I'm not looking for friends. What I want is public policy that treats everyone equally and lets the chips fall where they may. Libs want a government that takes from the rich and gives it to the poor which is unfair and unsustainable.
See, she does have a brain and can see the simularities between a college student working hard having to give up something they earn and a business person working hard and having to give up something they have earned to people that slack off and choose not to work cause the guberment will take care of them. The people that understand the situation knows that the price of college going up is because of the goberment back college loans being increased every year. This is the same situation we had with the housing market and the reason for its collapse, goberment backed laons caused the inflation in the housing market just as they have done in the American college tuition. There is no safer place on earth in terms of gun crime than the country of switzerland...where everyone is mandated to have a gun. All this says is "I have no actual retort so I am just going to say 'BS' and hope no one calls me on it." It isn't 1 liberal that says these things, there have been laws passed and laws put up for a vote cause liberals have gotten together to put preasure on the legislators.
And maybe too many lazy lib professors getting paid to teach only on class or none at all. The public educators have been ripping the public off for a long time.
Hey, you missed the train, wealth, grades, what you work for is the simularity in this story, not taxes.
No what is compared is redistribution, and there is NO redestribution in schools because it is to MEASURE knowledge, taxes arent a test you know.
The comparison is BS. Tests are to measure your knowledge, taxes are used to having a function society. 2 very different things. BS, the housing market rose because private banks gave loans to people they knew couldnever pay them back. Then they created a system to package those bad loans and sell them as triple A products and make heaps of money. Its was stupid people who borrowed from greedy banks supported by stupid politicians. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence got a statistics to back that up? Plenty of countries with strict firearm laws doing better then switzerland. There is nothing else to say then BS. Its not because some liberals (or people you consider are liberals) think like that all do. SO according to you the vast mayority of liberals want to ban meat, guns , religion and just wants to live of welfare?
Behold! The hyperliberal mind at work! This poor simpleton's responses are almost as instructive as the "test" itself. Notice that there is no counter-argument offered -- only the blanket condemnation of "BS". This is reflective of the depth of their thinking and reasoning powers....
Your wealth is a measure on how much you work to achieve that wealth. GPA is a measure on how much you work to retain the knowedge you have and the work you put forth into homeWORK. Redistrobution of either is wrong because you are giving from one that worked hard to those that don't work hard enough. Some times knowledge retention and work ethic comes easy to some, like althetic skills, but you don't see anyone calling for redistrobution of positions on a baseball team to those that don't work hard enough or are generally inept at playing the game.
You are comparing apple seeds with apples. One is the beginning of the process while the other is the end result. You don't know what the comparison is, so you will never understand how they are simular. I will try one last time in the most simplistic of terms I can give you. Grades = Monetary wealth. Taxation of either is spreading the wealth from those that work hard for what they have and gives to those that don't. Started by fanny and freddy backing these subprime loans. These are only homicide rates, not robberies or murders, or rapes that can have guns involved. Homicide rates in America are at the highest rates in those cities that ban guns altogether. I haven't seen conservatives calling for a ban on toys given out by McDs.
trouble reading ? 'a lot of nonsensical BS thinking what 1 persons who you consider "liberal" says count for every liberal in the world.'
It must count for every liberal who read this thread, however...as none disagreed with your silly post.
Let me start by saying: Thanks for cutting and pasting your spam mail on this forum with no attribution, quoting, or your own original content... But to whoever the actual author is: There are authoritarian elements to both political philosophies. It is a separate dynamic and relates to the means rather than the ends.
I hate to be the one to break it to you TLBS, but the OP is an excelent description of the vast majority of leftist mind set. Your post hasn`t addressed this undeniable truth. The free world can`t exist without property rights, and reward for hard work. There is obviously also a need for humanitarianism, and charity, but there needs to be a realistic balance, not an infinite cash grab by those who don`t feel like working.
What makes you think the Rightist mindset isnt just as guilty as cashgrabbing for nothing.. one thing can be learned from this.. both sides belong to the same coin. Why is individual welfare any more evil than corporate welfare? Why is robbing and killing through imperialism any better than by individual? Wake up.. they are ALL crooks.. one isnt better .. or different than the other.
This stupid story belongs in opinions at best, maybe jokes. Certainly not current events. And it is full of BS... No one is saying to redistrubute wealth equally that is BS. Rich people make more income, they should pay more taxes. Do you really think the bottom 50% who make 12% of the income should pay 50% of the taxes? And conservatives are always the ones who are trying to tell people what to do. Most liberals are not trying to ban all guns or ban meat, or ban talk shows or ban religion. That is all BS. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one, don't try to ban everyone else. If you don't want a gay marriage, don't have one, don't try to ban everyone else. If you believe in Jesus, pray, but don't try to force everyone else to pray. Don't try to force everyone else to go to court under your religious tenents. So basically this story is BS and the rest of it is blaming others for what you do yourself.
That's ridiculous. You don't know what you're talking about. I think you're just a "stupid email" junkie.
Thats the plan by both parties. People here are too stupid to acknowledge it. Dont forget that this a country where; the government allows banks to run amok.. gives away trillions in corporate welfare, creates a tax system that stifles small business and rewards huge conglomerates, Funds huge tax cuts with deficit spending, Invades countries at the whim of corporate America, through corruption of 40 years time .. finally destroys the economy.. and is able to blame it all on greedy teachers with thier socialist pensions they paid for, Firemen with thier commie health insurance, public workers with thier unamerican pensions... and the IDIOT fringe in this country eats it up. Believes it like its gosphel. Do not underestimate the stupidity of the americans.
the claim that Libs want a government that takes from the rich and gives it to the poor is simplistic stereotyping. I can see you are still in the mindset of someone who thinks kids cartoons are a model for the real world ... you know .. the ones that show the bad guys want to do things because they are bad ... not because they want to make lots of money, or get some other gain. neither liberals nor conservatives are that one dimensional - and seriously of you guys don't start looking for what you have in common so that you can start solving the problems you have, you are going to be the losers.