These small bits are not enough to prove what type of plane they came from. Regarding that engine and the fragment of fuselaje with windows, they are only photograps. But the wreckage is not available to the public anyway. Only a few photos. I am not the author of this thread.
Makes sense that they'd have any cameras on the inside,at the enterances....Why would there be any more than maybe a few on the outside?
David Blaine is a magician/illusionist. I thought since we were posting conspiracy theories I would post mine. The towers are still there, so are the planes, its just an elaborate trick. Ive seen them hide buildings and planes before so this would be fairly easy for David Blaine to pull off.
I see this thread is turning into the typical PF cluster **** of random 9/11 topics thrown out and repeated over and over again without any regard for the thread topic... and that is why I hardly post here any more. Topic is that no planers are going to provide evidence of no planes. I'm still waiting.
The major NO-Planes evidence is the fact that the mainstream media has as yet not substantiated their claim that commercial airliners were hijacked & used as weapons. Where are the planes?
What?...what a stupid comment. Thousands of eyewitnesses on the ground...reporters on the ground....all saw the same thing. How is that not "substantiated"?
they sure as hell were standard poles, so now what you arent really going to try and tell us that tired line about breakway boxes are you? really? seriously? Because if you do since truthers have dug this crap up for you people more times than I can count, its your turn. bring up the data or be bombarded with 101 physics questions, your choice.
they did just the opposite, they claimed on air they have no clue who they got the tapes from, however chop 5 is in real trouble nose out
I have already done all that - Try calling your local airport and ask them about light poles. Remember you are so clever you did not realize how close the Pentagon was to Ronald Regan Airport. Or is it now the case you are so wrapped in your Mod Edit ~ Personal insult you forgot?
That's not evidence. That is conjecture and shifting the burden of proof. Your thread title clearly states that you will be providing evidence of no planes. So go ahead, provide evidence that no planes were used on 9/11. Come on. I don't mean to imply that the FBI is behind the bogus "no planes" story, only that those who were responsible for ensuring the success of the 9/11 attacks, no doubt, are. But I'm not saying that elements of the FBI, CIA, and/or NSA, etc aren't planting this bogus information either, just that there's little doubt that all US intelligence agencies are by now infiltrated with Zionist and Sayanim operatives. Only 12 years later did Tel Aviv concede that he was an Israeli spy the entire time he was stealing U.S. military secrets. That espionage—by a purported ally—damaged our national security more than any operation in U.S. history. .....yet hardly a peep from the Jewish ran media about THIS giant HOLE in our national security! (No friends, it's you "Bible thumpin' gun totin' x-tains" who they put on the list of potential terrorists! Think about THAT!) These Israel Firsters scour Wikipedia and alter articles to include pro-Israeli, pro Jewish propaganda, ie anything and everything according to their agenda. Frankly I believe that there are Zionists and other Jewish infiltrators as well as those who work in their behalf practically everywhere. How could they not be? They have no restrictions on their movements or limitations to the positions that they occupy. If Israeli "dual" citizens are not barred from holding the highest offices in the land then what would prevent them from seeking out any position whereby they could exercise power and influence in behalf of Jews only? Jews have a longstanding tradition of networking combined with a propensity to infiltrate in order to subvert. They do so every day as a matter of fact on TV, in movies, on the radio, in literature, and every other lines of communication or vehicle for advertising. Most of it however consists of a subtle form of political indoctrination and methods of distributing information selectively so as to influence and hold sway over public opinion. The evidence for this is manifest in our over-seas policy to promote Israeli imperialism and our domestic policy of no holds barred Balkanization via unrestricted immigration and the promotion of the "multicultural" agenda. Followed to it's logical conclusion, this race and culture mixing will not end with a "multicultural" society, rather it will result in the type of homogeneity which Marx envisioned for the "working stiffs", namely NO distinguishable CULTURE AT ALL, only the dull gray of a thoroughly blended Socialist society. The same SOCIO-POLITICAL faction which has promoted these demographic changes in the US also were chiefly responsible for 9/11. This is clear from the fact that since 9/11 freedoms have been lost, flagrant violations of the Constitution have been committed, and a national debt has been created to their banking systems headed by the Federal Reserve, whose interest can never be paid off. A peak into some of the governmental offices from which influence could have been exercised before, during, and after 9/11 reveals a host of Dual Israeli/US citizens who could have "pulled the strings" of a cover up. These people would like the subject of 9/11 "TRUTH" to simply die, EXCEPT for the aspect of it which is used to justify more and more encroachments upon civil liberties and greater Federalization of all State and Local government. The obvious reason for this move to centralize is that a centralized government is easily managed by a minority in power. These people have used the US as their mythological Golem to help bring the world closer to a global government. The ultimate objective of all this in Jewish eschatology is the coming of a "Mashianic" (Messianic) Age in which the Jews will rule the world from a central headquarters located in Jerusalem by a modern recreation of the Old Testament Sanhedrin. Without filling in all the details, the above should make it easy to see why the Zionists in the US working in tandem with Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, why it is imperative for them to quash all serious investigation into the event, and what their ultimate motives are for having done these things. The fact that the "Russian" (Jewish) mob is now operating within the boarders of the US and that this was made possible largely thanks to the work of Jonathon Pollard and other Israeli firsters masquerading as US citizens ought send chills down the spine of every honest American Patriot who would like to see US sovereignty remain intact.
Oh we get it now! You think these guys were landing at the pentagon international lawnstrip. yeh lawn international! LMAO calling names to distract us from those failed theories you keep posting from dablunder sites only serves to hilight how pathetic teh disinformalists have become! LOL Keep up the good work!