The humane society is filing charges against the pork supplier, accusing them of abuse of the animals harvested to make the reoccurring McRib sandwich. Shocking indeed. There is pork is a McRib sandwich???
What is shocking is that a company like McDonald's exists. Why do people want to do that to themselves?
I can't eat pork. Makes me sick. I didn't even know Macca's had a pork burger, we don't have them over here, but if we did, I'd oppose them because pork is one of those meats that must be perfectly cooked to prevent you from becoming ill.
Whatever pork there is in a McRib is so exceedingly processed there s no foothold for any life from parasite to microbe whatsoever. Here is the inside of a McRib "patty". Note the complete lack of any "meatlike" substance. I can't find any images for any raw McRib "meat" for forming into simulated ribs, but here is Chicken Nugget goo, which I am sure is quite similar!
Wait......people abuse animals? I am shocked! The same humans that abuse each other? I would like to do the same to their cats and dogs in front of them and see how "ok" people are with it then. I'm think they would not be pleased with me.
Not true. Pork is a staple in my diet. I've never been sick from eating it, and I've never known anyone to have ever gotten sick from eating it either. I'd be more worried about chicken than pork if I were you. BTW: Cows have the same worms pork does.
Given the healthcare costs of fast food, it's cheaper to pay for welfare checks than to pay for people's health problems from eating that crap.
thats right people who eat pork regularly are immune but if they stop for a long time then start again they get sick
Undercooked chicken is very dangerous (and I've had Salmonella (although that was from re-heated chicken, which is also very dodgy) - believe me, you do not want to try it!), but undercooked pork can also be something to watch out for. You won't necessarily get sick, of course, but it is something risky that should be avoided. Undercooked beef is obviously much, much less risky (although it isn't actually 100% safe - there is a risk, but it's a small one compared with either chicken or pork). Personally, having gone through the Salmonella experience, I don't eat ANY meat that is anything less then very well cooked - I don't think it's worth the risk.
It's pretty awful stuff. Did anyone see the 'Jamie's Food Revolution' TV series, where he was trying to persuade schools, parents and kids that feeding that type of stuff from frozen for school dinners wasn't actually a great idea? It was pretty frightening just how many people had obvously never given the quality of their food (or the stuff they fed their kids) any thought at all. I can't stand the spitting, self-important little mockney twerp myself, but he did actually make some very good points. Don't get me wrong - I'll enjoy a McDonalds now and again, even though I have a pretty good idea that it's not exactly the greatest food in the world. It does taste good! That's now and again, though - some people live on stuff like that! If it's not coming from McDonalds, it's just the same crap coming from their freezer, via a deep far fryer. Scary!
Except for trichenosis. I think that is pretty much a pork worm. But if cooked correctly pork is fine. You just have to make sure it is cooked through. I am loading two pigs today for butcher. They have been treated for worms so it shouldn't be a problem. If they are frozen at -20 F that will also kill the worms. I always worm all my animals. It is pretty cheap and worth the expense in weight gain.
McRib patties aren't "pork" in the sense you would think. Most of the McRib patty is innards (stomach, pancreas, heart) all blended together with salt-water and poured into McRib molds. Bon Apetit!
The thing about it is, people don't really care what they eat so long as they get full. Especially the kids that chicken nuggets/patties are marketed for. [ame=""]Jamie Oliver - Nugget experiment epic failure - YouTube[/ame]
honestly, you're more likely to get food poisoning from a salad bar than you are from any meat...but the meat you're most likely to get it from is ground meat. bacteria only grows on the surface, but with ground meat, it's all surface.
LOL What is it Sarah Palin said once? "I like organic meat, the only difference mine comes with the fur and face still attached."?