Dr. Judy Wood Ph.D, Materials Science, 9/11, & Directed Energy Weapons

Discussion in '9/11' started by Hunter Rose, Aug 15, 2011.

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  1. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Speaking of disinformation, the decision says no such thing. I've read the decision and it says nothing about ignoring law in order to dismiss the case. On top of not knowing anything about physics, chemistry, or forensic science, we can also add not knowing anything about the law.

    Now, will you finally admit that you don't know the answer to my question, or do I have to keep asking it?
  2. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    The Hartford public library online catalog does not list the book either. It suggests I search for "where did the dinosaur go."

    Ironic, right? I think it's just as likely a hypothesis as Judy's.
  3. DDave

    DDave Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    By the way, I'm still waiting for you to respond to the facts that I presented to you.
  4. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It must be a conspiracy!
  5. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Your activity directed at me on this forum is Internet Gaslighting. Why all the gang stalking if Dr. Judy Wood is wrong about a Directed Energy Weapon "dustifing" the World Trade Center complex?

    Gaslighting is any behavior or imparting of information that has the effect of making the target distrust their own perception. If you feel cold and told it’s hot, you start to doubt your reality checking faculty. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that involves withholding of factual information from and/or providing false information to the target. Having the gradual effect of making the victim anxious, confused and less able to trust his/her own memory and perception.

    Gaslighting tends to intersect with other tactics such as gang stalking, street theater, cryptic reference themes but generally involves sabotage of the target’s belongings and perspective in order to disturb the target’s peace of mind. The goal is to confuse the target to the point he/she cannot trust his/her memory or perspective.

    Street theater is gaslighting

    Via street theater gaslighting is carried out by networking of stalkers who share some profile information and disinformation about the target. While participating in staged events around the target this info and disinfo is mentioned to or loud around the target. The basic idea is to let the target know that personal information or things done around the home are known about them. Oftentimes during harassment the most mundane things are mentioned such as a phrase that the target said earlier that morning or mention an internet site that was visited etc. This is done to give the impression that everything they do is monitored. In most cases disinformation is also mentioned but is only pieced together by the target after many runnings with street theater stalkers. This disinformation is the most disturbing because the target is left to wonder why so many people are referring to the same topics or exact phrases. This is a pattern of neurolinguistic programming to instill negative emotions, and associations. Again with seemingly meaningless repetitious phrases, the idea is to confuse the target who may start questioning their senses. They flash when they hear several people mention the same words or the same topic while having no real significance in the target’s experience.

    Cryptic reference is gaslighting

    This happens in street theater but also in conversations with family and friends. When the target is profiled, the information about the target’s fears and weaknesses is used to create collection of key words and topics. These triggers are mentioned in the most casual conversations in an attempt to confuse and upset the target. To complicate things, the target starts seeing patterns and themes which come from harmless sources. Any attempt to share the gaslighting information with others will only isolate them as people will have hard time believing the target and see the events as life’s normal misfortunes.

    Gaslighting by friends and family

    Oftentimes people close to the target are approached and fed various lies and programmed long before the target even knows he/she has become a target. When the target tries to relate the events that are happening, the trusted friends and family tell the target various forms of NO – it is only your imagination. And if the target presses the horns the stalking event becomes intense. The target is advised to normalize and quit mentioning the signs of stalking that they see. Friends and family members are the worst / most effective wielders of gaslighting. The target, searching for support and meaning, takes the advice to heart to gain some sort of normalcy in life. This pushes the target in line to obey normal life dictates. While still being harassed by stranger stalkers and putting up with various other tactics, the target is forced to live in two worlds. Clearly this is the very definition of gaslighting. If the target is left in this state, they may start to doubt their memory, perception, and their very self. Induced self-doubt is indeed terroristic by its very nature. Friends and family members will say the target needs to move on and forget about the traumatic events. Repeatedly these gaslighting events lead the target to dangerous situations where they cannot trust their own intuitions.

    Gaslighting permeates gang stalking from day one. Then as the target tries to regroup to have normal life, gaslighting from the target’s family members complicates the situation.

  6. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    If Big Brother wanted to keep free energy a secret, why did they use it to "dustify" the World Trade Center complex in front of the whole world? Maybe they were too smug to think a person like Dr. Judy Wood could figure it out.

    Deanna Spingola interviews Dr. Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson and Dr. Eric Larsen - Ongoing 9/11 Cover Up

  7. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Or just nutty.
  8. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    See, this is what I can't figure out about truthers. They have conflicting theories and then fail to reconcile them by making up a THIRD theory. Theory 1: Big brother has free energy and is keeping it a secret. Theory 2: They used it to take out the towers thus exposing their abilities to the world. Made up theory 3: Big brother is too egotistical to think anyone could figure it out. :lol: How utterly retarded!!!! Amazing how there is a complete lack of cognative ability displayed by truthers as shown by their inability to rationally explain the flaws in their own theories.
  9. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Except for a nutcase that can't even use the facts correctly.
  10. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    What a load of nonsense.

    You may be under the impression that this is strictly a place to advertise, but you are mistaken. This is an discussion forum. As such we are here to have a discussion. You made claims and I have responded to those claims with relevant questions. Many of which you have refused to answer. If this causes you to doubt yourself perhaps the answer is not that I'm trying to decive you. Perhaps the answer is that you are incorrect.

    Please review the question I asked regarding the nature of steel and either provide an answer, or admit that you don't know the answer and that it's possible that Judy is incorrect on her assumptions regarding steel turning to dust.
  11. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    This assertion is ridiculous. While your definition and examples of gas-lighting are correct, claiming they apply on a forum, and are directed at a person (Judy Wood), who as far as we know isn't a registered participant, is obtuse.

    Equally obtuse is your reference to "gang stalking", which would require we actually have personal contact with you in real life:

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang stalking

    Gang Stalking is a form of bullying and intimidation from multiple perpertraitors.

    Whereas ordinary bullying is usually one on one, and workplace mobbing is where multiple people in one workplace attack one (or a few) person(s), Gang Stalking involves multiple people attacking one person in any situation.

    Groups of people, or, loosely organised people pick a target, and attempt to destroy the victims life in any way that they can.

    They attempt to scare and terrorise their target, causing anxiety and other problems.

    They will do whatever they can to get the target fired from their job.

    People become a victim when they have attacked a member of a group (ie gang) as part of revenge, or, in the case of political groups, attack their political opponents such as authors, etc.

    The person who is responsible for picking the victim out is called the Gang Stalking Rat.

    All of this is done secretly, and is usually known only to the attackers, and the victims. Other people around the victim will be oblivious as to what is going on.

    It's in extreme bad taste to paint yourself a victim of this serious form of bullying just because people don't agree with you. However, if you really believe that is the case, go to the moderators.

    This vaguely reminds me of another conspiracy troll who equates disagreement with "attacks".
  12. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    'Internet gaslighting'?........wow,now THAT'S creative whining...
  13. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    It is only gaslighting if the old biddy is not actually losing her marbles.
  14. dedic8edmum

    dedic8edmum Newly Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    I just found this forum and was excited to see a thread started on Dr.Judy Wood's research. I have to tell you that I was extremely disappointed to see very few posters discussing the actual evidence. More often than not it reads like an argument between small children. Either that or a lot of you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. You know where everything is black and white with no grey area. No one person is all bad or all good, we are all capable of being both. It appears to me that some so called "truthers" are no different than those that choose to believe the official story. They seem to idolize their so-called "leaders", swallowing ever word with no critical thought of their own. In fact this thread seems more about personal attacks on DRG , Judy Wood, et al, but little analysis of actual EVIDENCE. Sad really, as an outsider to the truth movement (I never believed the Official Story, but never joined any "Group"), there seems to be more concern for protecting the organizations and the personalities that lead them then actually studying the evidence.

    I'll just leave you with these questions; How can "dust and debris" be so "HOT" that it can "toast" cars but not burn people? I would love to have someone explain this to me. Secondly in regards to DEW; In your own heart do you really believe that we were able to invent the microwave oven back in the 40's and then just abandoned any more research into the technology?
  15. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    you got to remember there are a lot of disinfo agents of the government that have penetrated this forum.They are everywhere on political message boards.No matter what kinds of evidence and facts you present to them expert witness testimonys,the laws of physics that every grade school grauate leanrs by then,the shills that have penetrated this site will not have any kind of rational discussion with you on it so dont expect one from them.

    Thats why I dont discuss this issue with NET people anymore.If the debated in a debating hall like the way they do here then they would be laughed out of the hall within a minute.Its only people on the NET when you present them the facts that ignore them all the time and that again is because we have paid shills here sent by their handlers to try and derail truth discussions.I myself wont play their game and take their bait and reply to them.Thats what their handlers want is to waste your time.They give it away that they are paid shills by constantly coming here EVERYDAY all hours of the day all the time.

    I know many posters here that dont think it was an inside job but they dont come here everyday ignoring evidence and facts all the time posting lies and propaganda everyday either.Thats how you can tell who the shills are that post here everyday.They have been here for over a year and come here everyday.The offical conspiracy theory apologists who are just in denial and dont care if people think it was an inside job,they dont come here everyday like they do.Those that come here everyday and ignore the laws of physics are paid shills.They wouldnt come here constantly everyday month after month year after year doing that if they were not paid.They would not care,they would devote their lifes to this section like they do.pm me and I can tell you which ones are shills and which ones to avoid wasting your time on.

    thats the sad part about the truth movement is there are too many people attacking each on disagreements instead of being more focused on doing something about it.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Wow, paranoia runs deep with some of you. You actually think anyone cares about this stupid forum and the nutcases on it?
  17. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I'm wondering why anyone thinks we abandoned research into microwaves?...and that microwave ovens were the only benefit from the research?
  18. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Simple. The dust clouds did not toast the cars. A space-based discombobulator ray gun did not toast the cars.

    There is, actually, not a bloody thing odd about the cars. In my professional opinion as a veteran fire fighter,all of the burnt-out cars were destroyed in secondary fires and show no sign of additional instrumentalities being applied. Notice that most of the fire damage in cars that did not become fully-ivolved is at the front of the cars. In this area, most of the fuel lines are of fabric or rubber, rather than steel. They melt easily.

    The missing material around the door handles is mostly pot metal, which has a remarkably low melting point, making it inexpensive to form into the desired shape by casting into ready-made, re-useable forms. There is nothying wierd about the cars. Judy is just a senile old bat who does not know how to do research or arson investigations.

    No, of course not. What has that to do with the price of a beer in Timbuktu?
  19. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    What are those artificial accounts called?

    Sock puppets?
  20. Falena

    Falena Cherry Bomb Staff Member Past Donor

    Apr 28, 2009
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