There are some things to be considered for voters who plan to support candidates promising not to defund Planned Parenthood. First they should research the life and times of Margaret Sanger, an early proponent of eugenics who is generally regarded as the founding principle of the organization. Another important consideration is that geneticists have succeeded in mapping the entire human genome which raises the specter of government-funded prenatal culling based on factors such as intelligence, height, health, sexual preference, race numbers and personality/criminal tendencies -designer babies. Most people have no idea what’s coming down the pike but the science of genetics is advancing at the rate of a eugenic freight train that won’t be easily stopped or even slowed down by people who don’t recognize its significance. Genetics is science and science is a tool that does not distinguish between good and bad, victims or perpetrators. Margaret Sanger’s eugenics had a noble purpose: a more perfect human race which is fine if you qualify for the selected group that meets that qualification. But what if you don’t and who or what decides who is or is not in the selected group? Black females comprise 36% of all the abortions in the US yet they make up only 7 ½% of the population. Did the architects of the Great Society make a mistake by not listening to Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1965 when he warned that government-encouraged out-of-wedlock births would destroy black family structure and create a culture of dependence? Are black females being pressured into terminating their pregnancies to cover for unwise decisions made by intellectuals and politicians decades ago to achieve a means to an end that has ended badly? There is already a thriving black market in third world countries for human organs and tissue as the science of genetic engineering marches to the tune of the almighty dollar. No one wants to take away a woman’s right to be the master of her fate, the captain of her soul or the steward of her own body but has that already happened? Planned Parenthood is a private organization just the National Rifle Association and it should not be funded by the same government that’s probably responsible for the problems it’s ostensibly there to correct. Fewer blacks, gays, short people? No more stupid humans? Will they be headed off by dystopian machines like Planned Parenthood? Would you be here?
Who cares? Too many stupid people running around as it is. Here’s the main problem: Smart people know how to use contraceptives and understand birth control, stupid, ill-educated people do not. Who do you think has the most kids?: the middle to upper class citizens or the dumbasses living in trailers or government housing?
I used to have this girlfriend who told me that where she used to live, there was a developmentally challenged woman. My gf said, over a couple of years she had taken this woman to get an abortion several times. Apparently she was okay with the local boys having their way with her. Women have abortions because they don't want to have a child. The alternative to an abortion is an unwanted child. It is unwanted children who grow up to be criminals.
I think that churches should be taxed. They should pay property tax and income tax. I also think that all churches and preachers should be required to post a disclaimer, that says that what they say has never been proven to be true.
So you're OK with going through elementary schools, finding the ones that aren't properly cared for, and weeding out all of the future criminals? BTW what do you get for a 5 year old kid's body parts on the market these days? We might also pay off a part of the national debt.
Why would we need to weed them out?. They are easy to catch, they fill up churches every Sunday. Wait for Christmas and you can catch even more.
Yes, it is a long standing money laundering scam. Impressionable young girls buy into reckless ideas and behaviors. Some learn that they won't have to deal with the consequences of their actions because some abortionist, the state, and other taxpayers will. These behaviors aren't really stopped, corrected, disciplined for, or shunned because they feed big money making operations. It isn't in the interest of PP to stop unwanted pregnancies or the poor behavior of some young adults. Else their billboards would read something entirely different. Their billboards now read something like, "It's alright to do whatever the hell you want without regard to your own health and safety because you can visit one of our clinics to help bail you out. Never worry about having to change your piss poor behavior!" More abortions and reckless sexual behavior means more money for the likes of PP. More illegitimate children means more money directed to certain areas where the money is basically stolen and placed in the pockets of crooks/corrupt leaders.
Sad, but the first clue is "developmentally challenged" meaning retarded. There's got to be a better way. Obviously it's not in the best interests of the woman, taxpayers or anyone else for this woman to keep popping out babies. Agreed. The best way to reduce abortions isn't to ban it, but to reduce unwanted pregnancies. This is done through education and access to cheap, effective contraceptives.
Actually the connection is a little different. It is more like the connection between being intelligent and antireligious. There is this thing that occurs consistently around the world. The more intelligent one is, the less likely they are to believe gods are real. And, the more intelligent one is, and the less of a believer one is, the more liberal they will be. If you go to a high school, it is easy to spot the future liberals. In class rooms, they are the ones who sit in the front of the class, and are always raising their hands because they know the answer. See, you have been resenting liberals longer than you thought.
Defunding Planned Parenthood is a terrible idea. Obviously those conservatives who don't believe in conservation don't believe in healthcare for women either.
I can't understand how the inability to defund PP is the fault of everyone else except of those who are failures.
Also agree about the best way to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Also policies that don't penalize someone for becoming pregnant, like most other countries in the world, might help reduce the ones that reduce unwanted pregnancies.
First of all, make sure there is sufficient fully paid time off for having a child. Secondly, find ways to make sure companies do not penalize women for having children.
First, having children is a choice. I am against requiring people to fund the choices of other people. Granting parents time off to be with a newborn is one thing; making others pay for it is another. Second, such as? Not promoting someone who takes six months off every other year for 3-6 year over someone who has been busting their ass working hard the entire time?
Education? How many pregnancies do you think occur when the mother doesn't know sex causes pregnancy? I'll guess at less than 1/5% What is your estimate?
And yet these highly "intelligent" people have no concept of logic and reason. And when they don't get their way they revert back to childish tantrums. Maybe they think educated equals intelligent and as we've seen, that is certainly false.
I'm guessing it's close to 100% for those who don't become pregnant and close to zero for those that do...or they're just too ****ing stupid to learn like the retarded chick. What do you propose we do? Do you really want to fund a retarded woman and her six babies..who will probably be idiots as well? Or do you think providing abortion at cost is the best answer? Something else?
Nah. The money spent aborting babies from poor people is cheaper than all the babies growing up into poor adults gang banging and having more babies.
Agreed. There's also the dilemma of welfare for kids; Very few people want to see kids starving or sick, but giving parents money for each kid they can seems to create a problem of people deliberately becoming parents in order to suck off Uncle Sugar.
You aren't been serious. I will be serious. Education is not the key to reducing unwanted pregnancies.. Morality is. The retarded chicks aren't having 99.999% of abortions and live births in bad situations. There solution is promoting responsibility, not killing children.
And if having children is a choice, and society puts up barriers to a woman having a career, then you have unwanted pregnancies, thus leading to more abortions. Depends on the age range. The younger they are, the more likely it is they don't really understand it. Anecdotes have shown some...startling misconceptions about conception. Especially in places where sex education is....spotty at best. With high schoolers, they should learn what kind of contraceptive methods exist and how to use them. And if they don't want to use contraceptives they should learn the mechanics of their bodies for when they are fertile and when they are not.