SALT LAKE CITY Taking the stand for the first time since she was snatched from her girlhood bedroom seven years ago, Elizabeth Smart testified Thursday that her captor raped her three or four times a day, kept her tied up with a cable around her leg, and threatened to kill her if she tried to escape.
But now he's pretending to be crazy----putting on a show to try to get away with it. He's crazy allright; crazy like a fox!!
Chilling. But people can be both crazy and competent enough to be given trial. And I'm sure Smarts testimony will put a few nails in his coffin.
What does that mean? Having been kidnapped, held in captivity and raped daily, there is no way to fight or resent. Best thing is to go along and hope to live. Wasn't this guy also some religious nut?
hes referring to the polanski thread. whoopi goldberg said that the girl wasnt raped-raped. whatever that is supposed to mean.
Here's a great interview with Oprah [ame=""]Elizabeth Smart Interview on Oprah[/ame]
Way to go off-topic. Anywhooo, they'll only need her testimony and the defense attorney will be scrambling for a deal.
She should have gotten life... Elizabeth Smart kidnapper gets 15 years May 21, 2010 -- A woman who admitted her role in kidnapping Utah teen Elizabeth Smart in 2002 was sentenced Friday to 15 years in federal prison.
Wanda Barzze is repulsive on so many levels. To go along with the abduction and rape of a kid to satisfy your husbands needs is the sickest (*)(*)(*)(*) thing. Her needy criminal ass should stay in jail for the rest of her pathetic life.
So 15 years reflects the seriousness of the offenses? 15 years, while the victim deals with it for a life time. Yeah that is some perverted justice right there.
Now that sounds like justice! Too bad he can't have a couple of kids pass through him without drugs or a epidural.That would really make my day!!!
I remember vividly the horrendous case of Joel Steinberg from the 80's in NYC. Google his name if you don't know it, no point in recounting everything here. Hedda Nussbaum was his abused partner who was an accomplice to the crimes of which he was convicted. I wonder if this ridiculously light sentence is not the result of a similar defense as Nussbaum offered. Regardless, I agree with the outrage, that this woman should have gotten life. I think about people like that little girl, and wonder how she could ever overcome the trauma she suffered.
It doesn't matter either way. He'll either spend the rest of his life in jail being beaten for being a child rapist or the rest of his life in the loony bin so doped he won't know what day it is.
I know a child molester in my family tree. He was convicted but didn't get any time. I'm still wondering if it's not too late for justice to be served. The law protects the guilty more than the innocent sometimes. Hopefully, this guys lives in hell for the rest of his days.
Faking incompetence didn't work... Trial begins 8 years after Smart kidnapping 31 Oct.`10 Eight years after he's accused of slicing through a kitchen window screen with a knife and whisking away a young girl in the middle of the night, the man charged in the abduction of Elizabeth Smart is headed to trial in federal court.
Smart: He Wanted More Captives... Elizabeth Smart Tells Court Kidnapper Tried to Snatch Her Cousin Too Nov. 9, 2010 - Cable Used to Tie Smart to Tree, Knife, Shown to Jury See also: Smart testifies about life as a captive November 9, 2010 -- Elizabeth Smart on Tuesday offered a dramatic account of the end of what she described as her "nine months in hell," wrapping up her second day of testimony in the federal kidnapping trial of Brian David Mitchell.
Mitchell actin' like a nut... Elizabeth Smart Storms From Courtroom During Doctor's Testimony December 01, 2010 | Kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart stormed from a courtroom Wednesday as a psychiatrist testified that her alleged attacker had been motivated by a desire to have children and create a new race in an imaginary Zion.