Dr. Judy Wood Ph.D, Materials Science, 9/11, & Directed Energy Weapons

Discussion in '9/11' started by Hunter Rose, Aug 15, 2011.

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  1. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Dr. Judy Wood is an engineer and a forensic scientist. She is NOT a conspiracy theorist nor is she part of any organized “9/11 Truth Club” nor does she wish to get in lock-step with the dictates of such a group’s gatekeepers who have carefully cultivated the “9/11 truth movement” into a “9/11 truth cover-up” operation. This is the reason why Dr. Judy Wood will not attend the 911 Vancouver Hearings. Dr. Judy Wood HAD BEEN listed on the “Patriots Question 9/11” website on both the Professors and the Engineers listing UNTIL it became known that she had filed a Federal qui tam case against the contractor of the NIST report for science fraud. Check the internet archive and you will find her listed there until well after she filed her case in April 2007.



    Without public support for her case, the judges were free to sweep it under the carpet with little fear of public outrage. In fact, in their written decision, they acknowledged the law APPLIED to Dr. Judy Wood’s case and that they were IGNORING the law so that they could dismiss the case. Apparently the “9/11 Truth Movement” has no interest in accountability. It appears to have been designed and lead that way. NO ONE has been able to refute ANYTHING in Dr. Wood’s textbook. WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? includes much of the evidence that was submitted in her Federal case. The cover up and ridicule of Dr. Wood’s research has protected the perpetrators and set them free.

    For those of you ridiculing Dr. Judy Wood and the people that support her, how does it feel to know you have been actively participating in the cover up of 9/11???

  2. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    You can add David Ray Griffin (a professional philosopher of beliefs) to the list too. Besides being self-proclaimed "9/11 truther leaders" one of their objectives is to create agitation and dissension. Have you ever noticed that there is no infighting between Jim, Richard, Steven, and David? This is how they hide the truth Dr. Judy Wood presents which leads to the conclusion that a Directed Energy Weapon "dustified" the World Trade center complex.
  3. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    So now judges are part of the conspiracy? LOL, whatever dude.
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    She will not? They happened back in February, shouldn't that read "She did not"? Wait ... you're just pasting all this up from another source, aren't you? Good parroting, but it won't make your case.

    Even the defunct truth movement found her to insane to associate with. Good point.

    EG, you still haven't answered Fangbeer's request. Here, let me refresh your memory:

    Any time now ...
  5. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I've read the decision to dismiss Wood's ridiculous lawsuit. At no point does it purport to ignore law. Speaking of ignoring things. When do you plan on presenting Wood's explanation for how the chemical reaction between elemental iron and oxygen in the atmosphere could have been inhibited?
  6. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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  7. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    What I posted was a statement of fact dude. The only conspiracy I'm aware of are 19 Muslims with box-cutters! LOL

    Dr. Judy Wood has made numerous presentations and given quite a few interviews, (including TV interviews). This bothers the gatekeepers of the controlled “9/11Truther Movement”. Why do you think that is? If what evidence Dr. Judy Wood presents in her textbook is so meaningless, then why are so many in the “9/11 Truther Movement” obsessed with trying to “debunk” it? That appears to be activity that would be done by those wishing to cover up the truth. And even though there are many who are oddly obsessed with trying to debunk Dr. Judy Wood’s textbook, none have succeeded to do so.That is, despite trying hard, they have all failed to refute anything in her textbook. Dr. Judy Wood proved the official story was fraudulent years ago. She even got NIST to admit to her that their report was a fraud. That is why she made a federal case out of it. All branches of government are made up of people and people lie, cheat, and steal for their own personal gain. Today truth is no longer is a concept that people understand.
  8. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    You forget everyone else thinks from the context of the real world, not some fantasy land where the truthers live.

    All this proves is people like watching a freak show.

    Because it is (*)(*)(*)(*). If someone purposefully lies like Wood, isn't it in everyone's best interest to stand up for the truth?

    No, that is the activity of people protecting the truth from a bunch of (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)bags wanting to lie about the truth to push some fairy tale book.

    Once again you make a claim from la la land that has nothing to do with reality. Wood's piece of crap is so bad that it doesn't even require debunking because she can't even come close to proving her ridiculous claims.

    See above.

    The only thing she's proven is that she is a quack job that is seriously delusional.

    :lol: Yeah right.

    And got laughed out of court. She appealed. She got laughed out of court again. See, courts require actual evidence, not the delusional rants of nutjobs and the uneducated quackery of an idiot like Woods who fails miserably as a source of authority in anything.

    That is called human nature. Just look at how much you lie for example. Regardless, getting so many people all working perfectly together doesn't happen in real life, especially over many years. That is a truth you truthers just cannot handle.

    Wrong. The truth is that today truth is no longer is a concept that truthers understand because they wish to lie their asses off to push an agenda whether that be anti-government or purely materialistic by trying (and failing) to sell books.
  9. DDave

    DDave Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    You're right there. That's the first sensible thing you have said in this entire thread.

    Lots of people lie in order to sell DVDs, books, and the like. Just look at Wood, Fetzer, Griffen, Gage, Jones, and the rest of the lying pack of folks ironically known as "truthers". They've been doing it for years.
  10. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    They did NOT just have 'box cutters' DUDE,And post where wood ever got the NIST to admit to fraud
  11. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Actually, no. We just laugh at the crazy old bat and ridicule the people who believe her wierd rants, like that bit about the anomolous burnt cars in the street.

    She might get a little more respect if she did not open her mouth to show us just what a failure she is at research outside her narrowly-fdefined area of expertise.

    Cow cookies. Any hose-dragger in the world would be bent over laughing if she tried to tell them there were cars on the street "toasted" by some kind of space-case-based discombobulator ray gun. That the crazy old bat seems to thionk that that retard Hutchison has actually found evidence for some new and hideously powerful form of energy is just more proof that she has long since lost her marbles.
    Hoosier8 and (deleted member) like this.
  12. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Does anyone else get a chuckle every time a truther ends up saying something sane as the result of a failed attempt at sarcasm? 19 Muslim hijackers is the only conspiracy theory that makes any sort of sense.

    It's because even truthers realize how ignorant her claims are and they feel that her stupidity detracts from their own (equally stupid) arguments regarding the events of the day.

    Now, can you please tell me what page in the "textbook" Wood discusses how the rapid oxidation of finely divided steel was inhibited by Hutchinson's imaginary technology? I feel that I have more than adequately explained the flaw in her argument. Do you have any rebuttal at all or will your silence on the matter remain a tacit admission of defeat?
  13. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    It just goes to show you that even impressive-sounding credentials aren't everything. There are a lot of people with credentials at least equal to hers who have no problem with how the buildings went down or the "official" report of how it happened - do you respect them and their opinion?
  14. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    It goes beyond that, though. A bunch of letters behind one's name does not mean they are either perfect or incapable of lying. The truth is the truth, and when it comes to science, there are laws that cannot be broken. If someone with a bunch of letters behind their name gives an explanation that breaks these laws they had best be able to back up their claims. Yet they can't. They make these claims and then run while hoping their butt kissing disciples will cover for them by ignoring the facts.

    A good example is Judy Wood's billiard ball claim about the collapse. She completely ignores the fact that the mass has momentum nor is each floor a solid mass with no give like a billiard ball. Thus she concludes that the entire collapse should come to a complete stop on each floor. How is it a supposed trained physicist with letters behind her name can completely ignore several of the primary laws of physics? When the mass hits a floor, she pretends everything should come to a halt before resuming the collapse. Where does the kinetic energy go? She pretends that the moving mass no longer has momentum or inertia and that the laws of the conservation of energy are immaterial to her discussion.

    Which leads one to one of two conclusions. Either Judy Wood is a complete and utter fool who shouldn't have any letters behind her name especially as it relates to physics or any other science, or she knows the truth and trusts that her butt kissing disciples are incapable of understanding the fundamentals of science, much less the details. I could understand it if Wood made a mistake and corrected such an obvious error. Has she? No. She still stands by her bull(*)(*)(*)(*), confident her worshipers won't grow a brain any time soon.
  15. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Well, it's a safe bet. The power of self-delusion can be amazing and terrible to behold.
  16. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Noboby here at this site has ever been able to debunk Griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING.they always run off with their tail between their legs when challenged to read his book and talk about it cause they have no interest in the truth.

    Most the posters that have come on here on this thread are paid shills who can only sling crap in defeat like monkeys which is what their handlers pay them to do.They will come out in full force after this post I guarantee you .their handlers get worried anytime people mention the truth how Griffins book has debunked the governments fairy tale.the shills already came out in full force after you mentioned his name,notice that?:mrgreen: They are so worried they have sent some NEW shills here recently to try and derail the truth.they sure are getting worried the way they keep sending them here in droves.lol

    Griffin has even challenged the lamstream media and congress to debate him live on national networks.they wont.lol.the shills ignore that fact everytime.they hate it we know the truth.lol.

    count on seeing a bunch of them reply to this post and talk to themselves thinking I actually read their ramblings.lol.

    Net people hide behind the computer and can never admit when they are wrong so i dont bother with them anymore.they will reply to this post and sling crap in defeat cause their handlers are getting worried.

    Like i said,they already have once you mentioned it.:mrgreen: bld 7 is the one they cant get around and always make fools of themselves trying to in their posts because they always ignore EVERYTIME the point that there were buildings that had FAR MORE EXTENSIVE DAMAGE and far worse fires done to them but they did nto collapse.they only see what they want to see cause even in BIG LETTERS like that,they ignore that fact EVERYTIME.:mrgreen::-D
  17. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    So why is it you are completely and totally incapable of defending his material? If it was so airtight, why hasn't DRG gone to the justice department with his evidence? Oh right. He HAS no evidence. That retard is nothing but a blowhard nutjob who is lying and KNOWS he is lying so that he can get ignorant clowns to buy his books. Want proof? DRG pretends the hijackers are alive, yet he has never made any effort whatsoever in actually locating any of them. He KNOWS they are all dead and died on 9/11, but that doesn't sell books to the retarded out there, so he has to pretend the hijackers are alive. It makes no difference to him. Intelligent people aren't going to buy his book because they know he is full of crap, while the retards aren't going to be able to think things through far enough to figure out DRG is leading them around by the short hairs.
  18. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Why be obsessed attempting to debunk the overwhelming, conclusive and indisputable evidence Dr. Judy Wood presents that supports the conclusion of a Directed Energy Weapon "dustifing" the World Trace Center complex if she is wrong?

    Dr. Judy Wood and the future of the earth: Part II

    "What can stop the unspeakable, multi-faceted criminality, the ongoing program of terror, repression, threat, imprisonment, torture, brigandage, and murder that the United States has been pursuing steadily since the catalyst, trigger, perfect excuse, and starting gate of 9/11?"

    Answer: The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. :reading:



  19. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    You missed the point. David Ray Griffin is a gatekeeper that obscures the evidence presented by Dr. Judy Wood by use of a contrived consensus based on beliefs (not evidence) that he controls. His position has mutated many times over the years and he has lost all credibility.
  20. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    All I'm hearing from Manny is defeated silence ...
  21. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    You were expecting actual debate of the topic instead of lame and dishonest lies like Wood has "overwhelming, conclusive and indisputable evidence"? :lol: The easy way to spot a fraud is they make empty claims while never actually displaying what they are claiming even when asked. We've asked for evidence time and time again. All we get back is "read the book". Not good enough. Not by a long shot.
  22. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    If she is right why do you keep avoiding my question? Do you not understand the question, or is it that you just don't know the answer? Its okay if you don't, you know. You should, however, be honest with yourself and try to figure it out.

  23. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Nobody with a life outside the internet has time to sit and read a couple hundred pages of the old fart's rambling, and would far rather not spend any money obtaining a copy of that bum fodder after seeing for free what an asshat he actually is when he gets cranking. It is more than adequate to point out on the YouTube videos that his drooling minions post what utter garbage some of his theories are. If you care to post some of his garbage here, with attribution, I shall be more than happy to tell you why it is garbage.

    The more absurd the claim, the more heavily the burden of proof falls on the claimant.

    I wish I could get paid for this. It would be the easiest money I ever made.

    The legitimate press is not interested in the maunderings of the demented and deluded, and Fox Boobs is solidly anti-twoofer. (That's about the only thing I ever saw those morons get right.)

    Dude! Your state of denial has just burnt up my irony meter.

    Nobody has ever shown any effects of high explosives in any of the steel recovered from any of the sites, nor any of the noise associated with high explosive detonations.

    Nor do you lot take into consideration that the other buildings involved were of more traditional construction. This may just be too much for a Griffin or Wood fan to take in, but it is the truth.
  24. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Neither Griffen nor Dr Woo-woo have ever had any credibility. The crazy old bat lost it all when she started talking about round holes in the roofs of surrounding builldings (while the holes were not even round to begin with) and the "toasted cars." That old biddy lives in her own parallel universe and should really just stay there and stop bothering rational people.
  25. Emmanuel_Goldstein

    Emmanuel_Goldstein New Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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