To be honest, I agree in varying degrees, with your points, but the topic is about the leftist mind set of envy, and dependence.
I see as much envy on the right. (*)(*)(*)(*) - half the attacks are on "leftists" for being lazy. obviously - righties wish they could sit around and do nothing like they imagine we lefties do! as for dependence - I see a lot of dependent thinking on th epart of righties - they are often unable to think for themselves and play follow the leader ... and I've found it interesting talking to righties - they would also like to have the dependence on centrelink (here in oz) etc that they claim the lefties have - but can't get it cos their parents earn too much - and they are still dependent on their parents! lols ... which further supports that left and right have a lot more in common than they like to think.
The vast majority of right leaning people believe in honest hard work, although there are some who will always abuse the system, these grubs belong on chain gangs. Corporate welfare is morally wrong, it`s right next door to socialism. If Government bails out missmanaged corporations for tactical reasons, those corporations should be overseen, and made to be viable. The Government (the people) should then own a fair share of those corporations. The issue of imperialism is too deep to go into here. However, this topic is about leftist greed, envy, laziness, and dependance.
"lols ... which further supports that left and right have a lot more in common than they like to think." Fanatisism is always blind.
and do you have evidence that left leaning people don't? I work harder than many righties I know, I am committed to doing a good job for a whoole range of reasons. Most people I know, regardless of politics - feel that way if they are happpy in their workplace. there are unfortunately a lot of people who f rwhatever reason are disatisfied with their workplace, and often these people have slack attitudes to work - regardless of political leaning. thats a bit leftist, isn't it? news for you. greed, envy, laziness, and dependence isn't about politics. its about personal characteristics which are generally unrelated to political preferences.
yeah, which is why I like to challenge the idea that all lefties are lazy slobs and all righties are greedy exploitative pigs.
Gotta have a bit of positivity eh. p.s. - Cass said : "thats a bit leftist, isn't it?" I`m what we in Australia call a "swinging voter", not that I get up to any kinky stuf, but because I`m not committed to any form of political persuasion.
if you are a swinging voter you are neither a rightie nor a leftie - you just follow the party that looks like it speaks to you - ie - is, in your opinion, the one that will look after your interests - which to my mind is probably a lot more sensible than this american crap, or people pledging lifetime support for a party of any description, as also happens in australia (been a few who jump ship over the loss of "values" in a party). so why are you slamming lefties? chances are when it suits you you'll vote on the left of the political spectrum! wrt "thats a bit left isn't it" - you do know that govts here and around the world in a dramatic shift to the right sold off government assets ... you know that the commbank was once a government entity ... don't you?
I vote for the people who I think will do the least damage to the country, not nesessarily my own interests. I`ll continue to despise the welfare mentality of envious under acheivers. I wouldn`t rule out, or in, any political entity getting my vote. Selling the Commonwealth bank was a huge mistake, leaving the other parasite banks with no competition.
unoriginal Conservative talking points repeated million times. Bullsht#1: owning guns is legal. no one wants to ban them . Bullsht#2: You can eat whatever the he11 you want, no one cares. Bullsht#3: Conservatives use the same social services offered by government as liberals. Bullsht#4: Liberals don't care about what's on TV, in fact, conservative loons are the ones bìtching 24/7 about "moral corruption of society" and MTV and nudity and ...! Now a few facts: Conservatives are the ones trying to legislate their religious beliefs. They are the ones who want to get in people's bedrooms and tell them who they can marry. Conservatives are the ones who think women have no rights to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Conservatism=Hypocrisy=epic failure.
Is this a leftist thing though? I would really like to see some hard evidence that being a "leftist" makes you a lazy ne'er do well. I'd also like to see evidence that conservatives are over achievers, or better workers than leftists. quite frankly, in my workplace I find people who are more prone to conservative views are more likely to be stick in the mud, resistant to organisational change and improving workpractices which would lead to greater efficiences. to me, this is indicative of mental laziness and an unwillingness to look at how to resolve problems. I wouldn't generalise that to ALL conservatives, but you have to admit, that if the opposite of conservative is progressive, it makes sense that this is the case
lols, according to an american definition you are definitely a leftist. you are probably more to the left than I am in this regard!
To the original poster. Your example of the "young liberal" is not realy a liberal at all. She is a poser liberal who comes from wealth, privilage, security, and safety of her development and her environment. These types of posers are the dreamers who dream of world peace and feel that their privilaged life is how all people of the world should live. She has never steped out of her element and has no clue about the real world other than what she is told in school or sees on the news. She is too young to be a con or a lib. She has not seen the world through other lenses other than her Privilaged shades. She is the hopefull one that will protest human rights violations on Jews but will not see the human rights violations on the Palestines. She will be one who opposes labor practices in China, but will not know what real Chinese feel about their countries labor practices. She is the type that would stand up for civil rights of the blacks and tell the blacks that thy are all victims, so that she can feel superior to them. Eventually, this woman will define her political ideas after living outside of her parent's home, after paying taxes, and after living on her own off her own income. She may turn out to be a free thinker, or obey a cult religion and/or political party. To early to tell.
By rights, I should've closed this thread due to the lack of substance in the OP. I would've, had I caught it earlier. But since it has sparked an actual discussion and it would be unfair to the rest of you to squelch that, I have moved it instead.
The term "progressive" is a self imposed compliment of the delusional. Heading up a dead end road isn`t making progress, neither will you make progress if you park at an intersection all day, giving way, and apologising to all other drivers.
Let's try to keep this one on topic. The argument in the OP is that GPA's and money are similar enough to justify an analogy. I'm not quite sure I buy that personally, but it does apply at least some of the time. Let me put it this way: Assuming that -some portion of the students have poor grades through no fault of their own and -some portion of the students have good grades that they really didn't earn, would *that* justify GPA redistribution? I don't think so, but I'll leave that open to discussion.
one thing I am finding with you is that you are not very well informed about political definitions, you also don' seem to be very well informed about workplace environments. my guess is that you are quite young and have a lot to learn.
it would be interesting to see the assessment methods used. Its not uncommon for students doing groupwork assignments to complain about the distribution of grades within their groups, because it is difficult to assess who does most work. the participants will generally say they know, but this can be pretty subjective at times. I think a scenario like that is more likely to mirror the taxation/redistribution of income scenario than people just getting randomly awarded part of someone else's grade.
I think you have just answered your own question. On a related subject, students would not support affirmative action being applied to their school's athletic program. Valid analogy? I can't think of any reason why it's not.
It makes great sense, and it's a better idea then welfare, it's helping someone get a good paying job. on the other hand welfare is a trap, and does not help them in the long time future, but good grades helps in getting a better paying job and lasts longer in life. Your problem with it is you see it as something only you earned so some how you feel only you should keep it, because you put all that hard work and time into it. earning money is the same, the time I spend working just for the tax's I have to pay, I can never get that time of my life back. an example is, lets say I pay an average of 40% in tax's, that means I am spending 40% of my life working for the government. and it gets worse as that rate gets higher, 50%, 60%, 70% Hell at 30% or 40% you are a slave, it's time of your life you will never get back, and it's a large % of your life spent working for the government, and less time working for your own self and loved ones. So when we also add other tax's like sales tax's and a slew of un-mentionable tax's we all pay just to do anything, because there are so many tax's you have to pay for almost everything, depending on what your activities are, if you could figure out all of that plus hidden tax's you would be very surprised just how much of your life is spent on working for the government, which you will never get that time back. and the % of time you spent working for the government is less time spent working to take care your family. When you advocate for larger government, your advocating for your own slavery. ...
I think thats different. many people who have more money than others have not worked harder to amass that - or even in many cases worked smarter. while hard work and diligence CAN be a factor that contributes to economic success, luck, opportunity, being in the right place at the right time, pre existing advantage etc can also play a part.