Did the lockdowns work?

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Greenleft, Dec 7, 2022.

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  1. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Yep. A lot of the victims had comorbidities and/or were old. They needed to die and rid us of their extra costs.
  2. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    progressives should enjoy that outcome ya? I mean it's certainly easier then making everyone gay so we can reduce the population over time because global warming.
  3. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    There was no "Trump shutdown". You are making schiff up again.
  4. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    No, they lied about it. Two plus years is not "two weeks".

    Obviously they were lying about this too, as hospitals were supposedly constantly "overrun with covid patients". There are two factors that led to this "overrun of covid patients", both of them via playing mathematical games and neither of them being honest with people. The first factor was shrinking the size of "covid wards" to allow the constant claim of "covid ward is overflowing". The second factor is purposely testing every single man/woman/child for covid who entered into a doctor's office/urgent care office, even if they didn't come in for any sort of respiratory illness issue, just to boost up the number of "covid patients" they have. It's all a farce, dude.

    No they didn't. "Covid" (the flu?) kept transmitting all the same.

    IOW, in the context of completely made up fabricated BS.

    Nope. I speak the truth.

    I can't spread a disease that I don't have, dude. The "hospitals are overrun" BS is a farce, as explained above. Your other points are unrelated to COVID.

    I'm forming my own arguments, dude. Unlike you, I don't "listen to" anybody. I don't need to. I can think for myself. I can form my own thoughts.

    They don't have to. They choose to. They even WANT to. We are in an abusive relationship with our government.

    The terrorism farce during that time period has now led to a whole slew of unnecessary/pointless/invasive travel regulations/restrictions, national government spying on their own citizens, declaring their own citizens to be "terrorist threats", among many other evil things.

    There are numerous safety and logistical reasons for doing so. The damage needs to be able to be cleaned up.

    It makes sense to close down school if there aren't going to be (m)any students there for teachers to teach.

    Because they weren't allowed to visit their loved ones... only one person, if any people at all. It is not good to leave people in isolation when they are most vulnerable and needed by their family and loved ones. That's disgusting what was done and still is being done to such people. For instance, my grandpa was in tears because he didn't have his family around him and thought that nobody showed up to see him (they WANTED to, but weren't allowed to). We got him out of there as fast as possible. It's truly disgusting what these governments and "healthcare" facilities did and are still doing!

    Anybody who supports THAT sort of evil is one siiiiiiiiiiiiick twisted demented morally deficient person.

    What good would wearing a mask do in that situation?

    No. Rather, families got bickering with each other over the importance of following COVID mandates... They wouldn't invite family members over if they decided not to get jabbed, etc... Unvaccinated were treated like pariahs. It tore families apart... Family members who once loved each other now hate each other over something as stupid as getting or not getting a series of COVID jabs, amongst other COVID related decisions that they were forced by government to make.

    Is jab status a good reason for force people out of their jobs? It's not necessary to have a jab in order to perform job duties.

    No. YOU can stay inside of your own home if you're so scared to go out in public. Why should I have to completely adjust my lifestyle around your irrationality?

    I can't spread a disease that I don't have, dude. You know this. Stop pretending that you don't.

    You can take a gander at the Chinese citizens screaming out their windows in Shanghai for more information. Is that what you want for your life?

    Yes, let's stop trying to grab guns from law abiding citizens.

    Yes, let's stop trying to force women to wear a mask in public and get umpteen COVID jabs.

    Yes, let's spend only a few billion dollars instead on a border wall and border agents, and significantly reduce the flow of fentanyl (and other drugs) into our country. Let's also stop wasting $100b+ in Ukraine and use it in our own country.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Right on cue. Right wing extremist sewage that has nothing to do with the thread topic. Who saw that coming. What a surprise.
    Sallyally likes this.
  6. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    As ridiculous as the notion I was responding to.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  7. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    how quickly the right forget


    "*** In states with evidence of community transmission, bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed."

    "The President's CoronaVirus Guidelines for America"

    "30 days to slow the spread"

    Sallyally likes this.
  8. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Guidelines are not shutdowns. None of the shutdowns came from Trump.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  9. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Why are you focused on "two weeks" when there were different messages in cities and states across the country that implemented measures to cut transmission?

    Are you one of the paranoid types who think it's a government plot to enslave Americans?
    You think hospital staff being told they have to work double shifts is a con?
    You don't get it. Some hospitals were maxed out, not just wards with covid patients. Cancer patients couldn't get surgeries. They were short on staff.
    They tested for covid so they could keep it from spreading in clinics, ERs, hospitals, etc. Your claim it's a farce is utterly absurd.
    No, transmission was reduced. Anyway, covid is a corona virus, not an influenza virus. Sheesh.
    You are incredibly misinformed. You apparently don't even know the difference between covid and flu.
    I'm at the point of not taking you seriously.
    Pretty much sums up your lack of knowledge.
    You figure hospitals and care homes should have let people come in from the outside who may have covid and spread it to vulnerable elderly? Egads.
    They could have fitted old folks with respirators and let them meet with unmasked relations. I'd explain how it could work, but you know best and will tell me it's unnecessary.
    You avoided my question: what were you prepared to do to cut transmission rates so our hospitals aren't overrun with covid patients? I think I got your answer: nothing.

    When there was a lot of virus around, I wore a P100 respirator. That made it highly unlikely I would get covid even if I was in a crowded space with someone who had it. I went out in public regularly and never got covid, so we you spare me your idiotic insults about being scared. All I did was take educated, simple, inexpensive precautions.

    You no doubt thinks "masks" are useless, but here's what works well if you're forced to be in contact with a lot of different people.

    92EBF56B-8A5E-45A7-90EB-A2779C91286B.jpeg 8B32BA03-4F31-47CC-965A-3F7B40F9C0DD.jpeg EB7B57B1-344F-4166-B029-2CDC383C106B.jpeg

    A P100 respirator ... had for less than $40.
  10. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    1.) As far as I can tell, that system seems to have served its purpose, then it was later re-tooled for the COVID farce (see below), and will soon be re-tooled for the Climate Crisis farce. I feel like I'm reliving the same story over and over again...


    2.) It seems like all the "terrorism" just "went away"... Hmmmm, apparently the "protective measures" "worked"?? Again, it's almost as if I am reliving the same story over and over again.

    3.) Bingo!
  11. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    in the past Presidential guidelines meant something, you're right, we should have ignored Trump and his shutdown guidelines
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  12. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Because "two weeks to slow the spread" was the initial "sales pitch" for implementing this idea of wearing masks around everywhere all day long to ward off what amounts to symptomatically being a mild flu.

    Yes, minus the paranoia. See the 'Shanghai China' window screaming for Exhibit A of this truth.

    You think hospital staff having the time to make TikTok dance videos is a con?

    Your issue, not mine.

    ... and all the other masses of hospitals weren't "maxed out", but you conveniently leave those hospitals out.

    Because a good swath of readily available and experienced staff was purposefully terminated for refusing to get the COVID jabs. You can't bitch about a problem that YOUR point of view created, dude.

    What's the point in that?? Sick people are regularly BRINGING IT INTO those clinics, ERs, etc... There's no "keeping it from spreading in..." ... it's ALREADY THERE, dude. ----- No, the testing is purposely done to people who show up there for reasons other than respiratory illness in order to create as many "COVID positive" cases as possible... in order to create as many "COVID patients" as possible... in order to generate as much fear as possible... in order to receive as much government (taxpayer) money as possible. It's all a farce.

    Why in your right mind would you test someone for COVID if they walked into your clinic for vertigo symptoms? For knee pain? etc.

    Okay, and elephants in the streets were reduced due to street lights... ;) ;)

    Right. What is claimed to be SARS-COV-2 is, by definition, a coronavirus... I'm not claiming any different. Symptomatically speaking, is there really any difference between COVID (symptoms) and flu (symptoms)?

    Your issue, not mine.

    Symptomatically speaking, is there really any difference between the two? Of course SARS-CoV-2, by definition, is a coronavirus, not a flu virus.

    I'm well beyond the point of not taking you seriously.

    Your issue, not mine.


    "May have" is not have. COVID has already been brought into the hospitals and care homes, along with a plethora of other diseases.

    Once again, people can't spread a disease that they don't have... and once again, the disease is already present at the hospital as people who have been sick with it have already been inside the hospital.

    I do know best, and that IS unnecessary action to take. N95 masks don't stop viruses, dude. Healthy family members can't spread an illness that they don't have (or an illness that the patient who they are seeing already has).

    You avoided my question: what were you prepared to do to keep yourself from potentially exposing yourself to a virus that symptomatically appears as a mild flu? If you are so scared of going out in public, then you should lock yourself up inside of your own home. Problem solved.

    So COVID has now magically "gone away" for the most part?

    I believe you. Fear will lead you to do numerous irrational things, including wearing a P100 respirator around everywhere you go, thinking that you are somehow "warding off COVID" by doing so. I fully expose this Cult of the Mask religion for the irrational nonsense that it is in my write-up which you can read for yourself here: https://politiplex.freeforums.net/thread/68/cult-mask

    No it didn't.

    So did I, and I never got COVID either, and I didn't wear any sort of mask around anywhere I went, even into places that had their stupid signs plastered on the door because the government forced them to do so. Looks like masking really doesn't make any sort of difference at all, eh?

    You were obviously scared, otherwise you wouldn't've been wearing a P100 respirator around everywhere you went. Your actions speak for themselves.

    No. All you did was receive the latest software update from a "trusted" MSM programmer.

    Right, as I've been openly stating (and providing reasoning for) this whole time that masks are useless when it comes to viruses. Their own packaging even states that truth right on it if you'd bother to read it.

    Nope. Doesn't work for viruses... and you are neglecting the cost of replacement filters.
  13. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    There was no such sales pitch near me.
    Five million nurses in the U.S. and you're going to generalize.
    Most of the time no one was locked down.
    Very few staff were terminated anywhere for not having a covid vaccination.
    Talking to you is a waste of time. This will be my last post to you except to "bop your snout'" with the facts. You, of course, will come back with your Trump style "it's a hoax" BS.
    Because the individual may have coved and expose other patients, some with compromised immune systems.
    You claimed it was the flu.
    Also, untrue.
    It's not everywhere in the hospital, genius.
    P100 respirators are highly effective. I'd explain how masks work and how Brownian motion impacts the design and its effectiveness, but I'm pretty sure I would be wasting my time.
    I already told you I wasn't "afraid" and that I used a respirator to protect myself. So, go ahead and make another asinine statement.
    No, nor is it necessarily going to be as mild as it is with Omicron.
    So, this woman is stupid, afraid, living under her bed, etc. ad nauseam?

    You only exposed your ignorance on the subject.
    Reasoning from the specific to the general?
    Now, you're making up stuff--nothing new for you, of course, I said I wore it when I was in crowded place with lots of folks.
    No, P100 respirators don't make claims one way or the other. If you knew anything about respirators, you'd know why.
    All those hospital workers are stupid, wasting their time with "masks," and should be listening to you.

    Have a nice life.
    Nemesis likes this.
  14. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Calm down, My DuhSantis-supporting chum.

    BTW, that was your idiot Governor's "policy"; it was a failure.
  15. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Yes. The lock-downs worked perfectly to achieve what they were meant to achieve... tanking the booming economy, thereby getting rid of Trump. Trump's early support of lock-downs only served to seal his own fate. When your opponent is hanging himself, you give him all the rope he needs.
    ToughTalk likes this.
  16. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Denial of history.

    ... says the person who literally just got done generalizing about "five million nurses in the U.S." "working double shifts".

    This statement of yours is precisely why I responded to you the way that I did. I knew that you'd label what I said as a generalization, so now maybe you'll realize that what you were doing was generalization because now you're effectively telling yourself what you did instead of hearing it from me, but more likely, you'll instead resort to self denial.

    Continued ignoring of all of the other hospitals that WEREN'T "maxed out".

    Enough staff were terminated to create worker shortages. You can't complain about worker shortages if you've purposely terminated a bunch of competent workers that you had due to a personal vendetta against them.

    Yet, you keep doing it, so you have nobody to blame but yourself.

    I've heard this one many times before... we'll see.

    hahahahahaha you're not "bopping my snout" with anything. You're just parroting the programming that you've received. BTW, a "fact" is not a universal truth nor is it a proof.

    Trump still living rent free in your head, eh? No, I will come back with science, logic, and mathematics.

    ... yet you're not going to test that individual for any and all other diseases in existence that he/she "may have"? Why not? How does THAT make any sense?

    No. I claimed that, symptomatically speaking, it is a mild flu (and have questioned whether or not the flu is simply being rebranded as "covid"). I never said that SARS-CoV-2 (as being defined) is the flu. As being defined, it is a coronavirus, specifically a variant of SARS.

    Now you're in paradox.

    Yes, it is. What do you think happens when "COVID positive" people walk into the hospital? They've now brought COVID into the hospital.

    ... with regard to their intended purposes (such as filtering out dust, pollen, etc). They are not effective at filtering out viruses.

    Brownian motion doesn't change the fact that mask pores are much larger than viruses are.

    You are very clearly afraid of covid.

    You are now in yet ANOTHER paradox. You keep denying your very own words, dude.

    You just got done saying that there isn't a lot of virus around anymore, but now you're saying that COVID hasn't gone away for the most part. Which one is it??

    Meaningless. There's no context for that picture. I have no idea as to why she is putting that mask on.

    Your issue, not mine.

    :roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol: TOO FUNNY!!!!!!

    ... says the person who literally just got done reasoning from the specific to the general...

    As happened earlier and has now happened once again, this statement of yours is precisely why I responded to you the way that I did. I knew that you'd label what I said as "reasoning from specific to general", so now maybe you'll realize what you were doing because now you're effectively telling yourself what you did instead of hearing it from me, but more likely, you'll instead resort to self denial.

    Depends on how you define "crowded places with lots of folks". It's still showing your fear of a mild virus.


    If you knew anything about engineering specs, you'd know that P100 respirators are not protecting you from viruses.

    A lot of times they ARE wasting their time with masks. Sometimes they are using masks for an appropriate purpose.

    You too.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  17. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    No. A virus is going to do what a virus does. Best you can do is expand health care to take on the surge.
  18. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Ouch! Nice post.
  19. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    The entire world shut down because of trump. That's really funny, I don't care who you are.
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    How to expand healthcare?
    Better to slow the spread to keep overloading the healthcare.

    Flatten the curve works. The area under a curve won't really change. A long flat curve or a very high spike curve.
    Nemesis likes this.
  21. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    The curve only flattened once omicron came out and gave everyone immunity from a weakened variant of the strain...

    Virus did what virus does.
    Hotdogr likes this.
  22. Greenleft

    Greenleft Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2013
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    So I'm going to pick up 3 things from this. The first is if I understand correctly is that the lockdowns bought healthcare services the time to rally and gather resources in preparation for future COVID-19 surges. This I will accept if it is indeed what you both are implying.

    The second (and I just saw this from somebody who did not believe the lockdowns worked. See post above this one.) is that Omicron gave milder symptoms but spread faster, giving the population the herd immunity that vaccines did not give fast enough.

    The third is the psychological boost the lockdowns gave to doctors and nurses. That is giving them the time to get fired up while not immediately being overwhelmed with work. "OK Doctor, OK Nurse, you can do this! Let's GO!"

    I can accept all of this if anyone is willing to offer links to specific studies.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  23. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Cite? Facts? Source?
  24. Irrational thinker

    Irrational thinker Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2019
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    Yep. Watch the left blame Trump just like they blamed him for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle by Biden.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  25. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    You don't understand the concept of flatten the curve?
    It's a mathematical technique for all kinds of things.
    The curve did not flatten under omicron. You will see a spike in cases during omicron peak. See chart at link

    The virus does what the virus does, but it can be controlled.

    If it were possible to isolate the entire world for 1 or 2 months. Where the virus could not replicate in other hosts(humans), it would die on its own.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
    Death likes this.

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