Do Muslims have "a duty to kill" anyone who insulted the Prophet Muhammad?

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by litwin, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Indirectly allowing it then.

    -Bin Laden
  2. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    You know he wrote a letter.
    Boy does he go on forever and ever. But basically they attacked us because we promote those who don't believe in Islam.
    We show women throughout the world that they can be free.
  3. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Look at it this way. If your neighborhood was rife with lawbreakers who invoked the action of the police and by chance, one of yours was killed by the police, would you blame the police or the lawbreakers who had set up shop next to your home?

    Now, everybody take a deep breath and pause for a moment as there is a third answer ........

    Blame the Joos!:roflol:
  4. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    The army is not the police. You use the police when you need a scalpel but they have no authority in other countries. You use the Army when you need a hammer but they have no authority inside our own country. Don't hold the Army up to the standards of a police officer. That is an impossible standard to meet on an international play field.
  5. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Yup. Tell us, what was the first question he asked to the American people? You did not bother to include that in your post for some reason. Here, I'll help you:

  6. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    I didn't include it because I would've had to include too much of it to fit in order to show that he didn't mean attack him in Afghanistan. He meant we supported the Russians in Chechnya, the Somalia's in Somalia, the Israelites in Israel, you know all the people in the world that his Islamists are currently fighting. We are just supposed to sit back and do nothing while they conquer the world.
  7. Lien

    Lien Banned

    Jun 17, 2013
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    LoL : ))) you were always enemy for islam , always tried to destroy islam . the first islamic city was somewhere near Constantinople (Istanbul) . They were attacked one night by Byzantines and all of them killed , thousands of people . USa killed thousands of innocent people in Gulf War , used chemical weapons , England and Usa always interfered in internal affairs of muslim countries , your CIA your James Bond always in my country and made confidential jobs , tried to separate groups of people , established the wahhabism , supported dictators etc etc etc ............

    and you say "muslims started it" .

  8. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    Wow- so much falsehood and bigotry all in one thread.
    I love debating with people who truly want to get to the truth.
    Debating with haters who will do and say anything to hate on Islam is a waste of time. Even says so in the holy Qur'an.
    Muslims are instructed to speak truth, call to what is right and then turn away from the ignorant.
    Because the ignorant choose this path of hate and simply grasp at any straws to "prove" their hate is right and wasting time toiling with them is a waste of time better spent.

    Haters- try reading an article like this. I know you will discount it because it's not all warm and fuzzy hate-filled as you prefer. But wow- it is rational and true. I LOVE RATIONAL!!! So those who also love rational- feel free to friend me and talk in threads on this topic all you like. :)
  9. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    Love Abby. A truth teller! :)
  10. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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  11. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    The average Muslim Family is not very different than any family or members of any religious group. They are just people trying to get through life.

    And it is true that Christians have killed in the name of GOD just like the current Islamic Extremists have...but right now it is the Islamic Extremists that have to be dealt with.

    Regardless what you think or believe about the United States the fact is we have over 12 Million Muslims living PEACEFULLY in the United States and we don't have Sunni's and Shiite's killing each other over some guy named Al-Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib who had his head chopped off in Karbala in 680 AD.

  12. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    There are not jobs in every culture. The nut jobs that happen to have been born and raised in a Muslim majority country does not make them automatically represented of the Islamic faith and what it teaches. Muslims condemn violence done in the name of Islam- but it also gets tiresome and gets counter productive, for me - truly a baseball loving, apple pie American (Muslim) woman to feel I need to say, "Oh! That was wrong and I condemn what that freakzoid did way over there in that obscure country!" Why don't Christians, Jews, Atheists, Hindus, Budhhists have to do that when freaks who happen to call themselves those faiths have to step out and condemn? Freaks are damn freaks. I know what Islam is- and it is not defined by the ignorant freaks of the world. The muslim extremists NOR the anti-Muslims.
  13. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well...the basic problem is that because of the high level of media exposure which to itself is justified...American's are seeing Islamic Extremists on TV making Death Threats to American's and such IDIOCY such as when various Imam's issued FATWAS which stated that these Islamic Extremist Religious Leaders granted Islamic Terrorists the right to murder up to 20 MILLION AMERICAN' they Men, Women or Children during JIHAD....well...I can't think of anything other than carrying out such an attack that would P!$$ OFF American's more than this.

    I have a very real FEAR that if another 9/11 style attack was to be carried out and if we let such an attack slip through the cracks....the United States would respond in a manner that is really too terrible to contemplate.

    Because I sometimes work with members of the U.S. Military as I have been doing the occasional...JOB...when asked...I have a great deal of experience in the Middle East and also know the history.

    Because of this I KNOW...that if a 9/11 event was to happen again....well you can KISS THE ISLAMIC MIDDLE EAST GOODBYE! I am very concerned about this and let's ALL HOPE something like this DOES NOT HAPPEN!!!

  14. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    9/11 was the worst tragedy of our modern times. People of all faiths died that day! All innocent! All to be granted heaven in God' great mercy! But you know what? There are very many questions about 9/11 that very white, non-muslim engineers and people with brains have- that the government has never answered about that event. Your "fears" are exactly what they want you to have. Yeah- I have "fear" too. But it's certainly not of "fatwas" from some random dude Fox decided to put on television some evening to incite people like you- nor of "Islamic terrorists." Nope- neither am I afraid of being struck my lightening due to the odds.

    Continue believing western media- and continue to erode your very own soul. THAT is free will. You have a choice to be learned or to be led with the herd.
  15. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    OK...I see you have failed to understand exactly where I was coming from as far as my post and the reason I posted it.

    Not everyone in the United States is as knowledgeable and understanding of Muslims and Islam. Some areas of the United States have people that would LOVE nothing better than to see the entire Middle East turned to GLASS regardless of the Oil.

    The thing is right now the U.S. Military and in particular U.S. Space Command has developed and deployed what is commonly known from a Tom Clancy Novel as....RODS OF GOD.

    RODS OF GOD is a Hyper-Kinetic...Hypersonic Orbital Velocity IMPACT MISSILE that has 12 to 18 Telephone Pole sized Depleted Uranium wrapped in Tungsten Steel covered in Ceramic Reentry Material Missiles that are part of an ORBITAL SATELLITE.

    A small rocket engine exists upon the end of one of these missiles and is fired to place this Telephone Pole sized Missiles in a trajectory For reentry and TRAVELING AT A VELOCITY ANYWHERE FROM 18,500 miles per hour up to 28,000 miles per hour...these Depleted Uranium and Tungsten Steel Missiles will impact a target at super high velocities as FORCE=MASS X ACCELERATION....thus this High Mass and High Acceleration Missile traveling at say approx 25,000 Miles Per Hour will impact a target and release AS MUCH ENERGY AS A THERMONUCLEAR BOMB!!!

    No Radiation....No Radioactive Fallout....JUST ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION!

    If another 9/11 Happens....that is what will happen to the Middle East.

  16. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The subject is why they attacked you. Logically, you should have included that question.

    And WTF does the Arab-Israeli conflict and Lebanese Civil War have to do with Islamists conquering the world? It's completely asinine. But anyone who refers to Israelis as Israelites obviously shouldn't be expected to have a good understanding of the Middle East.
  17. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    NOTHING happens (no war, no miracles no anything) without the will of Allah.
    It tells us specifically in the holy Qur'an.
    Bring it- human kind. See if you can obliterate Allah's great creation without Him allowing it.
    If He allows- then it can be.
    But not if He doesn't.
    God is the master of the universe.
    I'm not afraid of man and his inventions.
    I submit only to the will of God.
    *** Peace to you ***
  18. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I am an Agnostic.

    I have also found that if people sit around waiting to see what a GOD will either allow to happen or not...NOTHING WILL GET DONE.

    IF these is a GOD...and that is a BIG is most likely NOTHING that either various religions have taught it will be nor is such a GOD anything that Human's think it could be or can associate with.

    I am fairly certain that if there is a has NOTHING to do with whether or not some NUT JOB'S will blow up a few buildings....but I an CERTAIN that is such NUT JOB'S blow up a few buildings again...or do something worse...the response from the United States will BOARDER UPON INSANITY. what I am VERY worried about and knowing the capabilities of the U.S. and I and everyone else should be afraid of this possibility.

    VERY afraid.

  19. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    I'm more afraid of the countries that have free access to our coffers turning against us!
    THAT is a very real possibility.
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Please explain.

  21. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    I suppose he means country's like Egypt / Pakistan turning against the US despite receiving a lot of money and military aid?
  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    83 the case of Egypt....the Egyptian Military that is so loved by the People of Egypt because it made certain to remove Morsi because Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were attempting to change the Egyptian Constitution as so to make Egypt a Strict Islamic State that practiced Shari Law....that Egyptian Military is completely tied to CENTCOM or the United States Military's Central Command.

    It was CENTCOM that consulted with and advised the Egyptian Military way prior to Morsi even taking office as the CIA and DIA had intel. that Morsi would upon taking office attempt to remove the High Ranking Members of the Egyptian Military Leadership and replace them with members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    As well CENTCOM made certain to communicate it's concern to the Egyptian Military through the Egyptian Military's Liaison to CENTCOM that CENTCOM would not allow the Egyptian Military to brutally crack down upon the Muslim Brotherhood in the eventual removal from power of Morsi once the people of Egypt demanded him to step down if Morsi refused.

    All this information and directives given to the Egyptian Military was done...BEFORE MORSI TOOK the CIA and DIA had determined there was a 99% Probability that Morsi would attempt to replace Egyptian Military Leadership and Morsi would suspend or change articles of Egypt's Constitution after he took office....WHAICH IS EXACTLY WHAT MORSI DID!!!

    Failure of the Egyptian Military to follow these stated Directives of CENTCOM would have resulted in the end of BILLIONS in U.S. AID and specifically a huge amount of U.S. Military AID and Training and access to U.S. High Tech. Weapon Systems and Equipment....which was something the Egyptian Military did NOT want to loose.

    Pakistan is another thing as Pakistan is a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!

    The U.S. gave about $1.6 Billion to Pakistan in AID in 2012 and has given over $9 Billion in AID to Pakistan since 2002.

    Now Pakistan has a population that is split in the sense that some Pakistani's are very modern and understand that they need U.S. Aid.

    Then you have the other side of the Pakistani population that are deeply seated in Islamic Values and some in Extremist Islamic Values. The Western Pakistani Autonomous Tribal Region has people living there who are still in the STONE AGE and this is the area where the Taliban will travel to spend winter out of Afghanistan.

    Pakistani's of this group are highly suspicious or outright hostile to the U.S. and are also....THE ONES WHO NEED AMERICAN FOOD AND MEDICAL AID THE MOST!!!

    In 2001...The a High Ranking Member of both the U.S. State Dept. as well as a Higher Up in the Bush Inner Circle communicated to Pakistani Leader General Pervez Musharraf....that Pakistan had a choice....either allow the CIA and U.S. Military Special Forces to be allowed to travel to the Pakistani Western Tribal Regions of h Waziristan so that the U.S. could conduct Search and Destroy Missions to KILL Al-Qaeda and Taliban Fighters....or if Pakistan did not allow the U.S. Military and CIA access to this area....PAKISTAN WOULD BE BOMBED BACK TO THE STONE AGE.

    Pakistani Leader General Pervez Musharraf confirmed the use of that phrase coined by U.S. Air Force General Curtis LeMay....the Founder of SAC....Strategic Air Command...a Military Command Structure that many people remember being detailed in the 1964 Movie....Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the a High Level Person part of the Bush Inner Circle.

    General Pervez Musharraf stated....more out of some sense of EGO and SAVING FACE then actual REALITY....he stated that after receiving this threat he gathered hi Highest Ranking Military Leaders and WAR GAMED the United States.

    Musharraf said that after a full day of WAR GAMING it was decided that any war with the United States could only result in the defeat of Pakistan due to the disparity of Military Power and Resources in which Pakistan lacked.

    This statement was contradicted by several members of his Inner Circle of Military Leaders as several Pakistani Generals were asked prior to being informed of this Musharraf statement how long it took the Pakistani Military to decide not to go to war with the United States.....answered in a very alarmed and surprised manner as all asked basically responded...."How Long?!!? We NEVER WAR GAMED the United States! We were informed of the statement of the U.S. State Dept. and QUICKLY pledged to support the United States and U.S. Military and Intelligence Agency's with any and all support they might ask of us."

  23. amir110

    amir110 New Member

    Aug 7, 2013
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    this story is true! But first I should say something:
    I am Iranian and I can't speak English well , Excuse me...

    Imam Hasan is second our Imam. One day , a person come to imam house and start to insult.
    Immediately he finish his insulted our imam say:(pleas pay attention) I think you are traveler. Do you have any place to sleep? Do you eat your dinner?

    aftar that the person become an Islam. CAN WE KILL SOMEBODY WHEN WE HAVE IMAM HASAN?
  24. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I am AboveAlpha and I would like to welcome you to this forum.

    I would like to explain to you how your above post #689 comes across to most people here. I am telling you this as I have several Iranian American friends and I feel they are misunderstood by some Americans as I think this is what is happening here with your post.

    At least I am hoping this is a misunderstanding.

    I understand that you posted that you have some difficulty with English so it is to be expected that some of your posts might not be understood correctly or understood in a different way than you meant them to be understood.

    This appears to be the case here with your post it is difficult to read and to most people seems as if you are asking if it is OK to kill a person once you have....and I quote...." WHEN WE HAVE IMAM HASAN?"...end quote.

    Al-Hasan ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (Arabic: الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب‎) (born March 4, 625 CE (Ramadhān 15th, 3 AH) – died March 9 or 30, 670 CE (Safar 7th or 28th, 50 AH) aged 47) is an important figure in Islam. He is the son of Ali and his wife Fatimah. The latter is the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. After his father's death, he briefly succeeded him as the righteous Caliph (head of state), before retiring to Madinah and entering into an agreement with the first Umayyad ruler, Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, who assumed the Caliphate. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims regard Hasan as a martyr. Hasan is one of the five people of the Ahl al-Kisa, as well as a member of the Ahl al-Bayt. Hasan ibn Ali is 2nd Imam of Shia Islam. Hasan is also highly respected by the Sunni as the grandson of Muhammad.

    After Hasan's death his Iraqi followers wrote to Husayn pledging allegiance and proposing to remove Muawiya. However, Husayn refused, choosing to abide by the treaty between Hassan ibn Ali and Muawiyah, which could not be broken at that time.
    The shrine containing Hasan's tomb was destroyed in 1925 during the conquest of Medina by Saudi Salafis.Mausoleums and shrines are forbidden according to the Salafi creed of Saudi Arabia's rulers.

    Now perhaps you can explain your post a bit better?

  25. amir110

    amir110 New Member

    Aug 7, 2013
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    Again hi
    I found a few mistake on your post but I don't say it there. ( If you like I can give you man massenger yahoo address and talk about it)
    But I can't understand one thing, you are accept with me or no? and what your was question?

    and thank you about say welcome to me... thanks a lot.

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