I don't believe that for a second. You can blow that (*)(*)(*)(*) up someone else's ass. Furthermore, I don't need a psychologist to tell me that my common sense is displaced and that I should question it.
Yes, no and no. I do what I have the time and the resources to do. Maybe I will do more in the future. Spending time on this obscure site talking to the likes of you is doing something. Trying to point out these oddities to people who otherwise wouldn't bother to rethink anything. Is it wasted on you? Maybe. If only one person on this site or any other sites that I visit, stops and rethinks anything, then I'm as valuable a resource in this endeavor as any large group that's picketing at rally's and such. I count just as much regardless of what you think about my personal efforts.
First off, I listen to people with a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing clue. I don't recant dumbasses like David Ray Griffen, and the boners that did the Bentham test. If you're dumb enough to believe them then go ahead, but trust me, you need a psychologist. I am glad that you are able to admit that your common sense is displaced though, that's at least a stepping stone. Good work kiddo, good work. Just a note though, it might be fun to sit here and talk (*)(*)(*)(*), calling people names, and all that. However, it's going to result in your banning. The moderation here isn't quick, but telling people you want them to hang by their necks is grounds for banning in a big way. Enjoy your time here, child. Keep talking like you are and it'll be short lived.
Translation: "No, I don't do anything. I sit in my basement talking garbage and bringing up long debunked talking points. Despite the fact that I do absolutely no research, and make no effort to educate myself, I talk condescendingly to others. For some reason, in my head, I feel that will help me gain followers, and show people the light. I make excuses like 'maybe I'll do more in the future', and 'this website is a great place to change peoples minds', in order to rationalize the fact that I am afraid to show my truther face in public. The world, in general, despises me and my ilk due to the fact that we urinate on the graves of those that died. I pretend like I'm an advocate for those same people that lost their lives. In actuality their friends and families wish I would go away, and quit dragging their names through mud. I have to finish this up by saying 'I count', just so people know how important I am. If I don't it's quit possible that my narcassism and\or need for attention will go unrewarded." Quick hint, kid. We've seen your kind...a thousand times before. You're nothing new, your claims are garbage, and it's not going to change anyone's mind. Those that agree with you, have from the beginning, those that don't (we call those people 'sane') are never going to agree with you. They already know better. Keep up the good fight, pumpkin. ETA: This writing style was copied from a previous poster, I thought it fit rather well though.